1923 -- Transcribed by Patsy Galyon Bradford
Zion Hill Bapt Church met second Sat before second Sun in Jan 1923.
1 sermon by the moderator.
2 minutes of the last meeting was read & approved.
Motion & sustained to erase James Shelly Sidney Knight name from the church book from their own evidence that they had never been converted motion & second to drop sis Bell Greens name from church book, she was under the watch care of church, dropped for nonperforming duty motion & sustained to prefer a charge against bro James Lewis, E F Lewis, Oscar Lewis, sis Jane Lewis, Ella Burnett, Grace Burnett, Hertige Clark, Eva Oksby, bro Auther Manis, Charlie Galyon, Sam Clark, James Bales, Jr. , John Galyon for covenant breaking motion & it sustained to lay over the names of these Brothers and sisters till next meeting day then give opportunity for members & non [sic] applied. adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met the second Sunday in Jan 1923.
1 the church was called in session for business. Hattie Teague was elected Teacher over the Jun. Martha Galyon teacher over Inter. first & second ______? adults elected Bro John Ingle their teacher motion & second to elect Audlee Moore Janitor.
Move & second to adjourn the session then sermond [sic] by the moderator. Adjourn to meet the second Sat and Sunday in Feb 1923.
C. D. Martin W. B. Clark CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met the second Sat before the second Sun in Feb 1923.
1 sermon by the mod.
2 give opportunity for members & none applied.
3 motion & it sustained to grant sis Gertie Hale a letter of dismission.
4 minits [sic] of the previous meeting was red [sic] & approved.
5 motion & it sustained to withdraw fellowship from Bro James Lewis, E. F. Lewis, Oscar Lewis, Author Manis, Charlie Galyon Sum Clark, James Bailes, Jr., John Galyeon & sis Janie Lewis, Ella Burnett, Grace Burnett, Hertige Clark, Eva Okesby for covenant braking [sic].
Adjourned to meet the following Sun, Feb 1923.
Zion Hill Church met the sec Sun sermon by the mod then adjurned to meet the second Sat and Sun in March 1923.
C. D. Martin Mod W. B. Clark CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 2 Sun in Mar 1923.
1 sermon by the moderator.
2 give opportunity for members & none applied.
3 minutes of last meeting was read & approved.
4 a motion & second to grant Sis Ellen Ogle a letter of dismission. A motion & it sustained to receive Bro James Lewis acknowledgements & granted him a letter of dismission.
5 the mod appointed Bro Joe Moore, Nelson Cutshaw, Antipass Galyeon to look after fixing the roof of the church then adjourned to meet the following Sun.
Sunday no meeting on the count of snow?
C. D. Martin mod Ely Baker CC pretem [sic]
April 1923 Sat, pastor absent. Zion Hill Bapt Church met 2 Sun in April 1923.
1 sermon by the moderator.
The moderator appointed Bro Joe Moore as assist Treasurer also Assistant CC then adjourned to meet on Sat before 2 Sunday in May.
C. D. Martin mod W. B. Clark CC
May 1923 the Zion Hill Baptist Church met on Sat before the 2 Sun May 1923.
1 sermond [sic] by the moderator.
2 give opportunity for members and non [sic] applied.
3 minutes of last meeting was red [sic] and approved.
4 a motion and it sustained to take a charge against Bro Earl Cowen, John & George Cutshaw & Oscar Parrott for covenant braking [sic] and give them one month to see if they would make any answer then adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
No meeting Sunday on account of rain.
C. D. Martin mod W. B. Clark CC
Zion Hill Bapt Church met on Sat before 2nd Sun in June 1923.
1 sermon by mod.
2 give opportunity for members non [sic] applied.
3 minutes of last meeting was read & approved.
4 received E F Lewis acknowledgements & granted him a letter of dismission also granted sister Nerisa Bolling & Bertie Green letter of dismission.
