• Register

By virtue of five orders of sale, issued from the Circuit Court of Sevier County and to me directed, I will sell for ready cash at the Courthouse in Sevierville on the 4th day of April, next, all the right, title and claim that Asa Derick, has in and to, three tracts of land lying in the 3rd District, one of said tracts, contains Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine Acres, one other contains Eighty Acres and the other Sixty-Three Acres, levied on to satisfy five judgments and costs, three in favor of George Fox, one in favor of John Walker and one in favor of Mark Fox, joining the lands of William Fox, Adam Fox, Joseph Shrader and others. A Lawson, Sheriff of Sevier County – February 16, 1842

Source: Knoxville Register, Wednesday, February 23, 1842

Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.

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