1921 -- Transcribed by Patsy Galyon Bradford
Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in Jan 1921 after Sermon by the Pastor a motion to elect a church clerk by motion Ely Baker was elected church Clerk then adjourned till Sunday morning Church met Sunday morning after Sermon by the mod adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sunday in Feb 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker Clerk.
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in Feb 1921 after sermon by the pastor the mod announced the church in order for business.
1 given opt for members and received nun.
2 red and approved minutes of previous meeting then adjourned to meet Sun morning church met Sun after Sermon by mod a motion was made to pay L. E. Reed and J. A. Baker for filling Rev. S. C. Atchley's place at his regular time in 1920 then put off the setting of the pastor's salary till the regular March term then adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in March 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC.
The Zion Hill Baptist church met Saturday before the 1 Sun in March 1921 after Sermon by mod the pastor announced the church in order for Business.
1 red [sic] and approved min of previous meeting.
2 gives opt for members and received nun [sic] then adjourned to Sun church met Sun morning after Sermon by the mod a motion to set pastors salary at $2,000.00 dollars then adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sunday in April 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker Clerk
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun April 1921 after Sermon by the pastor mod called the church in session.
1 red and approved minutes of previous meeting.
2 given opt for membership & received nun [sic].
3 granted letter of dismission to Sister Elizabeth Knight.
4 set a part the 3 Sun in July to begin a revival meeting also given the pastor the privilege of selecting sumother [sic] minister of the gospel to aid him in the work then adjourned to meet Sun. Church met Sun after Sermon by the pastor the mod announced that decoration would be on Sat before the 2 Sun in May. Also appointed Bro A. J. Stoner, W. E. Ballard and Oscar Shelley as committee to make out a program for decoration. Then adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in May.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC.
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in May 1921 after sermon by the pastor, church sat in session for business.
1 red [sic] and approved minutes of previous meeting.
2 given opt for membership & received nun [sic].
3 church received resignation of Bro W. E. Ballard, ? McBrown and Oscar Shelly as teachers in the Sabbath School & received the election of Bro Jo Moore and Sister Ella Knight as teachers in Sabbath School then adjourned to meet Sun morning.
Church met Sun at appointed hour after sermon by the mod received Sister Esalee Shelley into the church by letter then laid over the granting of Sister Lidda Johnson a letter of dismission till next meeting after commemorating the Lord's Supper. Adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in June 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC
Zion Hill Bapt met Sat before the 1 Sun in June 1921 after Sermon by mod church was called in session for the regular order of business.
1 given opt for membership & received nun.
2 granted a letter of dismission of Bro Ira Ballard then adjourned to meet Sunday morning.
Church met Sunday after sermon by pastor. Adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in July 1921.
Rev J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in July 1921 after sermon by Rev O. M. Drinnen mod protem the church was called in session for business.
1 red [sic] & approved records of the 2 last meetings.
2 a motion & it sustained that Sister Lyda Johnson be required to cum [sic] in person before the church and make satisfaction with the church before the church can grant her a letter of dismission as her name cannot be found on the record.
3 give opt for membership & received nun.
4 a motion to receive the statement made by Bertie Green the statement being made by letter to the church on ? and she still remains in good standing and full fellowship with then adjourned to meet Sun morning.
Church met at the app hour after ser by Rev. O. M. Drinnen adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in Aug 1921.
Rev. O. M. Drinnen mod protem Ely Baker CC
The Zion Hill Baptist Church met in call session on the 3 Sat knight [sic] in July 1921 and received the acknowledgment of Brother James Benson and restored him back in to the church in full fellowship dun [sic] by order of the church when in session the 3 Sat knight [sic] in July 1921.
Rev. T. S. Hodges mod protem Ely Baker CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met the 3 Sunday night July 1921 for the purpose of holding a revival meeting which was run for 13 days and nights & during that time there was added the church by experience and Baptism 10 towit Glen Moor, Earl Cowan, McCulley [sic], Tim Rodgers, Otle Rodgers, Aney Bell Smelser, John Parrott, Clide Moor, Johnie R and Cecil Pitner renewals. Collection taken for Rev. S. H. Clark during revival $58.36 collection for Janitor $4 then adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun Aug 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood and Ely Baker CC
The Zion Hill Bapt met the 1 Sat before the 1 Sun in Aug 1921 after Sermon by the mod the mod called the church in Session.
