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No. 65: Wm. C. Newman vs. Kate Anderson et al, filed 10 April 1889, J. J. Ellis, C&M

No. 106: W. M. Pickens vs. James McNelly & M. W. McCown, Filed 10 Oct. 1853: About debt.

No. 110: Donnelly & Durning Co., vs. Patrick Rafter et al, filed 9 Oct. 1855 R. Lanning C. & M; New York firm sued sd. Rafter & Condy Haggerty "Irish Peddlers" in Sevier Co., 1853-1854, & latter made debt of $816.99 to sd. firm; Rafter owned land in Sevier Co., & above firm tried levy on Sd. land.

No. 130: Jesse Stafford admr. et al vs. B. Fox et al; filed 15 June 1860: John Walker died intestate, & sd. Stafford app. admr., Sept., 1858; sd. Walker left heirs: Malvin Denton, wife of James Denton; Martha Thurman, wife of Wm. Thurman; Dicy Baker, wife Nathaniel M. Baker; Mary Inman wife of Daniel Inman; Rebecca Keeler, wife of Mark Keeler; James C. Walker, John Walker; also, Mary Jane Fox, James M. Fox & John H. Fox, 3 miners, children of Nancy Fox, formerly Walker. Denton and, Thurman's lived in Jefferson Co., Tenn.; all rest lived in Sevier Co., Tenn. Stafford asked tar sale of lands to pay debts.

No. 133, Stewart O. Dickey vs. John, S. McNutt, Filed 15 Oct. 1864. R. Lanning C M 10 May 1860, sd,. McNutt made notes to sd. Dickey for 1150.00; sd. McNutt left State; sd. McNutt owned land, Sevier Co. Tenn., join heirs R. H. Hodsden decd., and other lands willed to Wife of sd. McNutt by John Brabson. Dickey asked for sale of McNutt's land.

No. 134: W.R. Ellis et al vs. John W. Johnson et al, filed 4 Feb. 1867; M. P. Thomas CM; 4 Feb. 1865, Jonathan Johnson timed intestate, Sevier Co., Tenn.; left widow, Martha children, Simon H., James C., John W., Wm. B., J. T., Robt. B., L. W., Martha Isabella, & Mary J. Ellis wife of W. R. Ellis; at. Jonathan Johnson owned land 9th dist., Sevier Co., & sd. Ellis bought shares as asked fear partition of at. lands.

No. 137 G. C. Shrader Admr., G. W. Webb decd., vs. Joseph Shrader et al; Filed 18 Mar. 1876.

No. 137, March C. McMahan vs. Aaron McMahan; filed 21 Mar. 1870; M. P. Thomas C & M; she asked for divorce.

No. 136: Elizabeth Stanley vs. Allen Stanley; Filed 17 July 1866; M. P. Thomas C M Sd. Elizabeth married sd. Allen, Sevier Co., Tenn., 5 Mar. 1865; he arrested 29th same month for "horse stealing; later broke Sevier Co. jail & left country. She charged sd. Stanley with being married to woman in N. C. & asked for divorce & restoration of maiden name, Eliz. M. Dyke.

No. 141: Trigg & Temple, et al vs. John S. McNutt; Filed 30 July 1864; E. Lanning CM; In 1861 sd. McNutt mass debt to Trigg & Temple, Knoxville lawyers; sd. McNutt now a non-resident.

No. 143: James W. Hodges vs. M. C. Williams, E. H. Williams et al; Filed 17 Mar. 1869; about debt. No. 158: Elizabeth Hickman vs. David Keener et a1; filed 13 April 1870; M. P. Thomas CM Eliza. Hickman, widow of Thomas Hickman decd. latter made will, 1864, shortly before his death; widow sues heirs & admr. for support.

No. 143 1/2: C. W. Catlett vs. W. M. Cowden; Filed 20 May 1875; D. P. Gass CM regarding saw & grist mills earned by sd. Catlett on Flat Creek, Sevier Co., Tenn.

No. 148 s: Abraham Smith vs. G. C. McBee et al; filed 5 March 1866; M. P. Thomas C M; about debt.

