• Register

Article Index

Surname Name Year
Allen Grace 1925
Allen Kate 1922
Allen Kenneth 1924
Allen Von 1924
Andes Gladys 1925
Atchley Elizabeth 1923
Ballard George 1922
Connatser Horace 1923
Connatser Lillie 1925
Creswell Beulah 1923
Davis Mrs. Alf 1925
DeLozier Elbert 1923
DeLozier Syble 1924
Dennis Sara Mae 1923
Douglass Sam 1925
Duggan Floyd 1925
Emert Emma Jane 1925
Enloe Edna 1922
Flynn Cleaphas 1925
Flynn Stella 1924
Huffaker Emma 1925
Huffaker Mary 1923
Huffaker Ralph 1925
Huffaker Sam 1922
King Johnny 1923
Lawrence Ethel 1925
Lawson Fred 1922
Laymon Pearl 1924
Love Clyde 1925
Loveday Nettie 1924
Lowe Arlie 1925
McCown Anna 1924
McCown Blanche 1924
Mullendore Frank 1925
Norton Ruby 1924
Ownby Ray 1923
Patterson Eva 1923
Patterson Zella 1923
Patty Mae 1925
Patty Myrtle 1924
Pierce Alla 1925
Price C. Pern 1925
Roberts Fred 1925
Rule Gladys 1925
Rule Gladys 1925
Rule Maude 1925
Rule Ralph 1923
Rule Sterl 1925
Shepherd Pauline 1924
Tarwater Virgil 1925
Taylor Walter 1925
Thornton Lewis 1923
Trundle Mel 1925
Wade Anna 1923
Wade Dwight 1924
Whaley Sylvia 1925

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