Born c.1812; died 1884. Member of the Tennessee House, 29th, 30th, 31st, and 39th General Assemblies, 1851-57, 1875-77; representing Greene County; SENATE, 32nd General Assembly 1857-59; representing Blount, Cocke, Greene, and Sevier counties; Democrat. Born c.1812 in Vermont, exact date and place not given; son of Joseph Bullen, II, and his wife Jane Ross. Came to Greene County at an early age (where his parents were married before his birth); was a planter, lumberman and slaveholder, at Fairview, Smith's Ferry Road, Greene County. Married on May 5, 1834, to Elizabeth Ann Gillespie, daughter of George and Ann (Ross) Gellespie. Four children -- George, Martha, Ewa, and Elizabeth Bullen. Sheriff of Greene County, 1846-50. Member Methodist Church. Died at his home, in the 15th civil district of Greene County, on October 12, 1884; buried in Pleasant Vale Cemetery, Greene County.
Sources: Reynolds, Greene County Cemeteries, 326; Goodspeed, History of Greene County, 890; Gosmold,Joseph Bullen, 108; Greenville Democrat-Sun, April 13, 1927; Hamer, Tennessee, A History, III, 222; information supplied by Mrs. E. T. Gosmold, Hickory, North Carolina.
Transcribed by Mildred Collins from published biographies of Tennessee Legislators, compiled and printed by the TN State Library & Archives.