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1925 -- Transcribed by Patsy Galyon Bradford

Saturday Jan. 17, 1925 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Saturday before the third Sunday in January 1925 and was called to order by the moderator. Sermon was preached by the moderator after which the church was announced in order for business.
1st: Records of the previous meetings were read and approved.
2nd: An opportunity for membership was given and none applied.
3rd: The committee on repairing the belfry announced they were not ready to report.
The church then adjourned to meet the following day.
Sunday Jan 18, 1925 The Zion Hill Church met Sun. Jan 18, 1925 and was called to order by the moderator. After Sermon by the moderator the church adjourned to meet Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in February, 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton, mod Oscar Shelley, church clerk

Saturday, Feby 14, 1925 (page blank) [Transcriber's note: my guess is they did not meet because of inclement weather]

Saturday Mch. 14, 1925 Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 3rd Sunday in March 1925 and was called to order by the moderator. Sermon by the moderator after which the church adjourned to meet the following day.
Sunday Mch. 15, 1925 Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sunday & was called to order by the moderator. The church was then announced in order for business.
1st. Records of previous meeting read & approved
Opportunity for membership was given and rec'd Estelle Turner by letter from Gist's Creek.
The work was accepted by the church and Sunday Mch. 25 was set for the day to collect and pay for said work which amount was $7.75 (about)
Committee on obituary appointed as follows Oscar Shelley, Scott Galyean, Scenia Cutshaw & Dora Knight.
Letters were granted the following Roadman Lowe, Nova Baker, and Mrs. J. W. Whedbee (nee Millie Clark).
After sermon by moderator the church adjourned to meet Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in April.
Rev. J. L. Helton Mod Oscar Shelley, Clerk

Saturday Apr. 18, 1925 The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in Apr. 1925 & was called to order by the moderator. After sermon by the moderator the church was announced in order for business.
1st: Records of the previous meetings were read and approved.
2nd: The Committee on repairing the belfry were released. After condition of the roof of the house had been brought to the attention of the body it was suggested that the roof by examined to see if it was necessary to recover.
Sat. Apr. 25 was set to clean off the cemetery.
The date for the revival meeting to begin was the 2nd Sunday night in July. Church adjourned till the following day.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod Oscar Shelley church clerk

Sunday Apr. 19, 1925 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday Apr. 1925 and was called to order by the moderator. After sermon by the moderator business was transacted as follows:
Program Committee for Decoration: Bruce Reed, Hubert Galyean, May Rogers, & Neva Clark.
Committee on Covering the House, W. E. Ballard, Scott Galyean, John Ingle, J. H. Clark & Oscar Shelley. They to appoint sub committee to help raise fund, etc.
Offering taken for the Orphan's Home amounted to $6.45.
With J. H. Ingle acting as moderator the church elected the pastor J. L Helton to conduct the revival services. The church then adjourned to meet Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in May 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod Oscar Shelley ch clk

The Committees on obituary reported Sunday afternoon Apr 19th and the following obituaries were read, adopted, and ordered spread of record on our church records and a copy furnished the immediate families
(OBITUARY Apr 19, 1925 Jas. L Bales was born 1855 and died Dec. 31, 1924 being at the time of his death near 70 years of age. In young manhaood he married Miss Nancy Conner and to this union were born 10 children: nine of whom survive as follows: Hannah, Elizabeth, Maryann, Jane, John, Titia, James, Ben, and Scytha. Brother Bales professed faith in Christ when a young man and joined the Zion Hill Baptist Church, where he remained a devoted member until his death. In Bro. Bales we always found the true Christian spirit always doing his part for the Master. In the home, he was a noble husband and father and in the community, a kind and obliging neighbor. We regret that in the death of Bro. Bales we lose a valuable member of our church and citizen of our community, but we are consoled because our loss is Heaven's gain. To the wife and children we as a church extend our Heartfelt sympathy in these sad hours in the loss of their husband and father. May they look to God for comfort and when they each shall pass through the valley of death may they all be prepared and all lie reunited forever.
Resolved: That a copy of this obituary be spread of record on our church book and that a copy be furnished the family. ) Oscar Shelley Scott Galyean (Committee)
on next page titled "Obituary" Martha Moore but page is blank

Saturday May 9, 1925 The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat. before the 2nd Sunday in May 1925 & was called to order by the moderator Rev. J. L. Helton. After sermon by the moderator the church was announced in order for business.
A letter of recommendation was granted to Myrtle Cutshaw.
The church then adjourned to meet the following day Sunday May 10, 1925.
Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sunday May 10. The pastor being absent Bro Earl Edington preached in his stead.
Subscriptions were taken to see how much money could be raised to cover the church. The total subscriptions amtd to $127.50.
A committee was appointed to solicit additional funds for the covering of the house as follows: May Rogers, Neva Clark, Jossie Knight, Mrs Edd Rogers, & Mrs. Winfred Norton. After commemorating the Lord's supper, the church adjourned to meet Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in June, 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton, Pastor Oscar Shelley, church clerk

Sat. June 20, 1925 The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat June 20, 1925 & was called to order by the moderator. Singing by the choir Sermon by the moderator. The church was then announced in order for business & a letter of recommendation was granted to sister Jane Lewis. The church then adjourned to meet the following day.
Sunday June 21 1925 Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sunday June 21, 1925 & was called to order by the moderator. The church was announced in order for business.
1st Records of the previous meetings were read and approved.
Candidates for membership under the watch care of the church as follows: Bruce Reed and wife & Grace Ellis from Gists Creek; Mrs. Dora Knight, Jossie Knight, Sallie Knight, Eza Knight & Ella Knight from Mt View Baptist Church of Knoxville. They were all received under the watch care of the church until they can secure their letters from their respective churches. Motion the pastor extended the hand of Christian fellowship to the candidates on behalf of the church.
The time set for the revival to begin the 1st Sunday in July. Upon a vote, Prof Lawbright was elected to help conduct revival for the first week.
Collection for Orphan's Home amt. $8.36. Subscriptions for Carson-Newman $7.50.
After sermon by the moderator the church adjourned to meet the 1st Sunday in July 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton, Moderator Oscar Shelley Church clk

