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1920:  John O. Hood came as pastor and stayed until 1922. He was born March 25, 1894, to William and Sarah Hood. He married Dosha Rogers in 1923. He was called to ordination by Knob Creek Baptist Church, but was ordained by the First Baptist Church, Greenville, SC, April 28, 1918, before being sent to Europe into World War I. He pastored for 45 years, mostly in Blount County. While at Zion Hill, he also pastored Dupont, Shiloh, and Sugar Loaf.

1922:   Charles D. Martin was called during the church’s annual call and stayed until 1924. He was ordained into the gospel ministry by Zion Hill on September 10, 1922, along with Jason Baker. Zion Hill was his first pastorate and he left to attend Carson-Newman for pastor training. He was called as the first associational missionary for the Chilhowee Association, October 1940, after successful pastorates.

1924:   Rev. J. L. Helton was called at the age of 20 and stayed through most of 1926. He was ordained by Shiloh in Dec. 1923. Zion Hill was also his first pastorate. He served New Era Baptist Church the same time. His parents were Harrison & Polly Helton. He married Lela Clark two years after leaving Zion Hill.

1921 :  Rev. Hood appointed A. J. Stoner, W. E. Ballard, and Oscar Shelley as committee to plan a program for decoration.

1921:  Zion Hill annually called its pastor. Each September, the church elected a pastor for the next year. He was to preach 3 sermons a month, Saturday morning, Saturday night and Sunday morning.

1921:  December, Zion Hill sold the oil lamps and carpets in the church for $20.00 and bought new lamps from Sam Boling.


September, revival conducted by Rev. W. A. Masterson. Church received 22 members by experience and baptism.

1922:  September, church members met at 3:00 P.M. for the purpose of ordaining C. D. Martin and J. A. Baker to the ministry. The Presbytery included the following ministers: W. A. Masterson, S. H. Clark, J. O. Hood, W. R. King and deacons from other sister churches together with Zion Hill deacons. After the exam, a motion and it sustained by the church to propose with the ordination which was carried out and they stand now as ordained ministers of Christ’s gospel (from church minutes)

October 1922:  Moderator appointed a committee to look after the members who are walking disorderly


February 1923:  Withdrew fellowship from 13 members for covenant breaking.

June 1923:  Moderator appointed Scott Galyon, W. B. Clark, and Anderson Rodgers as committee to have church house painted. Also, appointed a committee to get money to paint the church house. Those appointed were Neva Pitner, Lela Galyean and May Rodgers. Cost of paint and work, $125.60.

August 1923:  Revival led by Rev. Albert Hall with 18 added to church, 13 by baptism.

February 24, 1924:  Zion Hill had a guest speaker, Hiroji Kuriya from Japan, a student at Carson-Newman College. He talked about Japanese customs, his voyage to the United States and then shared his testimony. A collection was taken for him and received $7.50.

1925:  Saturday, April 25 was set to clean off cemetery.1925: Program committee for Decoration Bruce Reed, Hubert Galyean, May Rogers, and Neva Clark.

1925:  October 18, committee on covering the house was empowered to purchase the roofing and have the house covered immediately even if the material has to be purchased on credit. The committee was also instructed to employ an efficient tinner to do the work.

1925:  Church met Christmas Day to take an offering for the Orphan's Home. Collection was $10.60.

1926:  January, committee appointed to make out a report of the members that belong to Zion Hill. The lists would be for members that we don't know where they are, those members unfaithful to the church, and those who are walking disorderly. Another list would be for those faithful to the church. Committee - A. J. Stoner, J. H. Teague, and L. J. Moore.

1926:  November, committee was appointed to get a new heating stove.

1927:  Rev. J. H. Blair was called and stayed the rest of the decade. This term at Zion Hill is the longest on record to date, he stayed 8 years, until 1935. This was the beginning of his pastoral ministry at Zion Hill which included service in every decade from the 20s to the 60s. In 1928, he also pastored Knob Creek. He died in 1969 and is buried at Boyd's Creek.

1928:  Church meeting 3rd Saturday and Sunday of the month. Services were Saturday morning, Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday night.

1928:  Began taking mission offering.

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