No. ?: Deed, Lemuel Duggan, Sheriff, to Smith Heirs, 21 July 1854; John Smith got judgment vs. Richard Randles, 1849; also sd. Smith recovered judgment vs. James Randles same year; Randles lands in 9th dist. Sevier Co., Tenn. sold 1850 by John Howard Dep. Shff., & sd. Smith was the purchaser. Later ad. Smith died and left widow, Sarah Smith x children: Elizabeth, Alexander, Sarah, Jeremiah, John, Simon, Isabella, Nancy, & Abigail Smith.

No. 150: M. A. Rawlings vs. Thomas Fowler et al; filed 15 Dec. 1870; D. P. Gass, CM regarding debt; sd. Fowler decd. latter had int. tract land owned by G. W. Webb decd. & G. C. Sharader, admr. of Webb's estate.

No. 154: Susan French vs. Saml. French; Filed 25 June 1873; D. P. Gass CM; Divorce.

No. 156: Jacob McCleary vs. L. A. McCleary; Filed 9 June 1865; sd. J. McCleary, son of Payne McCleary; he married Eliza A. Henderson, 12 April 1960; they lived with his father; wife charged his with being shiftless, playing fiddle and hunting she left & went to home of her father, few miles above Sevierville; he left & went to live with his grandmother, Mrs. Lines, 9 mi. below Knoxville. They had one child. Ellen, b. 24 Jan. 1861.

No. 181: Joseph Keeler vs. James Baker; filed 25 July 1859; R. Lanning, CM; sd. Keeler 70 yrs. old, 1853 latter years sd. Baker, Keeler 's son-in-law, bought Keeler's land on the Little East Fork & agreed to support sd. Keeler for the rest of his life. Keeler sued Baker to annul sd. trade. Depositions filed by many people on East Fork.

No. 183: Parel Bales vs. R. Sneed et al; filed 11 Feb. 1867; sd. Bales lives in Jefferson Co., Tenn., & made note to R. Sneed in 1862; got $100 in Confederate notes, worthless. Bales had to take this money because "Rebels and Traitors" "held country & their "military despotism" forced acceptance sd. money. Sneed trying to collect now.

No.184: B. M. Atchley admr. of John Parrott vs. Emily Parrott et al; Filed 25 Mar. 1867; M. P. Thomas CM; Sd John Parrott died 7, Nov. 1863; had bought land from A. J. Low, 3rd Dist., Sevier Co., Tenn., but not fully paid for. Sd. Parrott left widow Emily Parrott & Children: Isaac, Dienna L., Robert, Martha A., & Jane Parrott, minors. Asked for app. of guardian & sale of lands to pay debts.

No. 187: Baxter & Champion vs. Thomas & Isaac Henry; Filed 18 Oct. 1869; M.P. Thomas CM; Sd. Baxter & Champion, Knoxville Lawyers, sue sd. Thos. Henry for $300.00 fee in defending sd. Henry an "active rebel," during Civil War. Sd. Henry owned large estate 8th Dist. Sevier Co., and sold same to Isaac Henry. Both Henrys now non-residents; Baxter & Champion claimed sale of land was fake deal to beat other suits vs. Thos. Henry.

No. 188: James W. Burns vs. Hetta Burns; Filed 20 July 1869; M. P. Thomas C M divorce.

No. 189: Penelope C. Haynes vs. Milton A. Haynes et al; filed 14 Sept. 1859; Penelope C. Haynes, dau. of John Brabson decd. suit for money due as sd. Brabson's heir.

No. 190: G.M. Maples vs. Melissa C. Maples et al; Filed 9 Apri1 1867; M. P. Thomas CM; 7 Aug. 1863, Abner W. Low died intestate; left widow, Melissa &. two children, Medora & Abner Cordalia Low, minors; of sd. Maples was Low's admr., & sd. Low owned land 7th Dist., Sevier Co. Sd. Maples married Melissa, widow & Low's lands sold for debt & sd. Maples fought these lands, but minor heirs not legally notified. brought suit to get legal title to lands.