5 withdrew fellowship from Bro John & George Cutshaw, Earl Cown, Oscar Parrott for covenant breaking.
6 appointed Bro Scott Galyeon, W. B. Clark, Anderson Rodgers as commitee to have church house painted then adjurned [sic] to meet following Sunday.
Zion Hill Bapt Church met second Sun in June 1923.
1 sermon by the mod.
Then appointed a commity [sic] to get money to paint the church house as ? Neva Pitner, Lela Galyeon, May Rodgers, then observed the Lord's Supper then adjurned to meet 4th Sat & Sun in July.
C. D. Martin mod W. B. Clark CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met on Sat before the 4 Sun in July 1923.
1 Singing
2 Scripture lesson red [sic] by the moderator.
3 minutes of last meeting was read and approved.
4 give opportunity for members and non [sic] applied.
5 preaching by the mod then adjourned to meet the following Sunday.
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met the 4 Sun in July 1923.
1 sermon by moderator then adjourned to meet the 4 Saturday & Sunday in Aug 1923.
C. D. Martin moderator W. B. Clark CC
Zion Hill Bapt Church met 3 Sun night Aug 1923 for the purpose of holding a revival meeting which carried on for 12 days & nights pastor assisted by Rev. Albert Hall those restored are as follows Bro Charlie Cummings, Sidney Knight, Clabe Baker, Art Cummings, James Bales, Jr. number added to church by baptism are as follows Bro Wilbern Bales, William Widner, Russell Widner, Ermal Ballard, Clifford Baker, Edd Green, Audley Bales, Luther Moor, Jr. , Paul Pitner, Sis Bonnie Johnson, Eliza Justes, Olie Blalock, Cora Moor total by Bp 18.
Church was called in regular sesion on last night of meeting for some business motion & sustained to grant Sis. Ollie Blalock & Eliza Justus a letter of dismission then adjourned to meet the 4 Sat & Sun in Sept.
C. D. Martin, mod W. B. Clark CC
Sat. Sept 22, 1923. The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in Sept 1923. After singing by the congregation and prayer offered, the moderator read a scripture lesson. Then the church was announced in order for business.
First, the granting of letters of recommendation to the following persons: Sisters Rettie Miller & Margaret E. Johnson, Ida Clark & Bro. W. B. Clark.
Second, charges were prefered [sic] against Bro. Hubert Johnson, Henry Cutshaw and sister Jauard Cutshaw for covenant breaking. They were given one month to make acknowledgements or reply to the charges. Clerk was instructed to write Lonnie Johnson in regard to how he is living.
Preaching by the moderator then church adjourned to meet the following day.
Rev. C. D. Martin, moderator W. B. Clark clerk
(Call session) Sun. Sept. 23, 1923, the Zion Hill Bapt Church met the fourth Sunday in Sept. 1923 for the purpose of calling a pastor for the ensuing year. Bro. J. F. Ingle was elected moderator & Joe Moore elected secretary.
A motion & it sustained to elect by secret ballot Bros. Oscar Shelley and W. B. Clark were appointed to collect the ballots. Rev. C. D. Martin was unanimously elected for the ensuing year. There being no other candidate mentioned in the election, every vote was cast for Rev. Martin.
Bro. Oscar Shelley was elected clerk. Bro. W. E. Ballard was elected Treasurer.
A motion & it sustained to set the pastor's salary at $200.00 per year. A committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions for the pastor's salary as follows: L. J. Moore, Zack Johnson, (et al) The session then adjourned J. F. Ingle, moderator Joe Moore, Sec.
After the call session adjourned, the church met in regular session & consumed the preaching hour in important business matters.
First was the appointment of delegates to the Sevier Association meeting with Alder Branch Church. The following delegates were appointed: Oscar Shelley and wife, Luther J. Moore and wife, Holmes Galyean, Edd Rogers. W. B. Clark was released for the committee on painting the church & W. E. Ballard was apointed [sic] in his stead.
