• Register

The records contained in this article are from a Web document that was formerly available at the Sevier County Library's Web site. The document is no longer on-line, but it was located in an Internet Archive. The actual source and transcriber were not identified in the document, nor was there any indication of whether the extraction was completed for any period of time.

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This Surveyor's book for Sevier County was at the home of one of the Surveyor's officers during the Courthouse fire.

Abbot, Absolum 522
Adams, Johnson 397
Adams, Johnson 457
Aley, Jacob C. 115
Alford, Charles 31
Allen, Sanford 8
Amorine, George & Others 421
Anderson, James 520
Anderson, Mansfield 444
Andes, Alexander 306
Andes, John 505
Andes, John 557
Andes, John 375
Andes, John & John Fain 320
Andes, Peter 2
Armstong, Addison W. 431
Armstrong, Aron 480
Armstrong, Drewy P. 422
Armstrong, James H. 481
Armstrong, Moses 483
Armstrong, Robert 373
Armstrong, Robert 425
Armstrong, Robert 431
Armstrong, Robert 558
Arnold, Benett 137
Atchely, Joshua 531
Atchley, Benjamin 108
Atchley, Daniel 155
Atchley, Issac 110
Atchley, Issac 235
Atchley, Jesse 157
Atchley, Joshua 20
Axley, Felix 87
Bab, Caleb 295
Baily, John 565
Baker, Cotton 518
Baker, Henry 306
Baker, James 216
Baker, James C. 488
Baker, James, Jr. 301
Baker, Joseph 519
Baker, Martin 297
Baker, Samuel 120
Baker, Silas S. & John W. Porter 225
Barnhart, Conrad 115
Barnhart, Conrad 394
Barnhart, Matthew H. 486
Barnhart, Matthew H. 487
Barnhart, Matthew H. 532
Bayley, Samuel 420
Benson, James 415
Benson, Jas 416
Benson, Jas 415
Bird, Andrew 217
Bird, Andrew 521
Bird, Andrew 553
Bird, Jacob 61
Bird, John 217
Bird, Jonas 212
Bird, Jonas 484
Bird, Lewis 215
Bird, Lewis 218
Bird, Lewis 314
Bird, William 453
Bitner, John 51
Black , Daniel 234
Blair, Hugh 416
Blair, Nathaniel L. 367
Blair, Samuel 1
Blair, Samuel, Sr. 48
Blair, Samuel, Sr. 330
Blalock, Jeremiah 530
Blalock, Jeremiah 530
Bodine, Francis 114
Boggles, Samuel and Wm. Ellis 219
Bogle, Andrew & others 407
Bogle, M. H. & Others 404
Bohannan, Henry 253
Borghman, John 113
Bowling, Pleasant 434
Bowman, Samuel, Sr. 327
Brabson, John 44
Brabson, John 60
Brabson, John 78
Brabson, John 172
Brabson, John 320
Brabson, John 321
Brabson, John 323
Brabson, John 324
Brabson, John 331
Brabson, John 536
Branch, Aley 270
Breeden, Bryant 387
Breeden, Bryant & John 390
Breeden, Bryant & Wm 389
Breeden, John 127
Breeden, John 318
Breeden, Martha 550
Breeden, Perry 539
Breeden, William 545
Brimer, James 149
Brimer, William 245
Brimine, Moses 147
Brinine, Moses 268
Brither, Henry 221
Brooks, John 482
Brown, Samuel 232
Bruster, James 11
Bryan, Ahaz 266
Bryan, Ahaz 332
Bryan, Allen 94
Bryan, Allen 95
Bryan, Allen 228
Bryan, Allen, Sr. 116
Bryan, Franklin 550
Bryan, Thomas 95
Bryan, THomas 247