No. 192: Mary & Huldah Murphy vs. John Headrick & wife et al; filed 15 July 1865; R: Lanning CM; Fall 1863 James McMurphy died intestate; left Widow, Nancy Jane Murphy & infant, Marisay Murpby. sd. widow married John Headrick & left for parts unknown with widow, & child. Sd. Murphy owned 50 acres, Waldens Creek & "undivided interest" in land where Mary Murphy lives. sd. Murphy owed sd. Mary & sd. Huldah. No. 185: Delita Allen admr. vs. Daniel Lewis et al; Filed 18 Feb. 1867; M. P. Thomas CM; 10 April 1865 sd. Allen died in Sevier Co. intestate; left widow, Delita Allen & heirs. Howard N. Etherton & wife Nancy Etherton of Texas, Daniel Lewis and Margaret Lewis, Cocke Co. Tenn., Wm. V. Hartsell & Milly Hartsell, Cooke Co. Tenn., Wm. McMahan and Harriet McMahan, Sevier Co. Tenn., McCagah Sharp, & wife Mary Sharp, Sevier Co., Tenn., Wm. Allen, Cocke Co., Tenn., David Allen, Sevier Co., Tenn., Martha Allen, Sevier Co, Tenn., Eliz. Allen &: Lelburn Allen, McMinn Co., Tenn., Wm. Williams, and Leilia Williams, Sevier Co. Tenn; and Nancy Allen, Daniel Allen, Wm. Allen, Margaret Allen, R. Allen. Leida Williams, Geo. Allen, Wm. Allen, Daniel Allen, Milissaa Allen, Rebecca Jane Allen, Martha Allen, all minors. James Smithpeters & Delita Allen Admrs. Land on Little East Fork & asked for sale sd. land to pay debts.

No. 193: Saml. Creswell & wife vs. Michael Fagala et al; filed 18 Mar. 1858; R. Lanning CM; Adam Fagala died, 1835; Polly Creswell, his dau. Adam Fagala Jr. died 1835; Adam Jr. son of Adam Sr. Adam Sr. made will & bequeathed tract land to son Michael Fagala. Adam Sr. left heirs: John Fagala, George Fagala, Adam Fagala, Michael Fagala, John Fagala, David Fagala, Catherine Fagala & Polly Creswell, & Eliz Reed, wife of bill Reed. John, Michael, and Catherine live in Sevier Co.; David & Jonas of Georgia. George died in Georgia leaving children: John, Lewis & others not remembered. Reed & wife live in Arkansas. Adam Jr. died in Sevier Co. intestate and unmarried. Michael Fagala admrs. of Adam Jr. estate & persuaded heirs to sign deed to Adams land & Michael got, lands to pay debts of Adam Jr., but debts only $500.00 & land worth $1200 to 1500. Asked for land back for distribution. Samuel Creswell son of Andrew Creswell & sd. Samuel Creswell gave Adam Fagala Jr. mortgage for $400 on 170 A. & Adam Jr. & Michael understood this. Deed to Michael made 6 Feb. 1845. Adam Jr. bro-in-law to Samuel Creswell Fagala lands in 9th & 10th Dist. Sevier Co. Feb. 1845. Adam Margaret Snoddy, a 65, sister of Saml. Creswell, acquainted with 170 A & father left this place in 1822. R. M. Creswell, age 41, son of Saml. Creswell. Several depositions filed.

No. 194: John B. Clark vs. Philip S. Emert et al; Filed 10 April 1860; R. Lanning CM ; Randolph James of Sevier Co., died & left two sons, Wm. James & John James & two daughters, Martha Emert, wife Philip S. Emert Mary, wife John B. Clark. Sd. James left will but destroyed courthouse fire 1856; widow, Martha James still living. Sd. James willed lands to two sons after death of widow & sons to pay off sisters. Sd. Clark bought sons int. in 1857, and suit was to reconstruct will which Emert's disputed.

No. 196: Riley H. Andes vs. Thomas D.A. Chambers et al; Filed 23 Mar 1867; M.P. Thomas CM; Jan. 1866, sd. Andes bought land in Sevier Co. from Carrick Rutherford & wife formerly Murushu Gist; at. Chambers had possession & claimed had rented land for 1866; sd. Andes back from "Federal service" & Just married & needed house, so he pd. sd. Chambers $150.00 for lease & later learned no lease been made by Chambers.