Then proceeded with reorganization of the Sunday School. Officers and teachers were elected as follows: Joe Moore, superintendent J. F. Ingle, assistant superintendent Flora Shelley secretary, Neva Clark assist. secretary, Lela Galyean, Treasurer May Rogers assist. Holmes Galyean, Choister [sic] Oscar Shelley assistant.
Class no 1 Teacher Bettie Ballard assist May Rogers
2 Neva Clark Holmes Galyean
3 Hattie Teague Martha Moore
4 Wm Benson Mayford Galyean
5 Martha Galyean Ora Galyean
6 Jno. F. Ingle Flora Shelley
7 Luther J. Moore Roy Galyean
8 Nancy Ellen Rogers Bell Galyean
9 James Teague W. E. Ballard
Audley Moore was elected Janitor.
Adjourned to meet Sat. before the 4th Sun in Oct.
Rev. C. D. Martin, mod Oscar Shelley, Clerk
Saturday, Oct 27, 1923, the Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sat before the fourth Sun in Oct. 1923 & was called to order by the moderator. After singing by the choir, moderator preached a sermon from Mark 16. church was then announced in order for business.
First gave an opportunity for membership & received 3 namely Bro. Joe Moore & Sis Martha Moore by letter from Gists Creek, & John Pitner, Jr. by letter from Shiloh. Henry Cutshaw & wife were granted another month to reply to the charges preferred against them.
The committee on painting the house put the job before the church for consideration & it was accepted. The committee reported having to buy 3 extra buckets of paint & that they lacked $10.00 having enough money to settle in full. The committee was retained on this job. The cost of paint & work was $125.60.
The charges against Lonnie Johnson & Hubert Johnson were laid over. The church then adjourned to meet Sat. night.
The Zion Hill Church met Sat. night Oct. 27 & after preaching by the pastor adjourned to meet the following day.
Sun Oct. 28, 1923. The Zion Hill Bapt Church met the fourth Sun in October 1923. After devotional exercises the church was announced in order for business.
Bro. Holmes Galyean was appointed assistant clerk.
The $10.00 that was behind on the house painting job was made up & the committee was instructed that they would be retained on the job until it was settled in full.
Sermon by the moderator. Church adjourned to meet Sat before the fourth Sun in November, 1923.
Rev. C. D. Martin, pastor Oscar Shelley, church clerk.
Sat. Nov. 24, 1923 Zion Hill Bapt Church met the fourth Sat. in Nov 1923 & was called to order by the moderator. The church was announced in order for business.
First: gave an opportunity for membership & received 2 Bros James & John Baker by letter from Gist's Creek.
After sermon by moderator, the church adjourned to meet the following day.
Sun Nov. 25, 1923. Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sun Nov 25, 1923 & was called to order by moderator. Church was announced in order for business.
First: records of the October meetings were read & approved.
2nd a motion & it sustained to retain Bro Henry Cutshaw & wife in the church. The cases of Hubert Johnson & Lonnie Johnson were laid over till next meeting.
The committee on painting the house was released.
After sermon by moderator, church adjourned to meet Sat. before the fourth Sunday in December 1923.
Rev. C. D. Martin, Mod. Oscar Shelley, church clerk
Sat. Dec. 22, 1923. The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the fourth Sun in December 1923 & was called to order by the moderator. After devotional exercises, the church was announced in order for business.
First: The records of the previous meeting was read & approved. Clerk read letter from Lonnie Johnson asking that his name be erased from the Church Roll. Motion & it sustained to exclude Lonnie Johnson from our body. Hubert Johnson's case dropped.
After sermon by the pastor, church adjourned to meet the following day. Sunday Dec. 23, 1923.
The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sun. Dec. 23, 1923 & was called to order by the moderator. After Sermon by the moderator, the church adjourned to meet Sat before the fourth Sun in Jan, 1924.
Rev. C. D. Martin, Mod. Oscar Shelley, Clerk