Bryan, William 117
Bryan, Williams 110
Bryant, Allen 52
Bubb, Caleb 381
Buckner, Thomas 278
Burk, Hughs 40
Burk, Hughs 104
Burke, Hughes 171
Burnett, A. J. 568
Burns, William 89
Bush, George Jr. 541
Butler, Horatio 122
Butler, Horatio B. 359
Butler, Horatio B. 359
Butler, Horatio B. 360
Buttler, H. B. 414
Buttler, H. B. 414
Caddell, John & MCD 199
Caddell, John MCD 205
Caddell, Martin 204
Cadell, Martin 201
Cadell, William 201
Cagle, Elijah 351
Cagle, Elijah 448
Cagle, Henry 493
Cagle, John 190
Cagle, John 418
Cagle, John 427
Cagle, John 492
Cagle, John D. 262
Cagle, Matthew 554
Cagle, William 161
Cambel, Jane 12
Cambell, Jane 143
Cameron, John 461
Cameron, John & William 176
Cameron, William & John 260
Campbell, Jane 60
Cannon, G & John & MC Rogers 263
Cannon, John 34
Cannon, William 3
Cannon, William 4
Cannon, William 35
Cannon, William 38
Canterbury, William 144
Carr, Jacob 491
Carson, James 138
Carter, John 448
Cate, Charles 19
Cate, Elijah 337
Cate, Elisha 246
Cate, Jesse 335
Cate, Jesse 336
Cate, Richard 265
Cate, Richard 339
Catlett, John 261
Catlett, John 372
Chandler, George 30
Chandler, George 195
Chandler, James 206
Chandler, John 41
Chandler, John 528
Clabough, Cumberland 260
Clabough, William 555
Clark, Amos 542
Clark, Arramiah? 478
Clark, Isham 12
Clark, Isom 240
Clark, Isom 382
Clark, Isom 438
Clark, James 257
Clark, James 251
Clark, James 452
Clark, Jeremiah 367
Clark, John 136
Clark, John 368
Clark, Joseph 213
Clark, Joseph 239
Clark, Joseph 264
Clark, Joseph 435
Clark, Joseph 523
Clendenon, James F. 207
Clendenon, John 16
Coddell, Jonathan 46
Collins, Robert et. al. 423
Collis, John 350
Compton, Jeremiah 166
Conatser, Andrew 128
Conatser, Andrew 304
Cook, John 380
Coons, Joseph 570
Corson, James 165
Cotter, John 177
Cotter, Samuel 141
Cotter, Stephen 295
Cotter, William 192
Covington, Aaron 185
Cowan, Champion 181
Cowan, Champion Hugh 172
Cowan, CHH & Whittle Levi 180
Cox, John 535
Creswell, Andrew 72
Creswell, Andrew 106
Creswell, Andrew 323
Creswell, Samuel 177
Creswell, Samuel 425
Crowson, Aron 169
Crowson, Aron 188
Crowson, R. W. 364
Crowson, R. W. 364
Cummings, James 507
Cunningham, C & E Murphy, & A Cunningham 299
Cunningham, Christopher 94
Cunningham, David 373
Cunningham, David & Thomas Caldwell 319
Cunningham, -James 195
Cunningham, John 70
Cunningham, Moses 88
Cunningham, Moses 203
Cusick, David 78
Cusick, David 96
Cusick, Joseph 224
Cusick, Samuel 43
Cusick, Samuel 202
Cusick, Samuel 282
Cusick, Samuel 384
Cusick, Samuel 465
Cusick, Samuel 509
David, Jesse 66
Davis, Jessee 535
Davis, Morgan 354
Davis, Morgan 376
Davis, Morgan & Charles McKenzie 464
Davis, Sarah 428
Dawson, John R. 247
Dawson, John R. 325
Delozier, Asa 300
Delozier, Asa 494
Delozier, Edward 198
Delozier, Edward 200
Delozier, Edward 203
Delozier, Edward 281
Dennis, Cary 366
Dever, William 241
