1950-1952: Once again, men in the country were caled on to stop the spread of Communism, this time in Korea. Darrell Galyon, Gerald Householder, & Garland Rogers answered the call from Zion Hill.
1950: Ordained W. A. Galyon, John Moore, & Clyde Ownby as Deacons.
1950: Church met the 2nd Saturday morning & 2nd Sunday and 4th Sunday morning & night of each month. Business was usually conducted at the Saturday meeting.
1950: Rev. Clell King preached the revival in July. There were 15 additions to the church.
1950: A motion to give Brother Lewis Byrd $280.00 a year as custodian of the church house and cemetery.
1950: Rev. J. H. Blair was pastor of Zion Hill. He was called in 1947 and stayed through 1953. At that time, Zion Hill had services on the second & fourth Sunday of each month.
1951: Congregation voted to enlarge the church building. Pastor Blair appointed a building committee of Winfred McCarter, John H. Moore & Clyde Ownby.
1951: On the 4th Sunday in July, voted to begin a daily Vacation Bible School. Preacher Blair appointed Lela McCarter & Marjorie Rogers to secure help if needed for the Bible School.
1952: Bennie Rogers was elected janitor. He quietly and conscientiously served for 30 + years.
1952: Baptizing for Zion Hill held at the First Baptist Church, Sevierville.
1952: The annual Thanksgiving service was held Thanksgiving morning with the sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Blair. A collection was taken for the Orphan's Home.
1953: Voted to let the last Sunday in August be the close of the associational year, instead of the last Sunday in September.
1953: September 13 - Rev. Robert Bushyhead, a Cherokee Indian attending Harrison-Chilhowee, filled the pulpit on the absence of the pastor. Special music was rendered by the Bushyhead family.
1953: Church voted to give 10% of each Sunday's offering to the Cooperative Program. Prior to this vote, offerings were taken on Sunday mornings for the Cooperative Program.
1954: Purchased new Broadman Hymnals to replace the worn out ones.
1954: Brother W. A. Galyon preached his first sermon, August 29.
1954: Church called Alvie Rogers as the first full time preacher. His salary would be $50.00 on the 2 & 4 Sundays and a free will offering on the 1, 3 & 5 Sundays. One month later, his salary was increased to $60.00 each week.
1954: October 5 - licensed W. A. Galyon to preach.
1954: Church voted to discontinue the 2nd Saturday meeting and have the business meeting the 2nd Wednesday night of each month.
1954: October - Alvie Rogers was called as pastor. This was his first pastorate. He was born December 9, 1922, to W. L. & Lillie Rogers. He was married to Lucille Howard and had two children, Charles & Evelyn. He was ordained by Cades Cove Memorial Baptist Church. He had a dynamic ministry here, baptizing 20 in 1955. The Sunday School average attendance was 183 and the Training Union average attendance was 94. Tragically, Preacher Rogers was killed in an automobile accident in October, 1955.
1955: James Tilley was called after Preacher Roger's death to help the church deal with the shock of losing their beloved pastor. He was born October 23, 1912, to John and Nanny Tilley. He was saved in his mid 20's and felt the call to preach in the 1930s. He was ordained by the First Baptist Church, Sweetwater. He was married to Nellie Sue Colquitt and had three children. He pastored 18 churches. (Taken from church minutes)
1955: October 7 - Bro. Alvie Rogers, our pastor, was killed in an automobile accident, October 7, 1955, on Chapman Highway near Uncle Labe Latham's place, Friday, October 7, around 5:00 P. M. and Atchley of Sevierville was called and he was taken to the Baptist Hospital in Knoxville but he never regained consciousness. Funeral services were held Monday, October 10, 1955, at Zion Hill Baptist Church at 2:30 P. M. Funeral was conducted by Rev. James Tilley, Rev. I. C. Frazier, and Rev. Watson. Burial in Forest Hill Cemetery in Blount County. John Houston Moore, Church Clerk. Rev. Rogers accepted the church on October 10, 1954, and was buried October 10, 1955, the date from the time he accepted church, 1 year.
1955: Church bought a $5.00 ad in the Harrison-Chilhowee Baptist Academy annual.
1955: Voted to raise janitor's salary from $7.00 to $10.00 per week. Also raised the pastor's salary from $60.00 to $70.00 a week.
1955: July 3 - Zion Hill Baptst Church met for the purpose of ordaining W. A. Galyon to the ministry.
1955: Voted to give furnace out of the old building to Shiloh Baptist Church providing they remove furnace and repair and plaster hole where parts and piping were removed.
1955: Woman's Missionary Union established. Mrs. Paul Galyon was elected first president.
1956: March 18, 1st baptismal service in the new baptistry at Zion Hill. Rev. Tilley baptized Brenda Cutshaw and Fred Moore. Antioch Baptist Church also took part in the service.
1956: Hosted the opening session of the annual Sevier County Baptist Associational meeting. James H. Atchley served as moderator.
1956: May 6, Smoky Mountain Academy Choir visited Zion Hill Baptist Church. A special offering was taken and received $45.00 to help support the school. Camp Smoky is located there, now.
1956: Rev. Doyle Suits preached the spring revival and ten were saved.
1956: Contract given to Fred McMahan to add a T to the church. Total cost not to exceed $27,775.00.
1956: October 21 - Zion Hill Baptist Church met for the purpose of ordaining Frank Strickland into the Ministry of the Gospel.
1957: April, church voted to omit the program during Decoration. Had a program the following year.
1958: Church voted to give pastor and Sunday School Superintendent authority to begin a nursery.
1959: Committee appointed for Vacation Bible School parade.
Officers and Teachers elected for Sunday School for the new year, September 3, 1950
Superintendent - John H. Moore Assistant - Winfred McCarter
Church clerk - Ernest McMahan Assistant - Boyd Clark
Treasurer - Clyde Ownby Assistant - W. A. Galyon
Chorister - W. A. Galyon Assistant - Paul Carr
Pianist - Mary Ingle Assistant - Velma Reed
Secretary - Zelma Reed Assistant - Ted McCarter
Card Class - Scytha Norton Assistant - Bettie Ballard
Primary Class - Juanita Graves Assistant - Mrs. Oscar Galyon
Junior Boys - Clyde Ownby Assistant - Posie Moore
Junior Girls - Mrs. Homer Rogers Assistant - Reba Ogle
Class No. 5 - Mayford Galyon Assistant - Winfred Norton
Class No. 6 - Mrs. Roy Ingle Assistant - Margie Galyon
Class No. 7 - Kenneth Galyon Assistant - Paul Carr
Class No. 8 - Lela McCarter Assistant - Fay Pitner
Class No. 9 - Winfred McCarter 1 Assistant - Paul Galyon 2 Assistant - W. A. Galyon Treasurer for class - Allen Ramsey Secretary - W. R. DeLozier Assistant Secretary - Ralph Carr Mission Committee: Allen Ramsey, W. A. Galyon, Ernest McMahan
Class No. 10 - Mrs. Nelson Cutshaw Assistant - Dorothy Johnson
Class No. 11 - Otis Baker Assistant - Earl Householder
Class No. 12 - Mrs. Ruby Graves Assistant - Mrs. Paul Galyon
Flower Girls for the church - Mrs. Scytha Norton, Mrs. Hubert Cutshaw