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March 21, 1900

DeLozier -- Mrs. Clarinda DeLozier, of Zollar, died at the home of her son Joseph DeLozier, Thursday morning, March 15th at the advanced age of 76. She was a modest sympathetic christian lady beloved by all who knew her. She was the mother of Asa DeLozier of Gist's Creek, and George L. DeLozier, of Boyd's Creek, who was twice elected sheriff of Sevier county. She was buried in the Ellejoy Cemetery the following day.

Ellis -- Dr. J. C. Ellis, of Trundle's X Roads, died at his home Thursday, March 15th, at 10:30 p.m., after a week's painful suffering from apoplexy. Dr. Ellis was a prominent physician and politician as well. Funeral services were conducted at the residence the following day.

Thurman -- Elizabeth, wife of J. A. Thurman, died Thursday morning March 15th. She had been unwell for some days but was not regarded as dangerous and her death came as a shock to her family and friends. She was a daughter of Rev. John Russell, and was born Jan. 22d, 1841. In early womanhood she married Wm. Allen, who volunteered on the Union side in the Civil War and died while in service. Unto them was born one son, W. C. Allen, our present Trustee. Later she married J. A. Thurman, unto them were born six children, five of whom survive her. She was interred in the family burying ground Friday. Funeral services by Rev. E. A. Holbert. She was a Christian lady, a devoted wife and indulgent mother. Her aged father, devoted husband and loving children have our sympathy in this sad bereavement.

Woody -- A boy was born to Frank Woody and wife Saturday morning. It appeared stout and healthy, but at four o'clock in the afternoon it died. It was buried in the Walnut Grove Cemetery, Sunday afternoon.

May 23, 1900

Hammer -- Lou, wife of M. M. Hammer, of Catlettsburg, died Thursday night, May 17th, at 11:45. Monday morning she was delivered of a girl babe and apparently did well until Monday night when she was taken with convulsions and never spoke again. She was a daughter of J. D. Davis, and was born May 3d, 1867. In early life, she professed religion and joined the Baptist Church, at Alder Branch, of which society she lived an honored and consecrated member until death. February 2d, 1897, she was married to her husband with whom she lived happily until her death. She was buried in the Trundle Cemetery, Friday evening, services by Rev. W. W. Pyott. A large crowd of sorrowing relatives and sympathyzing friends attended the funeral, and her grave was litterly covered with flowers, the tribute of kind and loving friends. Her heart broken husband, her tender babe, her aged father, her brothers and sisters have the sympathy of the entire community.

Sutton -- Betsey, wife of R. L. Sutton, of Walden, died Tuesday night, May 15th, at 10:00 o'clock. She had been unwell for a few days, but was not considered dangerous. Her husband ? Juror from his district and ????? the night with Rufus French, a former neighbor and could not be found. When the family came in from doing the chores Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Sutton was not to be found about the house, and searching for her was found out near the creek, dangerously ill and speechless. She was taken to the house and restoratives applied, but she gradually grew worse and died. She was near sixty years of age and was an estimable lady.

Tarwater -- A son of J. R. Tarwater, of New Knob Creek, died Tuesday, May 15th.

Nolen -- Polly, wife of Reed Nolen, of Emert's cove, died Tuesday evening, about sundown from fever. Amada, wife of Mark Nolen of Emert's cove, died this morning at 4 o'clock from fever. The Nolen boys are sons of Peter Nolen, and there in the same house lie their companions cold in death.

May 30, 1900

Williams -- James Williams, of Rainbow, died at his home Wednesday evening, May 23d, after a lingering illness. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and was a hightoned gentleman and a good citizen. He leaves a widow, five sons and one daughter, who will keenly feel the loss of a devoted husband and indulgent father. He was interred in a burying place on his own farm selected by himself Friday morning. Services by Rev. W. Thomas and G. W. Williams.

