January 11, 1899
Callie Webb, of Rainbow, died Wednesday night January 4th, and was buried in the Thomas cemetery Friday morning. She was a daughter of Perry Webb, was postmaster at Rainbow and was deservedly popular with all who knew her. The family have our sympathy in their sad bereavement.
January 18, 1899
G. W. M. Nichols, of this place died at his residence on East Main Street, Monday night, Jan. 16th, near nine o'clock. He had been sick only about ten days. His suffering was intense. His family, the family physician and many kind friends did all in their power to alleviate his sufferings and save his life, but to no avail. The deceased was raised on a farm three miles southeast of Sevierville. In early life he professed religion and joined the M. E. Church, South, of which he was a consistent and devoted member until his death. He married Mary Catlett, daughter of the late Henry Catlett. Their union was a happy one, seven children survive him. Mr. Nichols was a tinner by trade and was recognized by all who knew him as a very honest contractor. He always evinced?? a deep interest in public affairs and always took a positive position. His influence was always exerted for what he believed to be the best interest of christianity, good morals, and good government. His place will be badly missed. The wife has lost a loving husband, the children an indulgent father, the aged mother a dutiful son, and the brothers and sister a brother truly beloved, the church has lost one of its most faithful attendants and staunch supporters, and our town and county a good citizen. He was born July 9, 1847, and was at the time of his death fifty-one years, six months and seven days old. He will be buried in the Shiloh cemetery today (Wednesday Jan. 18) funeral services by Revs. W. W. Pyott and M. A. Rule.
Cynthia Mitchell, wife of W. P. Mitchell, of Knoxville, died Thursday night, Jan 12, at 10:30, from spinal meningitis, having been sick only twenty-four hours. Mrs. Mitchell was a native of Kentucky and was married to her husband in the spring of 1890. She and her husband lived happily together until the time of her death. Funeral services were conducted Saturday morning at the Broad Street M.E. church, South, after which she was interred in the Woodlawn Cemetery south of the river. The many friends of Mr. Mitchell in Sevier County deeply sympathize with him in this sad bereavement.
Margaret Wade, wife of Hon. J. J. Wade, of Boyd's Creek, died Sunday night Jan. 16 after a lingering illness from cancer. She bore her affliction with the patience becoming a Christian She leaves a husband and six children who have the sympathy of the entire community.
January 25, 1899
Mary Coleman, daughter of Nan Coleman, died at 4 p.m. Thursday, January 19, from spinal meningitis. Deceased was about 15 years of age and was a very popular young lady. She was interred in the colored cemetery the following day with appropriate ceremonies.
February 1, 1899
Obituary. By request and by reason of a long acquaintance, and personal friendship, the undersigned friend pays this last tribute of respect to the memory of Jesse Stafford, deceased. Jesse Stafford was born July 25th, 1818, and died January 20th, 1899, at the age of eighty years, five months, and 25 days. He was left an orphan when but a child, with little or no means of this world and with no one to care for him, the county court of Sevier County, Tenn., bound him to John Howard, an honored citizen. He labored on the farm and grew up to be an industrious and good citizen. At about the age of 20 years, Mr. Stafford was married to Elizabeth Thurman. They went to housekeeping with little to help them start in life, but by industry economy in a good long life, they acquired a good living and gave in their lifetime a good start to each of their eight married children. They had born to them thirteen children, three of whom died while in childhood, and ten were raised to years of maturity, four boys and six girls. Mr. Stafford lived to see buried all of his boys, and his wife, who died eight years ago, and he left five daughters to survive him. His wife, a helpmeet in deed, was industrious and economical, and while he looked well to the farm or other relations of life, she cared for the household affairs. Some time after the death of his wife, he was again married to Mrs. Virginia Layman, with whom he lived until his death. Mr. Stafford was a member of long standing in the Baptist church. He lived the life of a Christian and honored the church of his choice. He was lead by a conscience that made him "Do unto others as he would have others do unto him." He was buried in the family graveyard near Walnut Grove church. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Russell, a life long friend, who by reason of age will soon follow his deceased brother. The deceased had a reputation for honesty, an excellent character, and was a man of fine natural sense; and while his education was limited, he had good business qualifications. Mr. Stafford served the people of Sevier County as deputy sheriff, Trustee and Justice of the Peace, all of these trusts he filled with satisfaction to the county and honor to himself. He tried to live up to the Proverb: "Owe no man anything," and was always very punctual in paying his debts.
