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Article Index

Index prepared by James Breeden in 1997 and used here with his permission.  Additions and corrections to this list may be sent to the Webmistress using the Contacts link on the Menu.  You can also use that link to contact the Sevier County Archives for quotes on the cost of document copies.

Name Page
Alen, Charles 194
Alexander, L.D. 286
Alien, Sanford 87
Andes, John 280
Andes, Lotty W. 326
Arwood, John 384
Atchley, R.S. 284
Atchley, Thomas 24
Atchley, W.P. 892
Baker, Martin 101
Baxter, L.N. 388
Blair, H.S. 443
Blair, Hugh 129
Bodine, Wesley 50
Bohanon, James 104
Boling, Jean 475
Brabson, John 4
Brabson, Wm. P. 483
Branam, Beverage 395
Breeden, Bryant & Mary 399
Breeden, John 55
Breeden, William 80
Brown, Jonathan 131
Bryan, Ahas W. 434
Bryan, Thomas 109
Burns, W.C. 389
Butler, Henry 45
Butler, Sarah 274
Canatser, Amasa 363
Cannon, William 117
Cannon, William-codicil 124
Canterbury, William 106
Carmichael, Lemuel 355
Carmichael, Lemuel 96
Cate, Joshua 230
Cate, Perry 897
Catlett, L.H. 397
Catlett, William 467
Chandler, Calvin 382
Chandler, John 205
Clabough, Judah 358
Clark, Lucy 191
Clark, Robert 146
Clinton, William 480
Conatzer, Andrew 78
Cook, Samuel 123
Cowan, Hugh 64
Cowden, James 68
Crowson, R.W. 344
Cumming, William 138
Cunningham, Margaret 42
Cusick, John 340
Cusick, Samuel 76
Davis, Isabella J 25
Davis, Peter P. 293
Delozier, Asa 22
Delozier, J.H. 318
Derrick, Calvin 233
Dickey, S.O. 489
Dickey, S.O.-contested 511
Duggan, David 143
Duggan, Wilson 203
Ellis, William 259
Emert, D.H. 321
Emert, F.S. 136
Emert, John B. 297
Evans, John & Martha 247

Name Page
Fagala, Catharine 305
Fagala, John 188
Felker, William 49
Ferguson, James 215
Floyd, Amanda 387
Ford, Eliza J.S. 361
Forgason, John 93
Fox, John 28
Fox, William 277
Fox, Wm. 419
Gallion, Gilbert 253
Galyean, Nellie 431
Gilliam, Melvina 436
Goforth, Hugh 413
Harold, Cyrus L. 507
Hatcher, Ruben 158
Headrick, Nancy A. 371
Henderson, Andrew 528
Henderson, Elizabeth 61
Henderson, John 226
Henderson, Mary 174
Henderson, Randall B. 328
Henderson, William 56
Hickman, Leonard 311
Hickman, Stephen 312
Hickman, Thomas 84
Hickman, William 141
Hill, Jesse 306
Hodges, Edmond 30
Hodsden, Robert 82
Huber, Jacob 282
Hudson, George 1
Huffaker, Samuel 114
Huffaker, Westley 89
Huskey, Isaac 362
Jeffers, Elizabeth 269
Jenkins, Caleb 442
Jenkins, Laben 236
Kear, Cyntha 313
Kerr, John Sen. 197

Name Page
Latham, Wm. 409
Layfollet, George 127
Layman, A.M. 105
Layman, D. W. 186
Lewelling, Alexander 275
Maples, J.S. 421
Maples, Thomas 170
Marshall, John 430
Mattox, James 427
McCleary, Payne 132
McCowan, George 164
McCowan, M.W. 365
McCroskey, John S. 440
McCroskey, Mary M. 309
McMahan, Huldah 250
McMahan, James P. 144
McMahan, Mary J. 185
McMahan, R.A. 176
McMahan, R.S. 48
McMahan, Robert 112
McMahan, Thomas 294
Mills, Curtis 500
Mtgomery, William 238
Mullendore, John 378
Murphy, James C. 447
Newman, Vance 520
Nichols, Margaret 47
Ogle, Caleb 439
Ogle, Eli 116
Ogle, Isaac 98
Ogle, Noah 524
Ogle, Thomas 74
Owenby, John 103
Ownbey, John H. 221
Pate, N.B. 367
Patterson, Cornelius 200
Patterson, Joseph 69
Proffitt, Jackson 91
Rawlings, M.A. 227
Reece, Randel 295
Reed, D.M. 195
Rimal, George 152
Roberts, Levi C. 504
Roberts, Matilda 411
Roberts, Philip 222
Robertson, Cleason 405
Robertson, Darius 373
Rogers, Asa 314
Rogers, Nelson 291
Rolen, Joab 473
Rolen, Sam 377
Rolen, Samuel 376

Name Page
Saffell, T.F. 438
Sasseen, David R. 509
Seaton, Philip 216
Sharp, Nicholas 285
Shields, Richard 94
Shields, Robert 245
Shrader, Christopher 171
Sneed, Malinda 464
Snoddy, Glasgo 51
Stephens, Mary 437
Stover, Elizabeth 183
Talbot, Thomas 43
Thomas, George T. 386
Thomas, A.M. 477
Thomas, Henry M. 162
Thomas, William 248
Tipton, Benjamin 92
Tipton, Benjamin 150
Tipton, Benjamin F. 255
Tipton, John S. 515
Trotter, I.W. 402
Trotter, A.A. 179
Trotter, Archibald -codicil 179
Trotter, Isaac 148
Trotter, John 359
Trotter, John M. 369
Trotter, John S. 300
Trotter, W.H. 349
Underwood, George 85
Underwood, John 37
Wade, George 271
Watson, Samuel 219
Wear, John 125
Webb, John 210
Widner, Jacob 404
Williams, Anderson 62
Williams, Berry 368
Williams, Collins 425
Williams, John 241
Williams, Joshua 296
Wynne, Ashley 100
Yett, John C. 177
Zollenger, Alexander 193

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