Dickerson, Mary 281
Dickson, David 191
Dockery, William 446
Dodd, Josiah 291
Dotson, William 49
Dotson, William 524
Dotson, William & William Bryan 289
Dotson, William & William Bryan 290
Douglass, Thomas 10
Duggan, Daniel 206
Duggan, Daniel 277
Duggan, Daniel 504
Duggan, Robert 245
Duggan, Robert 497
Dunlap, Adam 139
Dunn, Richard 131
Dunn, Thomas 109
Eatherton, William 451
Elder, John 29
Elder, John 243
Elder, John 246
Elderidge, Jacob 244
Ellige, James 567
Ellis, James 288
Ellis, James W. 483
Ellis, William 219
Emert, Daniel 21
Emert, Daniel 250
Emert, Daniel 354
Emert, Daniel 356
Emert, Daniel 358
Emert, Daniel 358
Emert, Daniel 412
Emert, Daniel 413
Emert, Daniel 415
Emert, Daniel W. 442
Emert, Elizabeth 24
Emert, Elizabeth 381
Emert, Frederick 20
Emert, Frederick 223
Emert, Frederick, Jr. 27
Emert, Frederick, Jr. 224
Emert, Frederick, Sr. 411
Emmitt, John B. 551
Emmitts, Frederick & Phillilps Shults 555
Emory, James 549
Ernest, James 227
Eslinger, Martin 540
Evans, Jacob 237
Evans, Jacob 269
Evans, Jacob 419
Evans, John 303
Evans, John 443
Evans, Richard 26
Evans, Richard 275
Evans, Richard 313
Evans, Richard 429
Evans, Richard 429
Evans, Richard 430
Evans, Richard 458
Evans, Richard 459
Fan, George 311
Fan, John 273
Fan, John 274
Feasel, John 541
Finly, David C. 507
Fletcher, Enas 570
Fletcher, Enas 570
Fletcher, Enas 571
Floyd, Johathan 506
Floyd, Nathaniel 142
Floyd, R. B. 408
Fowler, Richard 230
Fox, Abraham 54
Fox, Adam 485
Fox, Cornelius 539
Fox, Emmanuel 510
Fox, Emmanuel 567
Fox, George 14
Fox, George 515
Fox, George & C. Patterson 392
Fox, George & C. Patterson 394
Fox, George & Henry Houk 214
Fox, George, Jr. 564
Fox, George, Jr. 519
Fox, John 8
Fox, John 216
Fox, John 411
Fox, William 211
Frame, Archibald 126
Frame, Archibald 149
Frasher, David 537
Frazsher, David 256
Furgerson, John 437
Gallean, Gilbert 36
Gallion, Gilbert & Zach Thomas 537
Gallion, Thomas 344
Galyon, Amos 165
Garner, John 85
Garner, John 468
Garner, John 481
George, Charles 336
George, Charles 341
Gilber, John & Richard 333
Goforth, Russel 147
Gray, John 119
Gregory, David 427
Gregory, John 47
Haggard, James 17
Haggard, James 285
Haggard, James 286
Haggard, James 288
Haggard, Martin 15
Haggart, Atchely 512
Haggart, Martin 521
Hardin, Caffery 380
Hardin, Catherine 251
Hardin, Catherine 563
Hardin, George & John Bogle 505
Hardin, Merideth R. 250
Harris, James 509
Hatcher, Carles W. 463
Hatcher, John 209
Hatcher, John R. 282
Hatcher, John Sr. 460
Hatcher, Reuben 275
Hatcher, Reuben 459
Hatcher, Reuben 469
Headrick, Henry 88
Headrick, Henry 473
Headrick, Henry 476
Helton, Levvi 419
Helton, Robert 384
Henderson, Elliot 114
Henderson, Samuel 41
Henderson, Samuel 98
Henderson, Samuel 440
Henderson, Samuel 441
Henderson, Samuel & Hugh Blair 305
Henderson, Wiliam 566
Henderson, William 7
Henderson, William 267
