Record number 10-1817-2/3 contained in Legislative Petitions on microfilm at the TN State Library & Archives. Transcribed by Billie McNamara.
In 1817, the State of Tennessee needed to build a state penitentiary. The state solicited subscriptions from citizens to raise the needed funds. No one from Sevier County contributed.
State of Tennessee }
Sevier County } Know all
men by these presents that we the undersigned do hereby acknowledge ourselves
Indebted to Joseph McMinn Esqr governor of the state aforesaid and his successors
in office the Several Sums subscribed by us for the purpose of building
a penitetiary [sic] house in the state. One moiety to be
paid on or before the first day of January 1817 & the other moiety to
be paid on or before the first day of July 1818 [sic] which is
six months after the first payment and for the true performance of the aforesaid
payments we do hereby bind ourselves our Executors and administrators jointly
and firmly by these presents and dated this first day of January 1816
No | Persons names | $ | Place residence | No | Persons names | Dolls | Place residence |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
I Thomas K. Locke Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sevier County
do certify the above to be a copy of the subscription paper kept by me for
the purpose therein mentioned given under my hand this the 11th day of Septr
A. D. 1817. Thos. K. Locke C. C. C. S. C. |
Penitentiary Subscription
Sevier County Circuit Court Clerks Return 1817
House of Repres. 16th Sept 1817
Ref'd to Contr? on that Subject - J. Tipton? Ck
State of Tennessee
Sevier County
I Simeon Perry Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Sevier County
do hereby testify that teh above is a true and perfect coppy [sic] of
the Penitentiary Subscription in my office with the names subscribed thereto.
And that I have not received any Subscription paper from any of the Justices
of the Peace in this County who was appointed to take in the taxable property
and Polls for the years 1816 and 1817 nor do I know of any Subscription having
been returned to this office by them.
Given under myhand at office in Sevierville this 11th of Sept 1817
S Perry C. S. C.