March 16, 1898
The friends of Hon. J. A. Householder sympathize with him in the loss of his sweet little babe which died last week of meningitis.
Friday evening, March the 11th, the wife of John Large, in the vicinity of New Era, was suffering excruciating pains and the family physician was called for. Mrs. Large died in an hour upon the arrival of the physician. She was laid to rest in the Shiloh cemetery with appropriate ceremonies, Sunday evening.
Frederick Jackson Shults was born Feb. 15, 1813. Professing religion at the age of 13, he joined the M. E. Church and lived a consistent member of the same until his death, which occurred Sunday night March 13, 1898. The bereaved widow with whom he has lived happily for 65 years and the fond children he has raised, have our sympathy in the trying ordeal. He was interred in the Pigeon Forge Cemetery, Monday evening in the presence of a large crowd of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends, funeral services by Rev. M. A. Rule. Brother Rule spoke quite feelingly of the life and character of the deceased and especially of his devotion to his church and his family.
March 30, 1898
Dan Layman of Pigeon Forge, died Friday, March 25, after an illness of eleven days. He was seized with fever Monday night, March 14, and Dr. S. W. Flanagin, the family physician was called in. As soon as he arrived Dr. Flanagin saw that the disease was aggravated by several complications and told the family that recovery was exceedingly doubtful, and if they wanted to call another physician to do so. The doctor and family did all they could to alleviate his sufferings, but death was his only relief. Mr. Layman was near 47 years of age, a high-toned christian gentleman, an industrious, honest citizen, an obliging neighbor, a loving husband and indulgent father. He was laid to rest in the Pigeon Forge Cemetery Saturday, March 26, funeral services under the auspices of Pigeon Forge Lodge No. 70 I.O.O.F., of which he was an honored member. He leaves a widow and a daughter near fifteen years old and one son who is grown and married. He will be missed from his happy home, from his busy community, from his lodge and the church and the Sunday School. The bereaved family and sorrowing friends have our sincerest sympathy.
Mrs. G. W. Caton, of Sutton, died at her home on Upper Cosby, last Sunday afternoon at 4:25 after an illness of several months, leaving a loving husband and five children to mourn her loss.
Job (Bud) Wardell of the Ninth district, died Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, and was buried at Boyd's Creek Cemetery Monday. He had been afflicted for two years with consumption, was a consistent member of the Baptist Church and an exemplary young man.
April 27, 1898
John Walker. Mr. John Walker, of Fair Garden, died about 5 o'clock Friday morning, April 22d, 1898. He had been suffering for some time from consumption and his death was not unexpected. He was a successful business man and succeeded in amassing a considerable fortune. He was the father of a large family, leaving a widow and nine children, who keenly feel the loss of a loving husband and an indulgent father. He was buried Saturday, at 10 a.m. in the Fair Garden cemetery, under the auspices of Mountain Star Lodge No 197, F. & A.M. He was a frank, honest man who never tried to deceive his fellow man.
Mrs. Dr. J. H. DeLozier. Saturday night, April 23d, 1898, the death angel visited the home of Dr. J. H. DeLozier, of Cosby, and took from the scenes of action the wife and mother. She had eaten her breakfast in the morning and was apparently in the best of health. In the afternoon she was seized with apoplexy and at eleven o'clock died. Mrs. Delozier was a model woman, kind to all she met. She leaves a husband and two small children who mourn for wife and mother, nearest, dearest and best friend. She was laid to rest Monday in Post Oak cemetery where a large concourse of relatives and friends paid her their last sad tribute of respect. Dr. Delozier and his children have our sympathy in this their sad affliction.
C. W. McMahan left Monday night for the bedside of his brother, R. H. McMahan, who is suffering from lead poison at Carthage, Missouri, and is not expected to recover. Later. -- Mr. McMahan died on last Monday.