Henderson, William 559
Henderson, William 565
Henderson, William 566
Henderson, William & A Loveday & A. Lawson 479
Henderson, William & A. Blair & MC Rolins 388
Henry, Hugh 118
Henry, Hugh Sr. 64
Henry, Hugh Sr. 146
Henry, Hugh Sr. 148
Henry, John 489
Henry, Samuel 52
Henry, Samuel 109
Henry, Samuel 156
Hess, John 502
Hess, John 517
Hess, John 520
Hess, Robert 474
Hester, Ferrell 59
Hickman, Thomas 66
Hickman, Thomas 340
Hickman, Thomas 341
Hill, Aronouah? 401
Hill, Ira 211
Hill, Ira H. 543
Hill, John 58
Hill, John 62
Hill, John 143
Hill, Thomas 58
Hill, Thomas 57
Hill, Thomas 61
Hinds, Issac 77
Hinds, Issac 77
Hinds, Robert 162
Hiss, James 182
Hodges, Edmond 84
Hodges, Edmond 88
Holland, Benjamin 184
Holland, Benjamin 270
Holland, Jacob & others 421
Holoway, Joseph 436
Hooker, Drewy 197
Horn, Adam 86
Houk , Henry 218
Houk, Adam 466
Houk, Henry 315
Houk, John 68
Houk, John 100
Houk, Martin 90
Houk, Martin 202
Houk, Martin 210
Houk, Martin 445
Hously, Rebecca 330
Howard, Henry 398
Howard, Matthew 474
Hudson, George 10
Hudson,George 326
Huffaker, Justis 82
Huffaker, Wesley 458
Hufft, Benjamin 55
Hufft, Benjamin 333
Hufft, Jacob 11
Hufft, Jospeh 210
Hufft, William 1
Hufft, William 53
Hufft, William 234
Hufft, William 302
Huft, Joseph 75
Huft, Lerance 178
Huksy, John 302
Hurst, George 151
Hurst, George 454
Hurst, Henry 148
Hurst, James 449
Hurst, Nancy 450
Husky, Albert 301
Husky, Isaac 179
Husky, Isaac 187
Husky, Isaac 359
Husky, Isaac 400
Husky, Isaac Jr 252
Husky, Issac 69
Husky, Issac Jr. 129
Husky, Issac Sr. 30
Husky, Issac Sr. 46
Husky, Joh 298
Husky, John 31
Husky, John 71
Husky, John 73
Husky, John 138
Husky, John 183
Husky, John 188
Husky, John 294
Husky, John 350
Husky, John & Albert 252
Husky, Stephen 185
Husky, William 180
Husky, William 190
Husky, WIlliam 300
Husky, William 362
Husky, William 575
James, Randell 436
Jay, Joel 378
Jenkins, John 258
Johnson, T & Jay Newman 527
Jones, David & Loftus Henry 249
Jones, Henry 511
Jones, Layman 154
Kear, Daniel 128
Kear, James 55
Kear, Joel 240
Kear, John 56
Kear, John 107
Kear, John 377
Keeler, John 492
Keeler, Joseph 123
Keeler, Joseph 286
Keeler, Joseph & Others 560
Keen, John 406
Keener, David 345
Keener, George 340
Keener, George 379
Kelley, William 327
Kelley, William 329
Kelly, William 111
Kelms, Sarah 144
Kelms, Sarah 157
Kenatsure, Andrew 408
Kerr, Daniel 111
Kerr, Daniel 346
Kerr, John Sr. 292
Kifer, Jacob 139
Kifer, Jacob 561
Kifer, Jacob & Anthony Lawson 370
Kincannon, William 37
King, Nathaniel 533
King, William 417
Langston, Samuel 343
Lanning, John 3
Lanning, Mary 268
Lanning, Mary 332
Large, James 374
Large, James 366
Large, James 456
Large, Samuel 27
Large, William 243
Large, William 365
Laudermilk, William 90
Lawson, A 470
Lawson, Andrew 430
Lawson, Andrew 510
Lawson, Andrew & William Hindson 472
Lawson, Andrew & William Hindson 471