1 red [sic] and approved minutes of previous meetings.
2 given oppt for membership & received nun [sic].
3 a motion to receive the Statement maid [sic] by Sister Adama Tinsley by letter to the church on delinquency also received the statement of Sister Rebecia Wyly made by the clerk at her own request.
4 the church released the commity [sic] on the graveyard.
5 a motion to draw money out of the treasurer [sic] to pay for redgestering [sic] the grave yard deed then adjourned to meet Sun.
Church met at the appointed hour after Sermon by the mod adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in Sept 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC
Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in Sept 1921 Pastor being absent church was called in session with Bro J. A. Baker mod protem.
1 given opt for membership & received nun [sic].
2 mod appointed Bro W. R. Conner, W. B. Clark and A. J. Stoner as committeemen to investigate the case of Bro Thomas Burnett for walking disorderly & making request to church to withdraw his name from the Church Book.
3 received statement clerk made for Sister Retie Cutshaw on delinquency.
4 Set apart 2 Sun in Sept 1921 for the purpose of calling a pastor for 1922 term to expire with the associational year then withdrew fellowship with Bro Nathan Pitner at his own request & saying he was deceived in his profession then adjourned to meet Sun.
Church met at appointed hour had a call session with Ely Baker mod protem & Oscar Shelley Clerk.
1 give opt for members received Sis Artie Cummings by letter.
2 red [sic] & approved association letter.
3 treasurer red [sic] report on financial standing of church then adjourned.
Ely Baker mod Oscar Shelley clerk
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met the 3 Sun in Sept 1921 after Sermon by Rev. J. O. Hood the church was called in session for special business.
1 taken up collection to pay off L. E. Reed and J. A. Baker in past services then set apart the 4 Sun in Sept to call pastor for the year 1922.
Rev. J. O. Hood Mod Ely Baker CC
Zion Hill Bapt Church met in call session 4 Sun in Sept 1921.
1 red [sic] & approved minutes of 2 previous meetings.
2 commity [sic] given longer time to make report on Bro Thomas Burnett.
3 church called Rev. J. O. Hood to serve as pastor for the year 1922. Pastors salary set at 250.00. Pastor to give 3 sermons per month then adjourned to meet Sat before 1 Sun in Oct 1921.
W. B. Clark mod protem Ely Baker CC
Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before 1 Sun in Oct 1921 after Ser by the mod church was called in session for business.
1 red [sic] & approved the record of previous meeting.
2 a motion to elect a church Clerk Ely Baker was reelected for the year 1922 then adjourned to meet Sun.
Church met at appointed hour after Ser by pastor, church sat in session for the election of Sabbath SS officers and teachers the following brethren and sisters was elected
Supt Bro Joseph Moore assistant W. B. Clark
Sect Ernest Conner
Treasurer Eler Knight
Choister [sic] Oscar Shelley as treasurer [sic]
Neva Clark Teacher for class no 1
Mrs. W. R. Conner No 2
Mrs. W. E. Ballard No 3
Miss Leale Galyean No 4
Miss Eler Knight No 5
(blank) No 6
Jo Moore No 7
W. R. Conner No. 8
Ely Baker No 9
(blank) then adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in Nov 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in Nov 1921 after sermon by mod church was called in session for business.
1 red [sic] & approved minutes of previous meeting ,br />
2 received Bro James Teague and wife by letter
3 granted letters of dismission to Bro W. M. ? akes his wife and son and Bro Boyd Johnson
set the 1 Sat in Dec 1921 to sell the lites belonging to the church then adjourned to meet Sun.
Church met Sun after sermond [sic] by the mod adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in Dec 1921.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC
The Zion Hill Bapt Church met Sat before the 1 Sun in Dec 1921 after sermon by the mod the church was called in session by the mod.
1 give op for membership & received nun [sic]
2 red [sic] & approved minutes of previous meeting
3 granted letters of dismission to Sister Tisha Tarwatter & Bro Bryan Atchley
4 then sold all the old lamps & carpets belonging to the church total amount of sale $20.20 & paid $12.30 to Sam Boling on new lites and the clerk turned the remainder over to assistant treasurer then adjourned to meet Sun.
Church met Sun at the regular hour after Ser by the mod adjourned to meet Sat before the 1 Sun in Jan 1922.
Rev. J. O. Hood mod Ely Baker CC