by Tielke Baker, 1965
February, 1965, was the beginning of our Lord's Acre plan. Our hopes [sic] was that each person, each class would take a project, and our hopes have not let us down, almost every person and cIass are now working on some project. All money raised from these projects will go for Sunday School rooms which are a must.
The Youth Fellowship Sunday School Class ls going great guns on their part. At the beginning Tielke Baker and his Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Ralph E. Fox, decided that a history of our Church would be something our people would like to have and would be willing to pay the small sum of $1.00 for this information as well as help on the Sunday School rooms. Tielke Baker started collecting the material which you will find in this book. He checked the best information available and has done a fine job putting all this material together.
However as you know it is impossable to get the facts all the time, and particularly when you deal with old records and memories there are always important facts left out. We are sure there were lots more people who made donations to the church than we have put in this history but this was the best we could find. As you look at the list of people buried in the cemetery you will find many not named because many of the rocks do not have names on them.
As pastor of the Waldens Creek Methodist Church I want to thank you for all you have done, and are doing now, and will do in the future. And many thanks to Mr. Baker and all those who supplyed [sic] information and help to make this history possible.
Odell Lafon, Pastor
In the year of 1840, in the settlement of Walden's Creek, there was not a church for the Missionary Baptist and the Methodist Church. Those belonging to either of these denominations had their membership elsewhere. James Cummins, a Minister of the Gospel, had his membership at Shiloh Methodist Church, along with the Andes, Trotters and Nichols. In the year of 1846 to 1855 Circuit Preaching was held in a log school house on the land which is now owned by Mrs. W. W. Emert. James Cummins was pastor at that time.
In the year 1855, the demand for a new church was so great that the brethern planned and built a church near the residence of William Fox. This land was donated by J. H. Murphy and Amanuel Fox and is now owned by Rev. Otha Ownby.
From 1855 to 1875, those who were members of the church were from the families of Andes, Baker, Cummins, Cameron, Clabo, Clinton, Duggan, Emert, Fox, French, Huskey, Holt, McBryant, McGill, Kirby, Kerley, Pierce, Payne, Trotter, Nichols, and Murphy.
In the early years, some of the pastors that served the Church were the Rev. Lawson, Fuller, Rippetoe, Criss, Clark, Munsey, Mankers and Dinkins.
In the year 1894, the house was dilapidated and could not accommodate the people. At this time a new site was bought fron John H. Murphy for the sum of $40.00. As there was no public road leading to the chosen site, the work was delayed. In March, 1895, Rev. J. B. Seaton was sent to the Church as pastor. He and a band of Godfearing people joined together and went to work to build our place of worship which has stood through the years. Many hands and much time, thinking and energy went into the founding and building of our Church.
The following members were appointed to the first building committee: L. T. Shular, J. A. Fox, A. B. Trotter and James Parsons. The logs were sawed at the L. T. Shular Mill. The mill was located where the W. H. Heltons now live. The lumber was then taken to W. L. Murphy's shop in Sevierville to be dressed.
A. C. Emert furnished timber for the shingles. They were made by Sam and Arnold Clinton. The foundation was laid and the building constructed by G. W. Murphy, G. C. Duggan, H. H. Murphy, J. A. Fox and a number of others. Most of the work was voluntary. Many came from the Pleasant Hill Community to help. Among them were William Hall and Jasper Gibson.
Through the years many things have been donated and given to the Church. Among some of these are the following: The first record book, by A. E. Fox, for $.50 in October, 1896. A donation of $20.00 for a stand on June 6, 1896, by John H. Baker. The steps in front of the Church was given as a donation estimated at $5.00 by John H. Murphy. The Belfry was built by Pete Hatcher of Wears Valley. The Bible was presented by G. H. Carter, an old soldier of the Civil War, at a cost of $5.00. He died January 14, 1927, at 88 years of age and was buried at Trundles X Roads. Thomas I. Boling paid $2.00 for the window over the front door. He was killed by lightning.
Sarah and Samuel Cameron paid for the ventilator in front of the Church. G. W. Henderson gave $2.00 on the clock. Ben Atchley gave $2.00 for the little table in front of the pulpit.