Lawson, Andrew & William Hindson 477
Lawson, Anthony 122
Lawson, Anthony 181
Lawson, Anthony 193
Layfellette, George 173
Layfellette, George 175
Layfellette, George 396
Layfellette, George 399
Layman, Daniel 51
Layman, Jacob 63
Layman, Jacob 115
Layman, Jacob 117
Layman, Jacob 126
Layman, Jacob 142
Layman, Jacob 152
Layman, Jacob 153
Layman, Jacob 154
Layman, Jacob 377
Layman, John 153
Layman, Nathan 5
Layman, Nathan 160
Legerwood, David 382
Lewelling, Allison 97
Lewelling, James MC 368
Lewelling, Jane 76
Lewis, Levi 67
Lewis, Levi 385
Lindsy, Jessie 116
Lindsy, Jessie 501
Line, Jaob 526
Line, Jaob & Jacob Green 531
Long, George 426
Long, Moses 343
Long, Moses & William Maples 220
Love, Isaac 112
Love, Isaac 132
Love, Isaac 134
Love, Isaac 355
Love, Mason & Peek 293
Love, RW & brothers. 385
Love, William K & others 559
Love, William R & brothers 351
Loveday, Edward 308
Loveday, Henry 5
Loveday, Henry 156
Loveday, Jobe 541
Loveday, Jobe 542
Loveday, Robert 4
Loveday, Robert 113
Loveday, Robert 155
Lowe, Abner J. 544
Lowe, Jacob 319
Lowfasser, Conrad 503
Lusk, Morris 279
Mack, Phillip 344
Malcom, William 328
Manes, Jacob 167
Manes, Samuel 262
Manes, Samuel 253
Manis, Ephram & Robert Collins & George, Hayes 423
Manis, Jacob 488
Manis, Joseph 472
Manis, Samuel 314
Manning, George 6
Manning, Job 158
Manning, Joseph 9
Manning, Joseph 151
Maples, Abijah 124
Maples, Abijah 524
Maples, Jesse 50
Maples, Jesse 66
Maples, Sarah 264
Maples, Sarah 466
Maples, Thomas 212
Maples, Thomas 544
Maples, William C. 158
Maples, William C. 159
Marshall, John 438
Martin, Robert 554
Martin, William 123
Mason, James 428
Mathises, William 369
May, James 222
McBryan, William 317
McBryant, Spencer 170
McBryant, William 460
McCarry, Paine 230
McCown, George 17
McCown, George 263
McCown, George 267
McCown, George 433
McCroskey, David 76
McCroskey, David 102
McCroskey, John 37
McCroskey, John 65
McCroskey, John 81
McCroskey, John 91
McCroskey, Robert 75
McCroskey, Robert 85
McFalls, Arthur 244
McFalls, Arthur 477
McFalls, Brise 518
McFalls, James 361
McFarland, Joseph 339
McGomery, William (Montgomery) 19
McKinley, Peter 141
McKinney, Rodrick 174
McKinzie, Charles 312
McKinzie, John 166
McKinzie, John 321
McKinzie, John 538
McKissick, John 248
McKissick, William 249
McMahan, Abraham 106
McMahan, Archibald 124
McMahan, Archibald 365
McMahan, David 118
McMahan, David 434
McMahan, David 525
McMahan, Eli 22
McMahan, George 316
McMahan, George 353
McMahan, I. & Roberts, Wm 174
McMahan, James 352
McMahan, Robert 99
McMahon, David 248
McMahon, Eli 242
McMahon, James 209
McMahon, Redmon 285
McNelly, James & George W Rogers 579
McNelly, John & George Harden 564
McPherson, David 315
McPherson, David (Daniel?) 474
McPherson, David (Daniel?) 511
McQuary, Malcomb 391
Merrit, William 13
Merrit, William 342
Mess, John 452