July 1925 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met the first Sunday night in July to engage in a Revival meeting the meetings was conducted 15 days Rev. R. H. Lawbright? doing the preaching the first week. Then Rev. Jep Helton finished the services, at the conclusion of which 19 additions to the church by baptism as follows: Alex Bales, Virgil Pruit, Hubert Cutshaw, Hobart Ingle, Pete Rakis, Gertie Rakis, Freeda May Rakis, Clara Martin, Nola Knight, Zack Pitner, Estilee Ballard, Dora Bales, Stella Rogers, Lucy Rogers, Trula Stoner, Mildred Cutshaw, Ruby Knight, Lillian Rogers, Rosa Morgan.
The church then adjourned to meet Sat. before the 3rd Sun in Aug. 1925
Rev. J. L. Helton Mod Oscar Shelley C Clerk

August 15, 1925 The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the third Sunday in August 1925 & was called to order by the moderator. After sermon by the moderator the church was announced in order for business.
1st opportunity for membership rec'd none.
The moderator then called for a report from the committee on re-roofing the house. The committee was absent.
A motion was made & it sustained to appoint a committee to let contract to lowest bidder to clean off graveyard. The action was deferred till Sunday.
Church then adjourned to meet the following day.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod Oscar Shelley Clerk

Aug. 16, 1925 (Sunday) The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sunday August 16, 1925 & was called to order by the moderator. After Devotional exercises the church was announced in order for business.
1st Records of previous meetings read & approved.
Opportunity for membership none applied.
The moderator then appointed the Deacon Board as a committee on the graveyard cleaning.
After sermon by the moderator the church church adjourned to meet Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in Sept. 1925
Rev. J. L. Helton Mod Oscar Shelley c clk

Sat. Sept 19, 1925 The Zion Hill Baptist met Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in Sept 1925 and was called to order by the moderator. After sermon by the moderator the church adjourned to meet the following day.
Rev. J. L. Helton Mod Oscar Shelley Clerk

Sunday Sept. 20, 1925 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday Sept 20, 1925 and was called to order by the moderator. The church was announced in order for business.
1st: Election of Sunday School officers as follows: J. F. Ingle Supt, Bruce Reed assistant, Roy Ingle choirster [sic], Ed Rogers asst., Jas Teague secretary, L. J. Moore asst., May Rogers Treasurer
Class #1 Scenie Cutshaw
#2 (blank)
#3 Annie Reed
#4 Edd Rogers
#5 Stella Baker
#6 J. F. Ingle
#7 E. Turner
#8 Dora Knight
#9 Scott Galyean
Church officers as follows: L. J. Moore Clerk Oscar Shelley asst clerk, Burce Reed Treasurer Jim Teague Asst.
Delegates were appointed to the association.
Sat Sept 26 set for calling a pastor for ensuing year.
Records of previous meeting read and approved.
After sermon by the moderator the church adjourned to meet Sat. Sept 26, 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton, mod L. J. Moore Clerk

Call Session Sept 26, 1925, Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat. Sept 26, 1925, for the purpose of calling a pastor for ensuing year. J. F. Ingle was elected moderator of session. After ballot Rev J. L. Helton was declared unanimously elected.
The church then adjourned to meet Sat. before 3rd Sun in Oct. 1925.
J. F. Ingle Mod L. J. Moore Clerk

Sunday October 18, 1925 Zion Hill Bapt Church met the third Sun in October 1925 and was called to order by moderator. The Church was announced in order for business
1st Records of previous meetings were read & approved
2nd opportunity for membership & received none.
The committee on covering the house was empowered to purchase the roofing & have the house covered immediately even if the material has to be purchased on credit. The committee was also instructed to employ an efficient tinner to do the work.
A collection was taken for what is behind on the pastor's salary for last year and received.
After sermon by the moderator, the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November, 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton mod. L. J. Moore Church Clerk

Sunday Nov 15, 1925 Zion Hill Bapt Church met the third Sunday in Nov 1925 & was called to order by the moderator. The church was announced in order for Business
Record of previous meeting was read & approved.
Opportunity for membership & received Fowler Knight Dora Knight, Ellie Knight, Josie Knight, Sallie Knight, Ezzie Knight Sidney Knight.
The committee on covering the house was empowered to fix the belfry on the house.
Motion was made to draw on treasure [sic] to pay janitor for past year.
John Huston Moore was elected Janitor for the coming year. Earnest Conner was elected Treasurer.
After Sermon by the moderator, church adjourned to meet Saturday before the 3 Sunday in Dec 1925.
Rev. J. L. Helton, mod L. J. Moore clerk

Sat Dec 19, 1925 Zion Hill Bapt met in regular session Called to order by moderator. The church was announced in order for business.
1st Record of previous meeting read & approved.
2nd Opportunity for membership received none.
3rd Call for unfinished & new business not any. Adjourned
Rev. J. L. Helton mod L. J. Moore Clerk

Sunday Dec 20, 1925 The Zion Hill Baptist Church met Sunday December the 20 1925 and was called to order by the moderator Then singing by the choir then preaching by the moderator then adjourned to meet Christmas day for the purpose of taking an offering for the orphan's home. The collection was ten sixty $10.60
Rev. J. L. Helton mod L. J. Moore Clerk

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