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Article Index

Surname Name Year
Allen Lillard R. 1947
Allen Willie Kate 1947
Alllen Lucille W. 1947
Anderson Jean A. 1947
Atchley Carolyn B. 1947
Atchley Frances 1947
Atchley Irene Mae 1946
Bailey Lillian R. 1946
Barnes Irene 1947
Benson Lois 1946
Branam Ruby 1946
Breeden Wanda Faye 1947
Burns Frieda 1946
Butler Harold 1946
Carlton Ellis H. 1947
Carmichael Wanda 1947
Carr Ben H. Jr. 1946
Cates Bernice 1947
Catlett Billie M. 1947
Clark Wanda H. 1947
Clinton Loyd R. 1947
Collier Edna 1947
Conner Jean Evelyn 1946
Cotter Betty J. 1946
Davis Nancy Lee 1946
DeLozier Joe 1947
Dickson Doris 1947
Douglass Betty Jo 1947
Douglass Doris E. 1946
Ellis Mary E. 1946
Emert Ruby 1946
Etherton Georgia 1947
Fine Oritha F. 1946
Fox Betty Sue 1946
Fox James Lee 1946
Fox Mattie Jewell 1946
Fox Melvin Dale 1947
Galyon Beuena 1947
Gillespie Violet 1947
Hancock Sallie Mae 1947
Hardin Grady 1946
Hardin Margaret B. 1947
Hatcher Agnes 1946
Hatcher Charles A. 1947
Hatcher James C. 1947
Hedrick Harold Luther 1947
Hedrick Jas. F. 1947
Helton Buford A. 1947
Helton Harold 1947
Henderson M. B. 1947
Henderson Rowena 1947
Hendrix Elsie M. 1947
Henry Jack B. 1946
Hickman Reva 1947
Hodges Bill 1947
Hodges Mildred E. 1947
Hodges Pauline 1946
Hodges Ralph O. 1947
Huffaker Eldridge 1946
Huffaker Jake 1946
Huffaker W. D. 1947
Hurst Faye E. 1947
Hurst Kenneth 1946
Johnson Marie 1946
Keeble Kathern 1947
Kelly Ima Ruth 1946
Kyker Andrew J. 1946
Lamon James 1947
Lane Newell M. 1947
Large William C. 1946
Lee Bill 1947
Lewelling Mary 1947
Lewelling Virginia 1947
Lindsey George H. 1946
Loveday Charles 1947
Lowe Dorothy 1946
Lowe Ruth W. 1947
Lynn Ruby L. 1946
Manning Irene 1946
Marshall Mack T. Jr. 1946
McAfee Sara E. 1947
McMahan Dwight 1946
McMahan William Earl 1946
McMahan Wilma 1947
Moon Irene 1947
Morrell Juanita Jewell 1946
Murphy Billie 1947
Murphy Billie M. 1947
Murphy Mary Jane 1947
Murrell Herbert Otha 1946
Norton Stella F. 1947
Ogle Reba 1947
Ogle Rosalee 1946
Owen Carl 1946
Ownby Dewey 1947
Ownby Edna V. 1946
Ownby Loy 1946
Ownby Martha 1946
Ownby Shirley 1947
Parrott Floyd 1947
Parton Georgia M. 1947
Patty Maude 1947
Price Florita 1947
Price Vera 1947
Reno Peggy E. 1946
Roberts Butler D. 1947
Roberts C. B. 1947
Roberts Dwight W. 1947
Roberts Ralph J. 1947
Roberts Reba L. 1946
Robertson George P. 1947
Robertson Vivian K. 1947
Robeson Aileen W. 1947
Rolen Clara R. 1946
Romines Georgia R. 1946
Runyan James 1947
Sarten Edith 1946
Seaton Charles 1946
Sharp Fayettea 1947
Sharp Herbert 1947
Sharp Nina L. 1946
Sharp Verle J. 1947
Shepherd Raymond E. 1947
Simmons James 1946
Simms Benton 1946
Smelcer Ruth E. 1947
Smith Phyllis Nadine 1947
Snapp Jack T. 1947
Spurgeon May 1947
Suttles Ernest L. 1947
Sutton Ruby E. 1946
Swaggerty Edna Ruth 1947
Tarwater Doris 1946
Taylor M. S. 1947
Temple James A. 1946
Trotter Charlotte E. 1946
Trotter Irene 1946
Underwood Anna 1947
Underwood Roy 1946
Valentine Helen 1947
Walker Jennie J. 1947
Waters Johnny 1947
Watson Frieda 1946
Wayland Harvey 1946
Webb Jean A. 1947
Whaley Aileen 1946
Whaley Carroll 1947
Whaley Kenneth 1946
Whaley Lela 1946
Whaley Paul 1947
Widner Helen J. 1947
Williams Donald G. 1946
Williams Mary Faye 1947
Williams R. C. 1947
Williams Reba F. 1947
Worth Georgia 1946
Yokum Virginia 1947

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