Miller, Issac & William Roberts 534
Miller, James F. 571
Miller, James F. 572
Miller, James F. 573
Miller, Nancy M. 575
Miller, Nicholas H. 571
Miller, Robert L. 574
Mills, Curtis 308
Mills, Curtis 437
Mills, James 238
Milsaps, David 454
Milsaps, Solomon 450
Mock Phillip 233
Montgomery, William 232
Montgomery, William 432
Moon, John 231
Moore, Chainey 28
Moore, Joseph 128
Mullendore, Abraham 45
Mullendore, Abraham 168
Mullendore, David 540
Mullendore, David 552
Mullendore, David 558
Mullendore, John 168
Mullendore, John 309
Mullendore, John 401
Mullendore, John 553
Murphy, Edward 33
Murphy, Edward 198
Murphy, Edward 517
Murphy, Joseph 184
Murphy, Samuel 442
Murphy, William 83
Murphy, Zachariah 395
Murphy, Zachariah 473
Newcom, Armsted 451
Newkester, John 150
Newman, Isaac, Jr. 54
Newman, Isaac, M. & others 526
Newman, Joseph 347
Newman, Joseph & others 527
Nichols, Edward 101
Nichols, Edward 186
Nichols, Edward 476
Nichols, Jesse 103
Nichols, Jesse 225
Nichols, John 271
Nichols, John 338
Nichols, John Sr. 512
Nichols, Robert H. 259
Nichols, Sallie 503
Nichols, Vance R. 469
Nichols, William 105
Nichols, William 312
Norton, James 200
Norton, James 280
Norton, James 307
Norton, James 395
Norton, James 397
Norton, William 258
Oconnel, John 292
Oconnel, John 293
Ogle, Hercules 131
Ogle, Isaac 82
Ogle, Isaac 164
Ogle, Isaac 173
Ogle, Isaac & William Sr. 169
Ogle, Isam 412
Ogle, Issac 409
Ogle, John 72
Ogle, John 101
Ogle, John Jr. 429
Ogle, Thomas 32
Ogle, Thomas 132
Ogle, Thomas 167
Ogle, Thomas T. & Isac T. 546
Ogle, Willaim Jr. 170
Ogle, William Sr. 162
Ogle, William Sr. 413
Ownby, Amos 403
Ownby, John 274
Ownsby, Amos 486
Ownsby, Amos 308
Ownsby, Amos 513
Ownsby, Amos 568
Ownsby, John 463
Parsons, Juliana 372
Pate, Charles 334
Pate, Hugh 229
Pate, Samuel 334
Patterson, Cornelus 455
Patterson, Samuel 131
Patterson, Samuel 310
Patterson, Samuel 322
Patty, Joshua 468
Pearce, Mary 569
Peared, David 325
Peau, Albert & Pleasant 455
Peau, Pleasant 487
Peck, Benjamin & Elliot 347
Peck, Jacob & Adam 348
Peck, Moses L. Henry H. 349
Peirce, James, Jr. 409
Perry, Simeon 80
Perryman, Esther 531
Persons, Evelina & Juliana 303
Pharis, Samuel 233
Pharis, Samuel Sr. 324
Phillips Willis 433
Pickens, Samuel 294
Pickens, Samuel 424
Pickens, Samuel 446
Pickens, Samuel 447
Pickens, Samuel 484
Pickens, Samuel 499
Pickens, Samuel & James M. Evans 500
Pierce, James 74
Pitner, Adam 83
Pitner, Adam 91
Pitner, John 81
Ponder, James 163
Ponder, James 207
Ponder, James 369
Ponder, James 371
Porter, George W. 47
Porter, George W. 64
Porter, George W. 231
Porter, George W. 265
Porter, George W. 402
Porter, George W. 562
Porter, John W. 93
Porter, Willam B. 310
Porter, William 43
Porter, William 68
Porter, William 70
Preston, Alexander 259
Proffitt, Benjamin 363
Proffitt, Benjamin 435
Prophet, Benjamin 271
Prophet, Benjamin 276
Quarles, John 468
