• Register

Borrowed from the East Tennessee Historical Society's journal, Tennessee Ancestors, December, 2000.  Please note:  This text was scanned and digitized; there may be typographical errors as a result.

This list is not at all comprehensive.

ETHS Editor's Note: Steve Cotham, Manager of the McClung Historical Collection, submitted the following material, which he found on pages 565-686 of an old book in the McClung Collection with the marvelous title of Presidents Soldiers Statesmen, Giving the Lives of the Presidents, with Portraits and Autographs Sketches of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, with Portraits and Autographs Sketches of Cabinet Officers and Other Statesmen, Tables of the Popular and Electoral Votes 1788-1888 and a Full, Authentic and Profusely Illustrated History of the War of the Rebellion, Including the Story of the Southern Prison Pens, Chronological Table of the Battles of the War Sketches of the Officers and of the Rank and File That Fought and Won the Battles of the War, Etc., Etc., Etc., with a Prefix, Giving a Compendium of the History of the United States and History of the Declaration of Independence (New York: H. H. Hardesty, 1892).

Rev. William M. Burnett

A minister in the Baptist church, was born in Knox county, Tenn., June 10, 1814, and settled in this county in 1850; he was married in Blount county, Tennessee, to Letitia Sharp, born in that county October 11, 1821; both the parents of Rev. Burnett and his wife are deceased. They have had issue nine children, namely: John A., B. F., Susan J., Sarah A., James R., Jeremiah B., Wm. R., Mary S. and Thomas S. Our subject enlisted as chaplain, from Sevierville, Tenn., July 25, 1863, when 47 years old, in Co. K, 3rd E. Tenn. Cav.; was in hospital in May, 1864, at Camp Catlett two months, and also in field hospital; in October, 1864, was captured by Forrest, at Athens, Ala., and held at Meridian, Miss., for two months; at Nashville, Tenn., in 1864, he was detailed on special duty, and came to Knox county, Tenn., to recruit two months, receiving his honorable discharge at Nashville, Tenn., in May, 1865. Rev. Burnett was clerk of the circuit court of Sevier county from 1865 to 1867, county clerk for two years and also trustee of Sevier county, Tenn., before and after the war. He died at his home in Sevier county, April 14, 1881, of heart disease. His widow draws a pension. Address, New Knob Creek, Sevier county, Tenn.

Amos Gobble

Was born at Pigeon Forge, Sevier Co., Tenn., Feb. 17, 1838, a son of Amos and Elizabeth (Roberts) Gobble, deceased, and enlisted.from Blount county, that State; Sept. 15, 1862, when 24 years old, as private in Co. B, 2nd Tenn. Regt., and was promoted company blacksmith. Among his battles were the following: Stone River, Murfreesborough, Kingston, Shelbyville, Chichamauga, Okalona, Miss., Decatur, Ala., near Martinsville, Cortland and Nashville; he was wounded in right knee in November, 1863, while in the engagement at Kingston, Tenn., by his horse running against a tree while he was mounted; in 1865, at Decatur, Ala. he was detailed to go to Nashville, Tenn., after horses, which took him five days; he was finally discharged July 6, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. In February, 1860, in Sevier county, Tenn., he was married to Rilly Gipson, a daughter of James and Nancy (Perkins) Gipson, both deceased, and they have had issue the following children: Nancy C., deceased, Samuel H., deceased, Rhoda E., Sarah E., William M. and Aaron A. Mr. and Mrs. Gobble, Rhoda and Sarah E., belong to the M. E. church. Comrade Gobble draws a pension, and is a member of A. C. Catlett Post No. 58, G. A. R.; he is a farmer, and his address is New Knob Creek, Sevier county, Tenn.

Benjamin Langston

Is a native of Sevier county, Tenn., and at the age of 23 years enlisted in that county, Sept. 17, 1863, as a private in Co. D., 9th Tenn. Cav., Army of the Cumberland, and was subsequently promoted sergeant; his battle list includes Knoxville, Blue Springs, Morristown, Greenville, Wautauga, Bulls Gap, Russelville, Cumberland Gap, Tenn., and Salt Works, Va.; was captured by Longstreet's command Nov. 25, 1863, and held about twelve hours; in May, 1864, at Pilot Knob, was detailed on special duty about three months; Nov. 15, 1864, he was furloughed fifteen days; he was discharged at Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1865. His uncle, M. C. Atchly, and eight cousins, George Long, Doc. Long, Lafait Atchly, Jonathan Cogsdale, Levi Branson, John S. Brown, N. B. Lile and Harve Langston, were all in Tennessee regiments. His father, Thomas Langston, is still living at the age of 79 years, but his mother, Louisa (Atchly), is deceased. Mr. Langston was married in Sevier county, in 1856, to Mary Atchly, a native of that county; her parents, William and Catherine (Andes) Atchly, are deceased; two children have blessed the union, Sarah Ogle and Louisa C., deceased. Mrs. Langston's two brothers, A. S. and C. A. Atchly, served in 3rd Tenn. Cav.; her six cousins, John Riley, Leander, Alexander and James Andes, served in 2nd Tenn. Cav., and Alexander Seaton and J. W. Atchly in 3rd Tenn. Inf. Mr. and Mrs. Langston are both members of the Baptist church. Comrade Langston is a Republican; he belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R.; draws a pension, is a minister of the Gospel, and his address is Cox, Sevier county, Tennessee.

