Source: Brownlow's Whig, November 13, 1852
Transcribed and submitted by Debbie Painter
Tribute of Respect
At a called communication of Mountain Star Lodge, No. 197, of free and accepted Masons, held at the Lodge room in Sevierville on the 27th day of October, A.L. 5852, A.D. 1852 - the following preamble and conditions were unanimously adopted.
Whereas, It has pleased the great 'Architect of the Universe' to remove from our society to that ...from whence no traveler returns,' our esteemed and worthy Brother, Isaac M. Thomas, whose death has taken from the ranks of our Fraternity one of its most devoted members; one who was ever ready, with a willing heart and hand, to do all that was becoming a Mason, for the good of the brotherhood - one whose heart and purse was ever open to the wants of the poor, or the necessities of the indigent - one whose very disposition was to love Masonry - one whose place as a member of this Masonic Fraternity, a Brother in our councils, our pleasures and our trials, will not be easily filled.
Therefore, Resolved, that in the death of Brother Thomas, our Lodge is deprived of one of its most devoted and efficient members - an affectionate son to his Parents - a kind and accommodating neighbor to the community in which he lived - an ardent friend, and a gentleman in the full sense of the term.
Resolved, That we deeply and sincerely sympathize with the Parents and kindred of the deceased, and that in their bereavement they have the tenderest sympathies of our whole Lodge.
Resolved, That the jewels and furniture of this Lodge, be clothed in mourning for the space of sixty days.
Resolved, That copies of these Resolutions be forwarded to the
I.M. Hammer, W.M., M.W. McCown, Secretary
[Transcriber's note: This copy is rough, and a couple of words are illegible.]