Rader, Casper 121
Ragan, Jeremiah 42
Ragan, Jeremiah 103
Ragan, Jeremiah 569
Ragan, Joshua 182
Rambo, Adonijah 38
Rambo, Adonijah 41
Rambo, Adonijah 101
Rambo, Adonijah 136
Rambo, Adonijah 193
Rambo, Harvey 189
Rambo, Peter 254
Reagan, D. W. 417
Reagan, Daniel 130
Reagan, Daniel 186
Reagan, Daniel W. 514
Reagan, Jeremiah 360
Reagan, Jeremiah 464
Reagan, Richard 92
Reagan, Timothy 18
Reed, Francis 196
Reed, John S 196
Reed, Willaim 337
Reed, Willaim 453
Reed, Willaim 547
Reese, Mary 50
Reggan, Richard 278
Remal, John 318
Reneau, Lewis 48
Renfro, John 405
Renfrow, John 79
Richardson, William 356
Ridings, Thomas 400
Ridings, William 524
Ridings, William 525
Riggins, F 269
Rimal, George 471
Robbs, Thomson 137
Roberson, Elijah 556
Roberson, Mark B. 544
Roberson, Noah 367
Roberts, Aaron 239
Roberts, Aaron 398
Roberts, Aaron 399
Roberts, Benjamin 322
Roberts, Eli 533
Roberts, Fredrick 513
Roberts, John 298
Roberts, John 352
Roberts, John 402
Roberts, Phillip 439
Roberts, William 129
Roberts, William & Issac A. Miller 534
Robertson, Elijah 119
Robertson, Mark B. 194
Robinson, Cleason 418
Rogers M. C 183
Rogers, E. L 572
Rogers, Elijah 69
Rogers, Elijah 489
Rogers, Elijah Lafayett 576
Rogers, George 235
Rogers, George W 545
Rogers, George W. Hopkins L. Andes 577
Rogers, George W. I Brewster 574
Rogers, George W. Mathew B. Robinson 573
Rogers, Josiah 49
Rogers, M. C. 53
Rogers, M. C. 56
Rogers, M. C. 57
Rogers, M. C. 227
Rogers, M. C. 392
Rogers, M. C. 426
Rogers, M. C 315
Rogers, Micajah C. 443
Rogers, Nancy T. 578
Rogers, S. C 444
Rose, Elisha 105
Rose, Hosea 86
Rose, John 161
Rose, John 328
Routh, Edward 133
Routh, Edward 287
Routh, Edward 345
Routh, Edward 529
Routh, Jeremiah 287
Routh, Jeremiah 342
Routh, Zacheirs 65
Runyan, John 317
Runyan, John 415
Runyan, Joseph 14
Runyan, Joseph 28
Rustin, Hannah 346
Sage, Samuel 92
Sage, Samuel 175
Sage, Samuel 283
Seaton, Anderson 493
Seaton, Jacob 197
Seaton, Jacob & Reubin Hatcher 191
Seaton, James 145
Seaton, Washington 538
Severe, Jeremiah 194
Severe, Jeremiah 209
Shahan, John 98
Shamblin, Aron H. 441
Shamblin, John 36
Shamblin, John 164
Shamblin, John 514
Shamblin, William 208
Shamblin, William 475
Sharp, John 34
Sharp, John 97
Sharp, John 104
Sharp, John 205
Sharp, William B. 152
Sharp, Willis B. 125
Sharp, Willis B. 127
Sheilds, R. Jr. & A. Thomas, Wm. Robb 522
Sheilds, Richard, Sr. 578
Sheilds, Robert 208
Sheilds, Robert Sr. 236
Sheilds, Robert Sr. 553
Sheilds, Robert Sr. 556
Shielas, Arnett 93
Shielas, Arnett 130
Shields, John 357
Shrader, Christopher 215
Shrader, Christopher 311
Shrader, Jacob 378
Shrader, Joseph 220
Shrader, Joseph 309
Shults, Martin 23
Shults, Martin 23
Shults, Martin 254
Shults, Martin 255
Shults, Martin 256
Shults, Martin 257
Shults, Martin 272
Shults, Martin 349
Shults, Martin 439
Shults, Perry M. 528
Shults, Perry M. 529