Isaac King

Was born in Gatlinburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., May 25, 1844, and enlisted from there Sept. 22, 1862, at the age of 18 years, as a private in Co. I., 2nd E. Tenn. Cav., and took part in the following battles: Murfreesborough, Chickamauga, Decatur, Franklin, Okalona, Kingston, McMinnville and Eaglesville; Was in hospital five months from March or April, 1863, with chronic diarrhoea, fever and rheumatism; in spring of 1864 was detailed to drive cattle from Nashville to Chattanooga and was discharged July 6, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. The parents of our subject, Nathaniel and Sara (Ogle) King, are both deceased. Mr. King married Mary Reagan, born March 22, 1845, in Gatlinburg, Tenn., and they were married at the same place Nov. 23, 1865. Her parents are Daniel Wesley and Sara (Whaley) Reagan, the former is deceased. Their children are Wm. Harrison, Daniel Wesley, Sara, Elizabeth, John Walker, Chas. Henry and Mary Anna. Mr. King and wife and all the children belong the Baptist church, and are all Republican in politics. Comrade King was J. P. two years, 1884-86, of Second Dist., Sevier Co., Tenn.; is a member of A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., draws a pension, and his address is Henderson's Springs, Sevier Co., Tenn.

John Shelley

A son of Elijah Shelley, deceased, and Amanda (Lane), living, was born in Knox county, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1839, and enlisted from Blount county, Tenn., Aug. 15, 1862, at the age of 23 years, as a private in Co. H., 3rd E. Tenn. Cav., and among his battles were those of Okalona, Miss., and Athens, Ala.; was captured and held at Cahaba one month, Macon, Ga., three weeks, then taken to Andersonville, Ga., where he was held five months; while in Andersonville prison he was taken out to an old house with a great many others, where they were all sick, not one able to wait on another; June 12, 1865, he was honorably discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio. Mr. Shelley was married in Sevier county, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1866, to Mary Jane Murphy, a native of that county, born Nov. 8, 1839; her parents, William and. Rachel (Hatcher) Murphy, are deceased. Comrade Shelley settled in this county in 1841, is a Republican and draws a pension; belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., is a farmer, and his address is Shiloh Church, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Frederick Huskey

Now living in the 2nd District, Sevier Co., Tenn. was born in that county Dec. 9, 1844, and enlisted from Sevierville, Tenn., in September, 1862, at the age of 18 years, as private in Co. E, 2nd Tenn. Cav., taking part in the battle of Murfreesborough, and Stone River campaign, which lasted for several days; he received his final and honorable discharge about March, 1863, at Murfreesborough, Tenn. Mr. Huskey is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Huskey, who are both still living; his father and one uncle, Stars Emert, served in the late war. In March, 1866, he was united in marriage to Miss Dorothy Lindsey, born in Sevier county, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1850; she is a daughter of John Lindsey, deceased, and Mary (Huskey) Lindsey, living. Mr. Huskey and wife have thirteen children, born in the following order: John N., Wm. D., James A., Mary E., Martha A., Barbara C., Clarence Lee, Alonzo, Frederick L., Dorothea Belle, Dan. Harrison, Horace Roscoe and Robert A. Dorothea and Mary E. are both members of the Methodist church, and John is a Baptist. Comrade Huskey was at one time constable, draws a pension, and is a farmer. Address, Emert's Cove, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Martin Shults