John Jackson Penland. "Jack" Pendland, as he was familiarly and widely known throughout this community, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sarah O'Dell, at Bridgeport, Friday, January 12, after a lingering illness of two weeks with lagrippe. Mr. Penland was born near Asheville, N.C. on December 20, 1814, and at the age of 19 his father moved to this county settling on Big Creek and brought his son with him, bother, father and son spending the remainder of their days in the sections where they originally located. To the occupations of blacksmithing and farming Mr. Penland divided his time, and his skill and ability in each of his occupations was favorably known the country around. His blacksmithing he abandoned a number of years ago, but his garden and fields received his constant care up to the time of his death, his vitality being somewhat remarkable, and retaining with but little diminution all the fire and vigor of his youth. On January 20th, 1846, he was united to Miss Nellie Justus, a daughter of the late Reuben and Mary Justus, and to them fourteen children were born, all of whom reached maturity and all but two of whom survive his death. On Wednesday before Christmas he started from his home afoot to spend Christmas with his son, W. H. Penland, at this place; stopping over night with his daughter, Mrs. Sarah O'Dell, at Bridgeport, and next morning was taken sick and unable to travel. Medical attention and careful attention was ministered to him, but to no effect, and he expired Friday, January 13th, in the 86th year of his age, his burial occurring in the Del Rio burying ground, Rev. George W. Coleman, of Newport performing the last sad rites. The deceased leaves a widow and twelve children to mourn his loss. His children are W. H. And A. W. Penland, of this place, J. R. Penland and Mrs. Eunice Trotter, of Sevierville, R. T. Penland, of Sheridan, Oregon, Mrs. Sarah O'Dell and Mrs. Alice Draper of Bridgeport, Mrs. Julia O'Dell, of Del Rio, and Misses Jan, Victoria and Dora Penland.
February 8, 1899
Margaret Compton an old and highly respected lady of the 16th district, died Tuesday January 31, and was buried in the Shiloh cemetery, Thursday February 2nd, funeral services by Rev. Caleb Rule. She was a member of the Baptist church and was near 100 years old.
Ella May, the little daughter of John H. and Delia Huff of Jones' Cove, died in Knoxville, Saturday evening, February 4. She was about 18 months old. She was brought back to Jones' Cove for burial.
April 12, 1899
Benajah Proffit, of Ogle's X Roads, died Saturday evening, April 8th, after a brief illness from pneumonia. His physician gave him an opiate and he quietly went to sleep and never waked. He was about 57 years of age, was a member of the Baptist Church and was an exemplary citizen. He leaves a widow, five sons and three daughters who have our sympathy in this hour of sorrow and bereavement. He was buried in the Proffitt Cemetery Sunday evening, services by Rev. J. W. Trentham.
John Lowman, of Henry's X Roads, died Sunday night April 2nd, after an illness of three weeks. He was about 70 years of age and was a highly respected citizen. He was buried the following day, services by Rev. W. W. Pyott.
