August 2, 1899
Line -- A fifteen months old child of W. M. Line of Boyd's Creek died Thursday, July ?
Carter -- Madison L. Carter of Walden, died at his home at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, July 29th. He was interred in the Walden's Creek cemetery in the afternoon. He leaves two sons and two daughters. His wife died only a few months ago.
Terry -- Mrs. Terry, an old and highly respected lady of Republican died July 25th after a lingering illness.
Dixon -- Miss Hattie, the oldest daughter of Wm. Dixon, of Harrisburg, died Monday night, July 31st, at 11:30. Miss Hattie was a noble young lady, loved and respected by all who knew her. She will be interred in the Redbank cemetery this morning. Funeral services by Revs. M. A. Rule and W. W. Pyott.
Fox -- Mrs. Rebeca Fox of Walden, died soon after noon Monday, and was buried in the cemetery nearby the following day. She was a little over 63 years of age, a member of the M. E. Church, and a lady highly esteemed and respected by all who knew her. She leaves five sons and one daughter, all of whom are grown.
Houk -- John Houk, of Eldee died? last Thursday, July 27th after a lingering illness.
Coleman -- Katie, wife of J. W. Coleman, died at 4 a.m., Thursday morning, July 27th, and was buried the following day.
August 23, 1899
Rector -- Mary Jane Rector who died at noon Tuesday Aug. 15, 1899 was about 63 years of age and was a native of North Carolina. In the prime of her young womanhood she married Geo. Clark with whom she lived happily until his death which occurred about 30 years ago. Unto them were born two sons and a daughter, Baxter, Joe and Ellen Clark. About twenty years ago she married M. C. Rector with whom she lived happily until her death. Unto them was born four children, three daughters who survive and a son who died in infancy. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and had been for 25 years. She bore her afflictions with a christian patience and forebearance that was an inspiration to all who saw her, ever expressing a resignation to the will of Him Who doeth all things well a readiness to die if it was His will. She was laid to rest in the McCarter cemetery Wednesday August 16, services by Rev. M. W. McCarter. Her aged husband and her loving children have our sympathy in this dark hour of sad bereavement. May husband and children so live that the family may at last be reunited.
September 6, 1899
Lindsey -- Joel Lindsey aged about 64 years, after a lingering illness with Typhoid fever, departed this life Aug. 25, 1899, on the following day funeral services were held at Evan's Chapel by Revs. G. B. Whaley and Wm. Seay. A vast crowd turned out to pay the last sad tribute of respect to him showing the esteem in which he was held by all. He leaves no son or daughter yet we all delight to call him Uncle Joel. Our loved one has passed from us. But there is relief. We remember with joy his faith in the son of God. He was no sectarian. He religion was as broad as the religion of Christ. He was a simple Christian, and wholly in fellowship with all pure spirits. He loved to talk of rest, now he has it. The patient soul which groaned under the burden of the suffering flesh is now in a world without pain.
Stuart -- Mrs. G. Mc. Stuart of Parrottsville died Sunday morning, Sept. 3, after an illness of about one month. She was considered better but took suddenly ill Saturday night and died next morning. She was the mother of Mrs. J. R. Penland of this place. Mrs. Penland was almost prostrated over the sad news, this being the first death in their family. Upon hearing the news Mr. Penland and family left at once for the Stuart home to attend the funeral. The many friends of Mrs. Penland and her estimable family in this county deeply sympathize with her in this sudden and sad bereavement.
Floyd -- Leona, wife of Robert Floyd, Jr., of Middle Creek, died Sunday, August 20 after a lingering illness and was buried in the Middle Creek Cemetery the following day, services by J. F. Stott.
Monroe -- Norma Belle Monroe, a little girl fourteen days less than twelve months of age who has made her home with Mrs. W. H. Bowers died Friday morning Sept. 1 and interred in the Middle Creek Cemetery by the side of its mother who was placed there in January.
September 20, 1899
Christopher -- Laura, the little eleven month old girl of John Christopher died at their residence on New Street Monday morning. Funeral services at 1 p.m. by Rev. W. W. Pyott, after which the remains were taken to Alder Branch Cemetery for interment.
Newton -- An infant son of W. T. Newton of Knoxville died last week at the age of eleven weeks.
Blalock -- a five weeks old child of S. A. Blalock of Jayell died Sept. 7.
September 27, 1899
Archer -- Elizabeth, wife of J. L. Archer, of Republican, died Thursday Sept. 21. She was a daughter of the late Absalom Allen and a member of the Baptist church at Jones' Chapel. She was born April 10, 1837. May 7, 1859 she was married to Mr. Archer, with whom she lived happily until her death. She was laid to rest in the family cemetery, services by Rev. John Russell.
October 18, 1899
Hooper -- Dr. L. W. Hooper of Newport died quite suddenly at 2:15 a.m. Saturday Oct. 7. He was an eminent physician and a useful citizen. His wife and son have our sympathy in this sad bereavement.
Gass -- Frank Gass, little son of Wade Gass, died Tuesday night Oct. 10 at 9 o'clock and was interred in the Shiloh Cemetery Thursday morning services by Rev. W. W. Pyott.
Rogers -- Jennie Rogers of Cusick died Friday night Oct. 6. She was the only daughter of the late J. A. Pickens and was a highly accomplished and very popular lady.
McCarter. A little child of Mitchell McCarter of Catlettsburg, died Wednesday night Oct. 11.
Agee. Dr. J. H. Agee, a prominent and influential citizen of Campbell county, died Sunday, Oct. 8th, in his 73d year.
November 1, 1899
Pearl Thurman, who was wounded in the melee Oct. 13th, died at 2 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 26th, and was buried in the Eden cemetery the following day. The spacious church was filled to overflowing with sympathizing friends of the family. Rev. M. A. Rule read a scripture lesson from the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians and offered a fervent prayer, asking that this sad scene redown to the good of the community. Rev. W. W. Pyott in his preliminary remarks state that his responsibility was to the living, and that every obligation to the young man now dead had been met, and he stood before his audience with a consciousness of duty performed. He looked back with sorrow on the past two awful weeks and if there was a single obligation to Pearl Thurman neglected, he failed to recall it. He was at his side within five minutes after he was shot, procuring for him a comfort and a pillow while he lay upon the ground, assisted to remove him to the Masonic building, helped wash the blood from his wounds and assisted in removing him to the hotel, where he could have a good room and attention. For eight nights he watched at his bedside without undressing. He said he did not say this in a boasting spirit, he had done nothing more than his duty. He took for his text the ninth verse of the one hundred and nineteenth Psalm: "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word." He spoke at length in an eloquent and impressive vein upon the evil of disobeying the laws of our parents, the laws of our country and the laws of God. He said often a young man decides that he must have his own way regardless of the wishes of his parents. Even wicked parents, generally given their children good advice. Asking Pleas Wynn just before he went upon the scaffold if he had any message to the people? He received the answer: "Tell the boys to be obedient to their parents." Could Pearl Thurman speak to this audience, he would not tell you that he had obeyed the instructions of his christian mother and his upright father. The young man who is in the habit of getting drunk, can only cleanse his way by touching not, tasting not, handling not the unclean thing. He spoke feelingly of the terror of evil habits, then turning his thoughts to the goodness of God, he pointed out the way of escape. He closed with a recount of his experience with the deceased since he received the fatal wounds and firmly believed that he had sought and found peace with a merciful God. The beautiful casket was covered with lovely flowers brought by loving friends. P. T. Haggard, who had been with him a great deal during his sickness and who furnished the casket, superintended the funeral. The remains were viewed by the throng. It was a sad funeral and should teach all young men to keep clear of bad company.