Shults, Philip 276
Shults, Philip 456
Shults, Philip 457
Shults, Philip 457
Shults, Preston 556
Slackton, Samuel 16
Smallwood, James 552
Smelcer, John 390
Smelcer, John 393
Smith, Asa 125
Smith, Asa 290
Smith, Charles 71
Smith, Thomas 25
Smith, Thomas 501
Smith, William 213
Smith, William 497
Smith, William 498
Smith, William 498
Smith, William 546
Smith, William 547
Snapp, Peter 120
Spencer, William 222
Spencer, William 261
Spencer, William 283
Spencer, William 462
Srublin, Lott 440
Stafford, Jessee 539
Stafford, Nathan A. 313
Stinnett, Alexander 561
Stinnett, John 273
Stockton, Patience 291
Sullins, Joseph 28
Talbot, John M. & Isham & John Raine 348
Thomas, Henry M. 238
Thomas, Henry U. 35
Thomas, John 84
Thomas, John 543
Thomas, John 563
Thomas, William 121
Thurman, Barnabas 63
Thurman, Barnabas 236
Thurman, John 25
Tipton, Benjamin & Asa Delozier 495
Tipton, Caswell C. 494
Tipton, Jacob 506
Toomey, James 467
Toomey, John Sr. 579
Tramel, James 74
Trauntham, William & William Ogle 296
Trauntham, William & William Ogle 297
Trauntham, William (Trentham) 226
Trauntham, William (Trentham) 226
Trauntham, William (Trentham) 475
Trauntham, William (Trentham) 490
Trotter, Archibald 62
Trotter, Archibald 316
Trotter, Archibald 331
Trotter, John 229
Trotter, William 145
Trotter, William 146
Trotter, William, Jr. 425
Trundle, Daniel S 567
Trundle, James 284
Trundle, James 461
Trundle, James 462
Tunis, William 140
Tunis, William 272
Underwood, Enoch 64
Underwood, Enoch 508
Underwood, John 10
Underwood, John 284
Varnel, Albert 467
Varnel, Jessee 289
Varnel, Richard 223
Waddell, David 192
Wallis, John 350
Ward, Thomas 280
Waters, Ezekiel 383
Wayland, James C. 171
Wayland, Lewis 102
Wear, John 374
Wear, John 375
Wear, John 379
Wear, John 396
Wear, John & M. Anderson 549
Wear, John & M. Anderson 557
Wear, Mary 189
Wear, Pleasant M. 107
Webb, Elizabeth 299
Webb, James 150
Webb, Jessee 304
Webb, Joseph 496
Webb, Joseph 560
Webb, Joseph Sr. 496
Webb, Thomas 410
Wells, Andrew 124
Wells, Andrew 159
Wells, Andrew 160
Wells, Andrew 307
Wells, Jeremiah 6
Wells, Michael 449
Wells, Michael 516
West, Samuel 228
West, Samuel 237
Whaley, Alexander 516
Whaley, John 485
Whaley, Middleton 279
Whaley, William 163
Whaley, William Jr. & Richard Evans 479
White, George 73
White, Solomon 108
White, William 58
Whitson, William 491
Whitted, & Henderson C. 178
Whitted, & Henderson C. 179
Whitten, Jahu 548
Whittle, George 105
Whittle, John 33
Whittle, Levi 96
Whittle, Levi 176
Whittle, Levi 391
Widner, C. F. 135
Widner, Christopher F. 80
Wilhite, James 266
Williams, Daniel 21
Williams, Daniel 242
Williams, John 29
Williams, John 329
Williams, John 363
Williams, Solomon 241
Williams, Solomon 269
Williams, William 22
Wilson, Peter 204
Wright, Sarah 335
Zollinger, Alexander 221


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