February 15, 1899
Jay Ell Death. The death angel has visited our community once more and has taken away Malinda J. Roberts, wife of D. B. Roberts, on the night of February 4th, at 12 o'clock. She was buried at Roberts' School House cemetery February 6th. Services were conducted by Brother E. M. Wynn, who spoke relative to her past life, of being a good Christian and a good mother. Brother Wynn impressed the thought on the children's minds of being ready to meet her in heaven. She was born October 3rd, 1855, was married to her husband D. B. Roberts, April 23rd, 1874. Unto them were born ten children, three of whom preceded her to heaven. She was a daughter of James and Asa Emert, of Bird Creek. She has gone to meet her children and to be forever at rest. She professed faith in Christ when about 14 years of age, around the father and mother's hearthstone, and joined the M. E. Church at Caton's Chapel and lived a faithful Christian until death. Calling all her children to her bedside, she talked to them quite a while, telling them to meet her in heaven, that she was going there to rest forever, where there is no death, sin nor pain. May God bless the dear children and husband of the deceased.
Death of Miss Kate Trotter, daughter of H. B. Trotter of May Spring, died suddenly Tuesday morning February 7th. She had been unwell quite a while, but was not considered in danger of immediate death. She was about 16 years of age and deservedly popular and highly esteemed by all who knew her. The family have our sincere sympathy in this sad bereavement.
March 8, 1899
Ownby -- John B. Ownby, of Brier, died Saturday morning after a brief illness. He was abut 65 years old and a highly respected citizen.
Parton -- Lucinda, the youngest daughter of W. A. Parton, died at their residence 815½ Grand avenue, Knoxville, Friday, March 3rd. She was about 20 years of age and was well known and highly respected in and around Sevierville where she had grown up and attended school and church. The family moved to Knoxville last December. In January she was seized with meningitis and for nine long weeks the anxious family and sympathizing friends watched her beside day and night hoping that she might survive the dreaded disease, but each fond hope was followed by grim despair as each appearance of getting better was succeeded by symptoms of growing worse. While the end was not unexpected it came with a crash to her many friends in this vicinity who hoped that having survived so long she would ultimately recover. The many friends of Mr. Parton and his wife and surviving daughter throughout this county will deeply sympathize with them in their sad bereavement. The family and friends arrived in Sevierville Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock and were entertained at the hospitable home of J. D. Bowers. During the evening many of the schoolmates of the deceased and friends of the family called and took a sad look at one who ? Three months ago the very picture of health. Monday morning the remains were taken to the M. E. Church, which was filled with sympathizing friends. Both schools turned out enmasse to pay the last tribute of respect to their schoolmates and students. Services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Pyott, who read the 15th chapter of Corinthians and offered a fervent prayer for the family and young acquaintances of the deceased, after which he made a few remarks upon the beauty of the Christian character and the happiness of the resurrection of the righteous. Brother E. M. Wynn spoke a few words concerning the life and character of the deceased and exhorted the young people who had been the schoolmates and acquaintances of the deceased to imitate her virtues and meet her in heaven. Prof. Craig spoke briefly of her work as a student, as a member of the Sunday school, of the Epworth League. In all her work she was diligent, honest and faithful and never shirked a task that was assigned her or a duty she was asked to perform. He felt that the entire school had been bettered by her example. She was taken to the Shiloh Cemetery and interred.
Birdett -- Nancy Birdett, mother-in-law of Rev. John B. Walker, of New Knob Creek, died Sunday morning. She was 86 years old last October and had been a remarkably stout woman. She was sick only a few days. She had been a member of the Baptist church over 60 years and was esteemed by all who knew her as a high toned Christian lady. She was laid to rest in the Shiloh cemetery Monday with appropriate ceremonies.
March 29, 1899
Pink M. Patterson, aged about 17, died at the Patterson residence on West Main street, Sunday morning, at 2 o'clock, after a lingering illness from consumption. He was interred Monday evening in the Alder Branch cemetery, services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Pyott.
Mira Murphy, wife of W. D. Murphy, of East Fork, died at their residence Wednesday morning, March 22. She had been quite unwell for some time and death was not unexpected. She was buried the following day in the Bethel cemetery with appropriate ceremonies. She was a devoted member of the Baptist church and highly esteemed by all who knew her.
John Sarrett, formerly of the county, died in Atlanta, last week from pneumonia. He was a prescription clerk of one of the leading drug stores of that city.