June 6, 1900

Mrs. Hattie A. Atchley, wife of A. C. Atchley, was born May 5th, 1863, and died April 13th, 1900. She was early brought to Christ by her Christian parents. Confessing Christ as her Savior at the early age of 13 years and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she was a faithful member till her death. September 9th, 188?, she was happily united in marriage to A. C. Atchley, and eight bright, beautiful children were born unto them, three of whom are professed christians, following in the footsteps of their loving, faithful mother. She was a dutiful child, a most devoted mother, a true conscientious friend, and above all a genuine, consistent Christian She lived her Christian profession in her home, every where and every day. She was the embodiment of unselfishness, never thinking of self, but always thinking of the need and happiness of other's burdens, and so fulfilling the law of love. She lived not for herself but, for others, her husband, her children, her friends, her Master and its Kingdom. It was the writers privilege to know her intimately, to enjoy her unfeigned friendship and love, to visit her home and partake of her kind, generous hospitality. She was so honest and sunny that her presence was always a benediction. When you stood in her presence you felt ???? Of one whose life reflected the light of Heaven, whose face shown with the peace and joy of Heaven, whose life was elevating and ennobling, one who was like her mother in life, character and spirit. It can be truthfully said that her life made other lives brighter, sweeter, better, nobler. Oh, blessed memory! "The righteous shall be held in everlasting remembrance." Hattie is enshrined in the memory of all who knew her, and although she is no longer with us in body, she will never be forgotten. Her memory will always be precious and sacred. Hattie has entered into the immediate presence of God, where there are pleasures for-ever-more. Death to her seems simply the opening of the gate into the eternal city, the opening of the door into the mansions prepared for God's children. While we mourn her loss, while we suffer intensely in mind, she is perfectly happy, because perfectly free from all that mars one's happiness and because she enjoys perfect, uninterrupted fellowship with God, Christ, Angels and all the redeemed gone before. Out loss if her eternal gain. She is "over there" waiting and watching for us. If we are faithful to our Master and Lord, Hattie will be one of the redeemed hosts of Heaven who will welcome us into the home of eternal day and happiness. There will be no dark valley when Jesus comes. There will be no dark valley when Jesus comes. There will be no dark valley when Jesus comes. There'll be no more sorrow when Jesus comes. There'll be no more sorrow when Jesus comes, But a precious morrow when Jesus comes. There'll be no more weaping when Jesus comes. There'll be no more weaping when Jesus comes, But a blessed reaping when Jesus comes. There'll be songs of greeting when Jesus comes. There'll be songs of greeting when Jesus comes, And a joyful meeting when Jesus comes. To gather his loved ones home. To gather his loved ones home. To gather his loved ones home, There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comes, To gather his loved ones home.

June 13, 1900

It pleased God to remove from our midst Sister Susan M. C. Atchley, who died April the 27, 1900. She was the fifth daughter of John Watson, and wife of Elder Robert Atchley, who passed her in the lane of life several years ago, to reap a good reward we hope. Sister Atchley was born in North Carolina, April 7, 18? And was married to Rev. Robert Atchley, September 5, 1870. She ? the Baptist church within very young and lived a worthy member until the Lord called her ? way from the toils and sufferings of this life to enter into that sweet rest in heaven we hope. She leaves four children, three daughters and one son to mourn their loss.

[Newspaper date not transcribed]

Widener -- Miss Nora, daughter of Wm. Widener of Boyd's Creek, died Sunday morning June 17, after a brief illness from consumption. She was near seventeen years of age and was deservedly popular.

Ferguson -- A babe was born to J. C. Ferguson and wife of Jay Ell Sunday morning June 17, and died about two hours after its birth.

Benson -- Wm. Benson of Pigeon Forge died Sunday, June 17, after a lingering illness. He was an orderly in the Second Tennessee Cavalry in the Civil War. He filled the position of justice of the peace. He was a carpenter by trade and a member of the Primitive Baptist Church.

Bettis -- Ellen, wife of J. L. Bettis died Saturday, June 16, after a lingering illness from consumption. She was a daughter of S. A. Sims, Esq. In early life she professed religion and joined the Baptist church and lived a consistent member until death. She was an obedient daughter, a devoted wife, and indulgent mother and a lady loved and esteemed by all who knew her. The bereaved husband and three children have the sympathy of the entire community in this sad bereavement.

Hatcher -- Sam V. Hatcher of Wears Valley died Sunday, June 17, after a lingering illness from catarrh of the head and consumption. He was interred in the family burying ground Monday, services by Rev. J. D. Lawson.

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