The first pastor of the Church was J. B. Seaton. The first officers were the following:
Trustees - A. E. Fox, G. W. Murphy, W. M. Hatcher, and T. C. Fox.
Superintendent - J. M. Parson.
Secretary - Mary Andes.
Treasurer - A. E. Fox.
Choir leaders - J. A. Carter and W. W. Fox.
Janitor - G. W. Murphy.
In March, 1896, the first services were held in the Church and on June 6, 1896, the Church was dedicated by Rev. M. A. Ruble. The brethern [sic]who had done the work and donated the lumber and furnishings were fully prepared and inspired for the work of the Church.
On September 5, 1896, the first revival began in the Church. The pastor, Rev. Seaton, was assisted by E. M. Wynn and J. M. Parson. Joel Carr led the singing during the revival. There were 38 converted and 25 joined the Church.
Since that time many more have joined, but a great number have passed on and a large number moved their membership elsewhere.
Several years ago, the first Sunday in June appointed for the annual decoration and home coming day. It is a fitting date since the Church was dedicated on that date.
During the past 68 years, our Church has seen much growth and progress. Much interest has been shown in the past few years. There has been lots of repair work done. Additional classrooms have been built, hardwood floors have been put down, new windows and doors have been installed, new pews have been purchased and a new belfry has been built. Our Church proves that a long time ago a small group of people had a vision and down through the years it has materialized into a strong hold for good. The people of Walden's Creek Methodist Church have stood together through the years, realizing that together a people builds [sic] and divided they fall.
From 1896 to 1965, twenty-six pastors have served the Church and community. Many stayed several years. They were Revs. J. B. Seaton, Branam, Robertson, McMahan, Groover, Rose, Gass, Cox, Bull, Dew, Goss, Boyd, Dewey Jenkins, Ralph Belaney [sic], W. E. O. Robeson, W. D. Wilkerson, Lon Moneyhun, Carl Bates, Trentham, Willard O'Rear, Vertude [sic] Sharp, J. N. Nelson, Thomas McGill 1957, Glenn Patterson 1957-60, Ted F. Baker 1960-64, and Rev. O'Dell Lafon, the present pastor.
The First People Received into the Present Church in 1895
George Andes
Edward Baker
J. N. Baker
Sarah Baker
Nannie Benson
G. L. Bolin
James L. Carnes
Nannie Caylor
MoIlie Kinernon
Martha Murphy
N. N. Murphy
Maggie Sutton
Those Paying for Pews
Mrs. Berdie Baker Akard
Mrs. G. W. Andes
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Atchley
Miss Alice Baker
Mr. Nelson Baker
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Burg
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter
Mrs. Mattie Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Caylor
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. West Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clinton
Mrs. Lena Drinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Balford Duggan
Mrs. G. W. Emert
Miss Zelma Emert
Mrs. Josie Murphy Flemings
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Coye Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Olin Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Fox
Mr. and Mrs. WiIson Fox
Mrs. Sophie Shields French
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrls Hagewood
Mrs. R. A. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Hedrick
Mr. and Mrs. BiIl Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HeIton
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Helton
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Huff
Miss Lois Huff (Brickey)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huskey
Mrs. Annie Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Inman
Mr. Gerald Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Manker Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Inman
The G. W. Kirby Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mink
Mrs. H. H. Murphy
Mrs. Alice Ogle
Mrs. Mae Murphy Painter
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Perryman
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Perryman
Mrs. Ann Murphy Roberts
Mrs. Elmer Reagan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shular
Mr. Walter Shular
Mr. Harry F. Slip
The M. W. Tarwater Family
Mrs. Lura Baker TayIor
Mrs. John Temple
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vaughan, Sr.
Mr. Harve WaIker
Mr. and Mrs. AudIey Whaley
Gifts and Contributions to Walden's Creek Methodist Church
Pulpit - Congregation
Three Chairs - W. S. C. S.
Old Piano - W. S. C. S.
Old Seats in Auditorium - Congregation
New Piano - Congregation
Carpet - Congregation
Communion Table - W. S. C. S.
New Clock - Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fox
Bulletin Board - Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fox
Cross and Candle Holders - W. S. C. S.
Divider Between Piano [sic] - Congregation
Picture of Christ - W. S. C. S.
