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Article Index

Court System

1. Acts of 1794, Chapter 12, Page 93, stated that Sevier County shall compose a part of the District of Hamilton in the same manner and for all purposes, civil and military, as it did where undivided from the counties of Jefferson and Knox and the counties forming the Hamilton District at the next term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity shall furnish jurors for the court. Knox County will furnish 14 jurors, Jefferson, 11, and Sevier, 11.

2. Acts of 1795, Chapter 7, Page 21, stated that Sevier County would furnish seven jurors for the Grand Jury of the Hamilton District.

3. Acts of 1797, Chapter 6, Page 26, provided for the Superior Court of Law and Equity to hold Court in the Hamilton District on the fourth Monday in March and September.

4. Acts of 1797, Chapter 7, Page 28, stated that Sevier County shall furnish four jurors for the Grand Jury of the Hamilton District; Knox County would furnish twelve, Blount County, five, Cocke County, four, Jefferson County, seven, and Grainger County, five.

5. Acts of 1835-36, Chapter 3, Page 26, provided for three Divisions of the State wherein the Supreme Court would hear cases. These were the Eastern, Middle, and Western Divisions with courts at Knoxville, Nashville, and Jackson. Sevier County was in the Eastern Section.

6. Acts of 1835-36, Chapter 28, Page 127, declared that each Judicial Circuit in the State would also be a Solicitorial District for the prosecution of crimes.

7. Acts of 1897, Chapter 223, Page 530, detached Sevier County from the Second Judicial Circuit and attached it to the Criminal District of Knox County for the hearing of criminal cases. The act made it the duty of the Judge of the Criminal Court of Knox County to hold the Circuit Court of Sevier County and the District Attorney to attend the terms of court and prosecute the cases.

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