No. 197: Diannah J. McBryan vs. Richard W. McBryan; Filed 15 Feb. 1863; M. P. Thomas CM; 16 Dec. 1858, Diannah J. Wear married sd. McBryan; latter left her & child, Sarah Jane about 8 yrs old now. Divorce decreed, 14 April 1868. P. L. Duggan., J. P. adk. original bill.

No. 198: Mary J. Connatser vs. Reuben Connatser; Filed 17 Nov. 1868; M. P. Thomas CM She married sd. Connatser in 1855 & was forced to leave him because of inhuman treatment; children were. Mary Ann, 9yrs., Emaline, 7 yrs., Martha, 5 yrs, Nancy, 2 yrs., Vivena, 7 months. On 3 April 1869 sd. Mary J. Connatser asked that case be stricken "from docket."

No. 199: James A. Pickens, Robert Pickens Admrs. vs. W. C.Pickens et al; Filed 2 Oct. 1865; in 1868 Samuel Pickens died intestate in Ala., but resided in Sevier Co. Sd. Pickens left children: James A., Wm. C., John P., Sam. W., "Thos. M., Mary Jane Davis, wife, of James D. Davis," Margaret J. Davis, wife of Saml. C. Davis. sd. Margaret J. Davis and Saml. C. Davis died since sd. Saml. Pickens &, left minors: Andrew & John P. Davis, both under 14; ad. Pickens owned much land much of it Mountainous & these lands were described. Admr. got judgment of $40,000.00 vs. R. B. Reynold, John H. Crozier & Wm. H. Sneed in Knox Circuit Court, Feb. 1865 for "the imprisonment" of sd. Saml. Pickens & got Lamar House, Gay & Cumberland, Knoxville, which belonged to Sneed; also, got house & lot, corner of Gay & Church, belonged to sd. Crozier and house & lot on Main Street, Knoxville all valuable and Admr. new renting part of Knoxville Property but litigation not over and owners have right redeem property. Wanted sale of Pickens lands in Sevier County.

No. 200: Wm. Galbraith admr. James Evans decd. vs. Wyatt F. Nichols & Mandall Henderson; filed 9 Nov. 1867; M. P. Thomas CM; sd. Evans died in Jefferson Co., Tenn., 1864; short time before death lost five mules; sd. Nichols get mules & later sold land to sd. Henderson. Galbraith sues to collect for mules.

No. 199 [sic]: Andrew Matson et al vs. Catherine Huff et. al; Filed 24 Sept. 1877 E. M. Wynn CM; Sd. Matson, Sally Hays, & Susan Harris, Wm. Hays, & Benjamin Harris, Talladega Co., Ala.; Leonard Huff died intestate, Sevier Co., 1842, & owned land 5th dist. Sevier Co. on Mill Creek. Sd. Huff left 9 heirs as follows Joseph Huff, Nancy Huff, wife of Wm. Baker, Rachel Huff, wife of Geo. Roberts, Sally Huff, wife of Joel Carr, Polly Huff, wife of Henry Baker, Cynthia Huff, wife of Andersen Carr, Charity Huff, wife of Levi Ogle, Lydia Huff, wife of Caleb Ogle. Betsy Huff, wife of Andrew Matson & widow Nancy Huff. Joseph Huff died 1864, and. Nancy Huff, widow, died 1865; Betsy also dead. No. 201; J.M. Hammer vs. W. C. Murphy admr. of John T. Havis decd. et al; file 21 March 1867; M. P. Thomas CM; 12 Aug. 1853 sd. Havis bought Sevierville town lot, No. 8-1/2 A, N. Main & E. of Cross x Street for $62.50 & made note; year 1862 sd. Havis died, leaving widow, Jane L. Havis; children: Woodley Havis, O.B. Havis & Elizzie Kate Havis, all citizens, Jefferson Co., Tenn., last three Minors. Sd. Murphy, admr. Havis estate, & sold lot to John Murphy.

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