New Bible - Jim and Vola Helton
New Front - Congregation
Railing on Steps - Birdie Baker Akard
Electric Heat - Congregation
Gas Heat - Congregation
Sign in Front of Church - Mrs. S. H. Vaughan (put up by M. Y. F.)
Stand - Roy E. Fox
Light on Pulpit - Memory of Bob Wear
Electric Wiring Interior - Mr. S.H. Vaughan
Electric Wiring Exterior - William Vaughan
Collection Plates - Mrs. John Temple
Kneeling Rail - Fred Huskey
Work on Kneeling Rail - Jim Drinnen
Members of Walden's Creek Methodist Church 1965
Adams, Francis
Akard, Mrs. Birdie
Andes, James M.
Andes, Robert
Atchley, Cecil
Atchley, Dianne
Atchley, Glenda
Atchley, Sandra
Baker, Alice
Baker, Howard Lynn
Baker, Lizann
Baker, Ruby Inman
Baker, Vivian Andes
Cates, Carl L.
Cates, Kathy Lee
Cates, Louvita Holland
Cates, Ruth Houk
Caughorn, Norma J. Helton
Clinton, Ezalee Inman
DeArmond, Ester Fox
DiLuigi, Betty Atchley
Drinnen, Lena Fox
Drinnen, James
Duggan, Alice
Duggan, Carroll
Duncan, Herbert
Duncan, John B.
Fox, Addie Caylor
Fox, Amos
Fox, Anita Louise
Fox, Anna Lee Shular
Fox, Bernice Shular
Fox, Brenda Gail
Fox, Billie Baker
Fox, Carl
Fox, Danny Eugene
Fox, Edith Andes
Fox, Edna Carnes
Fox, Freda Burns
Fox, Grace
Fox, Hazel Henderson
Fox, Helen
Fox, Howard (Buddy)
Fox, Jack
Fox, Jana Carol
Fox, Jewell
Fox, John W.
Fox, Kenneth
Fox, Larry
Fox, Lois Drinnen
Fox, Olin
Fox, Pearl Sutton
Fox, Pearl Duggan
Fox, Porter
Fox, Ralph E.
Fox, Reva Andes
Fox, Ronnie Howard
Fox, Roy E.
Fox, Seaton
Fox, Wilson
Hatcher, Cecil Andes
Headrick, Bernice Fox
Helton, Bobbie Kyte
Helton, Buford
Helton, Carolyn Trentham
Helton, Charles
Helton, Effie Duggan
Helton, Elmer
Helton, Johnnie Mae
Helton, Joyce
Helton, Nannie Sue
Helton, Ray (Bush)
Helton, Shirl B. (Sam)
Helton, Sheila Ann
Helton, W. H. (Bill)
Houk, Mary P.
Houk, Sally
Houk, W. H.
Huskey, Elsie
Huskey, Fred
Inman, Etta Pearl
Inman, Gladys
Inman, Manker
Kear, Gwatha Spitzer
Kerley, Faye Helton
Maranville, David
McCall, Everette
McCall, Jimmy
McCall, Thelma
McCall, Wallace
McGill, Minnie Drinnen
Ogle, S. B.
Ownby, Jackie
Ownby, Maxine Fox
Ownby, Sue Atchley
Parton, Louise Tarwater
Reno, Blanch Fox
Roberts, Lloyd
Roberts, Mary Elizabeth
Shular, Arthur, Jr.
Shular, Beatrice Brickey
Shular, Evelyn
Shular, Helen
Shular, Michael
Shular, Verner
Shultz, Bonnie
Smith, Sue McCall
Sneed, Geneva Fox
Stamey, Erma Houk
Temple, Effie Benson
Vaughan, Harry, Jr.
Vaughan, Myrtle Helton
Vaughan, S. H., Sr.
Vaughan, Pearl Fox
Wear, Della Fox
Whaley, Alma Fox
Some of Those Buried in the Church Cemetery
Agee, Wayman 1915 - 1953
Atchley, Louise N. 1917 - 1921
Baker, J. H. 1847 - 1913
Baker, Katy 1821 - 1899
Baker, C. Laffatte 1855 - 1928
Baker, H. B. Co. M, 2 Tenn. Cav.