Fornie McMahan, Dead. Mrs. D. C. McMahan, of Catlettsburg, died Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, after an illness of over a week. She gave birth to a babe last week which died soon after its birth. Kind friends and the family did all in their power to restore her to health, but all in vain. Mrs. McMahan was a loving wife and an indulgent mother, a kind neighbor and a devoted Christian. The funeral will take place today (Wednesday) at the Alder Branch cemetery. Mr. McMahan and his children have the sympathy of the community.
May 25, 1898
David Crockett McMahan was born Jan. 25th, 1859. He was married to M.C.C. Howard Sept. 13, 1877, unto them were born nine children, Ollie, Dixie, James, Ethel, Leona, Jennie, Willie, Julia and Katie Cleo, all of whom except the last still live. Their union was a happy one and their home was pleasant to visit. Providence seemed to smile upon them and they had only recently purchased the beautiful farm upon which they died. April 18, Mrs. McMahan gave birth to a baby which lived one day and died, she suffered intensely until April 26, when the death angel called and took her home. Mr. McMahan waited upon her incessantly day and night. Saturday, April 30th, he was feeling exhausted and was suffering intensely with a pain in his right arm. He asked the attending physician to give him something to give him relief at once, the doctor made an injection in the front part of the arm just above the elbow, from which blood poison set in. His arm swelled to unusual portions and he suffered intensely -- many times he was thought to be near death's door, while at other times he would rally and his friends would have hopes of his recovery, but Saturday, May 21, at 12:45 p.m., death claimed him as her own. His mother, Leah McMahan, of Richison Cove, was with him at the time of death, as well as through most of his sickness. He has four brothers who survive him, T.D.W. McMahan, of Middle Creek, John M. McMahan, Pigeon Forge, Robert A. and Horace M. McMahan, Richison Cove. He was a devoted husband, an indulgent father, and an obliging neighbor, a consistent member of the church and a useful citizen. He was laid to rest in the Alder Branch Cemetery, Sunday, by the side of his loving wife who had preceded him scarcely a month. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. A. Rule, and were attended by a vast concourse of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends. The bereaved children have our profound sympathy.
Adolphis Brewer, of Henderson's Springs, died Saturday night, after an illness of four days. The interment was made at Shiloh Cemetery, Sunday Evening.
June 1, 1898
Mac Clabough, of Pigeon Forge died, Thursday, May 26th, after a lingering illness from dropsy. He was buried in the Middle Creek cemetery Friday. Funeral services by Rev. M. A. Rule. Mr. Clabough was a quiet unassuming citizen.
June 8, 1898
An old land mark gone. Elijah Henderson Passes Away at a Ripe Old Age Tuesday afternoon, June 2nd, at 2 o'clock, the news passed from house to house in the quiet village of Henderson's Springs, that Elijah Henderson, the oldest and one of the most highly respected citizens of that community, had yielded to the inevitable and gone to a better land than this. Mr. Henderson was past his three score-and-ten and had been an invalid for several years. For a few weeks past he has been quite ill and his death was not unexpected. He leaves a widow, two daughters and four sons, all of whom were at his funeral except Mrs. G. B. Sharp, of Rockford, who has the fever, and Samual Henderson who was watching at the bedside of a dying wife. He was laid to rest Friday morning in the Shiloh cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Revs. J. B. Seaton and M.A. Rule. Brother Seaton spoke quite feelingly of the life and character of the deceased and of when they and others were boys together attending church and burials at that same place in boyhood's happy days. He asked inquiringly how many of us are here today. A look at the faces of the audience told that less than a dozen of the playmates of his boyhood were present. Mr. Henderson was not a member of any church, but was always a moral, upright citizen. Some years ago he made a profession of religion and thence forward lived an exemplary life and seemed at all times entirely designed to the will of Him who doeth all things well. His life was that of a model gentleman, he attended strictly to his own business and had not an unkind word for any. To his neighbors he was always kind and obliging, no deserving case of charity was ever turned empty handed from his door. He was the youngest of a large family, all of whom, except one sister, Mrs. Martha Swann, of Dandridge, have preceded him to eternity. His widow, his children and grand children have our sympathy in this sore affliction.
