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1927 -- Transcribed by Patsy Galyon Bradford

Jan 15, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sat before the 3 Sun in Jan 1927 & was called to order by the mod then preaching by the mod then the church was announced in order for business.
1st minutes of the previous meeting was read & approved.
2nd opportunity for membership & received none.
Then called for old & new business motion was made & seconded to grant Mr. Sidney Knight and Mrs. Reva Bales their letter then adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod L. J. Moore clerk

Jan 16, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday Jan 16, 1927 & was called to order by the moderator then preaching by the moderator.
Then an offering was taken to get money to pay for the heating stove the offering was $26.13.
Rev. J. L. Helton L. J. Moore Clerk

Feb 19, 1927 Zion Hill Baptist Church met Saturday before the third Sunday in Feb 1927 & was called to order by the mod then preaching by the mod then adjourned.
J. L. Helton Mod, L. J. Moore, clk

The Zion Hill Baptist Church met the third Sunday in February & was called to order by the mod then declared the church in order for business.
1 the minutes of the previous meetings was read it approved.
2 then an opportunity for membership and non [sic] applied.
3 call for new & old business.
4 collection was taken to finish paying for the heating stove (balance due $6.95).
Then preaching by the mod then adjourned.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod L. J. Moore clerk

March 19, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Saturday before the third Sunday in March 1927 was called to order by the moderator then preaching by the mod then adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
The Zion Hill Baptist church met the third Sunday in March 1927 was called to order by the mod the church was announced in order for business.
1st minutes of the previous meetings was read & approved 2 call for unfinished & new business non [sic] then called for membership none applied then preaching by the mod then adjourned.
Rev. J. L Helton mod L. J. Moore, clerk

Apr 17, 1927 Zion Hill Baptist Church met Saturday before the third Sunday in Apr 1927 & was called to order by the mod then preaching by the mod. The church was announced in order for business.
1st the minutes of the previous meeting was read & approved
2nd opportunity for membership & received none then adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
Rev. Jepp Helton, mod. L. J. Moore C. C.

May 14,1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met the second Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May 1927 & was called to order by mod. Then preaching by the mod. Then the church was announced in order for business.
1st record of the previous meetings was read & approved.
2nd opportunity for membership & received none then called for unfinished business none then adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
Rev. J. Helton, mod. L. J. Moore C. C.

May 15, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met the 3 Sunday in May and was called to order by the mod then preaching by the mod then a letter of recommendation was granted to sister Wan Spence then adjourned.
Rev. J. L. Helton, mod L. J. Moore clerk

July 17, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met July the 17, 1927 and was called to order by the moderator then preaching by the mod then the church was announced in order for business.
call for membership non [sic] applied.
Call for unfinished none new Business none then adjourned to meet Sunday night to begin the Revival meeting.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod L. J. Moore Clerk

July 27, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Churhc met July 27, 1927 and was called to order by the moderator after ten days revival meeting Brother Blair doing the preaching 8 members being added to the church by baptism, names as follows: Myrtle McCully, Lucy McCully, Loas Teague, Willie Teague, Reva Cutshaw, Johnnie Ballard, Laura Justice, Titia Bales
Then the pastor appointed a committee to see after the delinguished [sic] members lst the entire church body was appointed and a committee of three A. J. Stoner and Scott Galyon and Mauford Galyon
then a committee was appointed to oversee the fixing of the church ground names of the committee: Nelson Cutshaw, W. R. Conner, Fowler Knight then adjourned
J. L. Helton mod L. J. Moore clerk

Sat. Aug. 20, 1927 The Zion Baptist Church met Sat. Aug 20, 1927 and was called to order by the moderator. After sermon by the moderator the church was announced in order for business.
1st an opportunity for membership was given and none applied. The committee on improving the church grounds reported they had done nothing yet and they were carried over for another month.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod Oscar Shelley Clerk protem

Sun Aug 21, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday Aug. 21, 1927 and was called to order by the moderator Business as follows: (Nothing listed)

Sun. Sept. 18, 1927 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sept. 18, 1927 and was called to order by moderator.
1st business as follows, committee on deliquent members reported and was carried over, [transcription ends]

Sept 25, 1927, the Zion Hill Baptist Sunday School reorganized Superintendent: John F. Ingle, asst. W. R. Conner, Secretary, James Teague, Choister [sic], W. M. Teague, asst Ernest Conner & Roy Ingle Treasury, Seaney Cutshaw assistant, May Stoner a collection was taken for Minutes and recurred [sic] $2.20.

Saturday, Oct 15, 1927 Zion Hill Baptist Church met the third Saturday in Oct. 1927 after sermon by the moderator the church was announced in order for business.
1st an opportunity for membership was given & received none then adjourned to meet the following day.
Rev. Blair, mod W. R. Conner C Clerk

Sunday Oct 16, 1927 Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday Oct 16, 1927 After sermon the minutes of the previous meetings not being present, then adjourned to meet the third Saturday in November
J. H. Blair, Pastor, W. R. Conner, CC

Zion Hill Baptist Church met the 19 of Nov. 1927 after sermon by the pastor the church was called in order for business.
1 an opportunity for membership & received Frances Ogle by letter.
2 the committee on the church ground reported & was released.
3 Sister Julia Chandler was granted a letter of dismission.
4 Joe Moore was granted a letter of dismission.
5 the church was ordered to writed a letter of dismission for Hubert Johnson
6 the church restored J. C. Johnson & granted him a letter of dismission then adjourned to meet the following day
Rev. J. H. Blair, mod W. R. Conner, CC

The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday the 20 of November 1927 Sermon by the Pastor then adjourned to meet the third Saturday in December
Rev. J. H. Blair, Pastor W. R. Conner, CC

The Zion Hill Baptist church met the third Saturday in Dec. 1927 sermon by the pastor, then the church was announced in order for business.
1st Give an opportunity for membership and received none.
2nd Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved.
3rd Bonnie Johnson was given a letter of dismission.
4th a motion and it sustaining to make a mission offering once every month.
Then adjourned to meet Saturday night Dec. 17, 1927.
Rev. J. H. Blair, Pastor W. R. Conner, CC
Met Saturday night Sermon by the pastor then adjourned to meet Sunday

Met Sunday Dec 18, 1927 First a mission offering was taken and received $2.02 & with the Sunday School collection of $4.50 was sent to the Orphan Home.
then preaching by the pastor after which then church observed the Lord’s Supper sung a hymn and went our [sic] to meet Sunday night.
Met Sunday night sermon by the pastor then was dismissed to meet Saturday before the third Sunday in January, 1928.
Rev. J. H. Blair, Pastor W. R. Conner, CC.

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