Baker, Sallie Duggan 1856 - 1939
Baker, Frace 1903 - 1961
Baker, Fuller 1894 - 1953
Baker, Huse F. 1884 - 1961
Baker, Harve 1863 - 1937
Baker, Caldonia 1866 - 1927
Baker, Lydia L. 1886 - 1939
Baker, Wliam A. 1848 - 1925
Baker, Jane J. 1861 - 1946
Baker, Jessie M. 1898 - 1899
Baker, Infant Daughter of Bill & Ruby 1934
Baker, Willie C. 1903 - 1960
Baker, Mack 1913 - 1922
Baker, Elvin G. 1878 - 1920
Baker, J. C. 1879 - 1911
Baker, Margret 1918 - Age, 66 years
Benson, Willie Etta 1891 - 1918
Benson, Martha J. Fox 1871 - 1930
Benson, J. A. 1870 - 1929
Benson, Johnnie L. 1904 - 1928
Benson, Mary E. 1847 - 1920
Benson, Willis M. 1854 - 1928
Benson, Eliza H. 1888 - 1952
Benson, Kathalan 1913 - 1913
Breeden, Margret J. 1883 - 1932
Carnes, Caldona 1880 - 1931
Carter, Lucinda 1833 - 1899
Carter, M.L. Soldier
Carter, James A. 1867 - 1943
Carter, Harriett K. 1873 - 1941
Caylor, Dicia E. 1872 - 1952
Caylor, Aaron P. 1880 - 1924
Caylor, Brack D. 1895 - 1919
Caylor, Levi P. 1863 - 1943
Caylor, Nan Emert 1872 - 1950
Caylor, Howard 1924 - 1924
Caylor, Edmond 1890 - 1929
Chambers, Arlene 1883 - 1958
Clark, Johnnie 1900 - 1902
Cummins, Melcenia Died 1900
Drinnon, Hubert Lay 1928 - 1935
Drinnon, Junior 1918 - 1919
Drinnon, Ralph 1921 - 1921
Drinnon, Eliza D. 1863 -
Drinnon, Zeb 1858 - 1938
Duggan, Mary Jane 1859 - 1942
Duggan, William H. 1854 - 1938
Duggan, Claud 1905 - 1906
Duggan, Ray 1921 - 1923
Duggan, George Cal 1861 - 1953
Duggan, Diannah Benson 1869 - 1932
Duggan, Matilda Houk 1869 - 1922
Duggan, L. P. 1829 - 1906
Emert, Caldona B. 1881 - 1962
Emert, A. C. 1845 - 1927
Emert, George 1874 - 1948
Emert, Maggie Duggan 1869 - 1920
Emert, John Wesley 1871 - 1915
Emert, Alice Hatcher 1882 - 1906
Emert, N. E. 1853 - 1920
Emert, Walter 1880 - 1942
England, Julia Mae 1909 - 1910
Fox, J. R. 1931-1931
Fox, Eliza Huff 1877 - 1930
Fox, Rev. R. L. 1861 - 1940
Fox, Josie Byre 1901 - 1921
Fox, Virginia Lee 1923 - 1937
Fox, William Wesley 1879 - 1958
Fox, Louie S. Died Aug. 23, 1964
Fox, Betty Lou 1931 - 1931
Fox, Marshall 1884 - 1908
Fox, Hettie Jane 1860 - 1934
Fox, John A. 1854 - 1907
Fox, Marshall 1884 - 1908
Fox, Hettie Jane 1860 - 1934
Fox, John A. 1854 - 1907
Fox, Maitlan 1899 - 1911
Fox, Wilma 1920 - 1920
Fox, Dewey Trotter 1927 - 1928
Fox, Paul Nelson 1903
Fox, Rebecca 1836 - 1899
Fox, Adam E. 1856 - 1930
Fox, Ethel Hatcher 1903 - 1924
Fox, Vergie 1901 - 1901
Fox, Ruth (infant) June 12, 1908
Gillane, Pauline 1918 - 1918
Helton, William C. 1947 - 1947
Helton, Caleb Bruce 1851 - 1904
HeIton, Mollie Roberts 1956 [sic] - 1923
Helton, J. Homer 1899 - 1903
HeIton, Lula Stallons 1889 - 1913
Helton, A. David 1911 - 1915