Sallie Henderson, wife of Sam Henderson, of Henderson's Springs, died Saturday evening, June 4th, 1898, after a lingering illness from consumption. She was a daughter of A. A. Runyan, Esq. She was a member of the Baptist Church, was a loving wife and mother, a kind and obliging neighbor and a [illegible]. She was laid to rest in the Shiloh cemetery Sunday afternoon with appropriate services by Rev. J. F. Hale, Rev. J. B. Seaton and J. M. Parsons. The interment was attended by a vast crowd of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends. Her aged father and mother, her bereaved husband, her three brothers and her two surviving sisters have our sincerest sympathy in this sad bereavement. Sallie was an obedient daughter, a kind sister, a devoted wife and a loving mother. May her loved ones all meet her in the better land is our wish.
Elbert S. Thompson, an old and highly respected citizen of this county, but lately of Arkansas, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Rogers, of Henderson's Springs, Monday, June 6th, about noon. Mr. Thompson had been quite unwell for some time and death was not at all unexpected. His daughter and his wife together with the attending physician and several kind friends did all in their power to alleviate his suffering, but death was his only relief. He was a good citizen, a loving husband, an indulgent father and a devoted Christian. His loved ones who were near him to the end together with those in the state west of us, have our sympathy in this, their sad bereavement. He was buried in the Shiloh cemetery Tuesday morning.
Margarett Franklin, wife of Rev. N. W. Franklin, of Banner, died Sunday morning, June 5th, 1898, at 12:10, after an illness of three weeks, and was buried the afternoon of the same day in the Maples' cemetery, funeral services by Rev. J. N. Clabaugh. She leaves a husband and five children who deeply feel the loss which can never by repaired.
Mrs. Anna Benson of Grapeton, died Friday evening, June 3d, 1898, at 4 o'clock after a lingering illness. She had been afflicted for more than four years, but bore her affliction with a Christian forbearance which showed her meek and lovely disposition. She was laid to rest Saturday afternoon in the Laurel Grove cemetery, funeral services by Rev. J. A. Baker and J. M. Parsons. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved children and friends.
Mattie Lane, wife of Sanford Lane, of Knoxville, died last week and was brought back to her home in the eleventh district, this county, for burial. She was a daughter of Mrs. R. R. Reagan, of Trentville, by a former husband.
A little daughter of Sam Hendersons, of Henderson's Springs aged one week, died Monday night.
June 29, 1898
Myrtle Trotter. The striking declaration "that in the midst of life we are in death," was forcibly illustrated last week. Myrtle Trotter, daughter of D. W. Trotter, owner of the the Trotter Telephone Co., the operator at Trotter's, the very picture of health, was seized Friday, June 17th with congestion of the stomach, from which she suffered intensely until Tuesday, June 21st, when she died. She was a little past 21 years of age having been born April 16, 1877. She was laid to rest in the Clark cemetery, five miles north east of Maryville the following day. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.A. Ruble, Rev. W. A. Catlett and Rev. Mr. Baize. A vast crowd turned out to pay the last sad tribute of respect to her, showing the admiration and esteem in which she was held by all who knew her. Mr. Trotter and his family have our sincere sympathy in this sad and unexpected bereavement.
Stella Springs Moore. The little daughter of Gideon and Ida Moore died at the residence of her grandfather, Jno. J. Emerit, Friday night, June 24, 1898, at the age of two and a half months. She was laid to rest in the Cate cemetery near Henry's Cross Roads, Saturday afternoon. Funeral services by Rev. M. A. Rule. The young parents have our sincere sympathy in this sad affliction which can be fully appreciated only by one having undergone a similar affliction.
Mrs. J. C. Nichols of Mossey Creek, died Saturday, June 11th, after an illness of some months from tuberculosis of the stomach. She leaves five children ranging in age from 14 years to 9 months. Her husband who is a brother of our townsman, G. W. M. Nichols, has the sympathy of many friends in and around Sevierville.