Helton, Orvill M. 1905 - 1940
Helton, Mary Louise
Helton, J. D. 1935 - 1935
HeIton, Julia H. 1883 - 1920
Helton, (infant son of E. P. & Mary) 1920
Helton, (infant of E. P. & Mary) 1926
HeIton, W R. 1833 - 1906
Helton, Carrie D. 1878 - 1961
HeIton, R. P. 1874 - 1954
Helton, Lawrence 1925 - 1925
Hatcher, A. N. 1882 - 1897
Helton, Howard 1924 - 1924
Helton, Reba E. 1913 - 1914
Helton, Martha M. 1884 - 1919
Huff, William A. 1879 - 1955
Huff, Sarah Law 1885 - 1960
Huff, Dewey Edgar 1936 - 1936
Huff, Edith 1913 - 1964
Hatcher, Jennie Huskey 1825 - 1901
Hatcher, W. M. 1857 - 1908
Hatcher, L. E. Wear 1857 - 1950
Huff, Jane Baker 1857 - 1889
Huskey, Isaac B. 1957 - 1940
Huskey, Nancy 1861 - 1940
Hunter, Ida Kirby Died 1963
Inman, W. L. 1879 - 1951
Inman, Annie F. 1881 - 1961
Inman, Elizabeth 1836 - 1929
Inman, Mary Jane 1878 - 1954
Kirby, Mary C. 1847 - 1915
Kirby, Barbara Ann 1878 - 1931
Kirby, G. West, Sr. Died 1965
Kirby, G. Jewell 1928 - 1941
Kirby, G. West Jr.
Large, Dicie Ellen 1876 - 1905
Large, J. Dillard 1903 - 1933
Loveday, Bonnie May 1927 - 1932
Lowe, Victor 1886 - 1905
Myers, Martha Law 1875 - 1920
Murphy, Gearge W. 1866 - 1901
Murphy, Mary C. 1863 - 1937
Murphy, George F. 1901 - 1902
Murphy, John M. 1821 - 1907
McFalls, Dotha Caylor 1892 - 1964
McGill, Ernest 1908 - 1930
McGill, Beulah 1911- 1934
McCarter, Lenura 1867 - 1939
McCarter, Edd 1861 - 1934
McCarter, Adis Nelson 1900 - 1953
McGill, Martha 1855 - 1910
McGill, Mattie Duggan 1886 - 1951
McGill, Earl 1887 - 1960
Ogle, Estel 1933
Ogle, Sam 1887 - 1949
Ogle, Daniae 1856 - 1935
Ogle, Rebecca 1854 - 1939
Ownby, Carroll Lee 1936 - 1936
Ridings, J. W. 1851
Ridings, Sarah Hauk 1847 - 1910
Shular, Rev. Gordon 1924 - 1963
Shular, George Scott 1936 - 1936
Shular, Wilford 1922 - 1923
ShuIar, Martha Maxine (Infant ) 1938
Shular, Matthew Nelson 1932 - 1944
Shular, Pless A. 1885 - 1921
Shular, John A. 1845 - 1913
Shular, Mary 1852 - 1929
Shular, James F. 1909 - 1939
Shular, Emma Emert 1889 - 1951
Shular, Arthur
Suttles, Bell Helton 1887 - 1925
Styles, Brenda Gail (Infant) 1957
Sutton, Curtis L. 1888 - 1943
Sutton, Marshall
Sutton, Ellen Died 1962
Sutton, Lecta D. 1885 - 1922
Sutton, Roy Donald 1919 - 1920
Sutton, Estell Grace 1907 - 1907
Stalans, Martha Gibbs 1847 - 1938
Tarwater, Matthew Wilson 1878 - 1954
Tarwater, Nannie Benson 1879 - 19 [sic]
Trotter, Ethel Baker 1886 - 1950
Walker, Herman 1913 - 1921
Walker, M. Wesley 1882 - 1915
Walker, John F. 1860 - 1915
Walker, Martha 1863 - 1915
Walker, Rachel Emert 1883 - 1953
Wilkins, Mandy Jane Died 1927
Wilkins, James A.
Wilkins, Ashley G. 191 5 - 1924
Wilkins, James E. 1902 - 1918
Wilkins, Robert 1894 - 1912