The subject of this sketch, was born in Sevier county, Tenn., March 10, 1823, and enlisted from 2nd Dist., that county, at the age of 37 years, in 1863, as a private in Co. K, 9th Tenn. Cav., and was disabled most of the time while in service; he was in the hospital in 1865 for two or three months, at Chattanooga, Tenn., with rheumatism, and was also transferred from the 11th Tenn. Cav. to the 9th Cav.; he received his final discharge Sept. 17, 1865, at Knoxville, Tenn. He had three brothers, Eli H., John S. and Noah, in the service, also the following cousins, Henderson, Jasper, Allen and John McMahan, last three died in service, and J. W. Rinehart, deceased. His wife, Eliza Jane (Branum), to whom he was married March 17, 1852, in Sevier county, Tenn., was born in Washington county, that State, August 15, 1833. The issue of this marriage are five children, namely: Joseph A., George M., Sarah Elizabeth, Mary Line and Harriett B. Mrs. Shults had two brothers in the service, Eli and Marion Branum, now deceased, the latter was killed at Vicksburg, Miss.; her uncle, James Branum, died at Andersonville, Ga., and another uncle, Wm. Branum, and a cousin Bevrage Branum, were also in the service. The parents, of Mr. Shults, Philip and Elizabeth Shults, are both deceased. Mrs. Eliza Shults' parents are Bevrage and Mary (Ambrous) Branum, the former deceased, the latter still living. Mr. Shults died March 19, 1875, he was a member of the Methodist church, of which church his wife and two sons, Joseph and George, are also members. Mrs. Shults draws a widow's pension, and resides on a farm. Address, Shultz, Sevier Co., Tenn.

West 0. Whaley

The subject of this sketch, was born at Gatlinburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., May 21, 1838, and enlisted from there Sept. 16, 1862, at the age of 24 years, as private in Co. E, 2nd East Tenn. Cav., and was promoted corporal; he was in hospital and died while in the service, at Murfreesborough, Tenn., March 26, 1863, of diarrhoea. He was united in marriage to Mary Reagan, at Gatlinburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., Jan. 19, 1860; she was born in same place March 22,1845. The issue of this marriage were two children, Medora, now deceased, and Isham Hodges, living. Mr. Whaley's father, John Whaley, is still living, but his mother, Mornin (Ownby), is deceased. The parents of Mrs. Whaley, are Daniel and Sarah (Whaley) Reagan, the first named deceased. Comrade Whaley, while living, was a member of the Baptist church, as are also his wife and son. Address, Gatlinburg, Sevier county, Tennessee.

John Finley

Born in Sevier county, Tenn., April 28, 1822, is a son of George and Ruthie (Gallien) Finley, both deceased. Sept. 10, 1846, in same county, he was united in marriage to Mary L. McMurry, born in Seviei county, Tenn., Nov. 28, 1820, a daughter of John and Margaret R. (Cowin) McMurry, both deceased. They have five children, born in the following order: Margaret Jane, deceased, George Pinkney, deceased, John Alexander, Samuel Reese and Ruthie Ellen. Mr. Finley enlisted in the spring of 1863, at Nashville, Tenn., at the age of 40, as a private in Co. A, 3rd East Tenn. Cav., participating in the following battles: McMinnville, West Liberty, Yellow Creek, Tenn., Big Blue Spring, Cortland and Athens, Ala. He was captured Sept. 24, 1864, at Athens, Ala., by Forrest, and died in January, 1865, while in prison at Cahaba, Ala., from starvation and exposure. Reese Finley, a brother, was drowned while in the service, and Thomas and Maj. S. W. Pickens, brothers-in-law, also served in the late war. Mr. Finley and his son, John, were Baptists, and his wife, Mary, is a Presbyterian. Mrs. Mary Finley, widow of our subject, draws a pension,. and her address is Trundle's Cross Roads, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Daniel L. McPherson

A son of Daniel and Milly A. (Nichols) McPherson, was born in Sevier county, Tenn., Sept. 3, 1838; both parents are deceased. He enlisted at the age of 22, from 10th Dist., Sevier Co., Tenn., Dec. 21, 1861, as private in Co. G, 3rd Tenn. Inf., 1 st B., 2nd D., 14th A. C., and participated in the following battles: Big Hill, Richmond, Perryville, Ky., Murfreesborough, Mission Ridge, Tenn., Georgia Campaign and Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. About September, 1862, he was detailed on special duty from Williamsburg, Ky., to Louden, Tenn., for thirty-five days, and in fall of same year was transferred to Co. A, 3rd Ky. Regt.; was in hospital in February, 1863, at Washington Park, Cincinnati, five months, with chronic diarrhoea, and was furloughed in March, 1864, for thirty days, rejoining his command April 7, 1864, at Knoxville, Tenn.; on Dec. 15, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., he was wounded by a shell, and Feb. 24, 1865, at same place, he was finally and honorably discharged. He had two brothers, John A., deceased, and R. B. McPherson, in the service; the former was drowned during the war on the Sultana, April 27, 1865; two brothers-in-law also served in the army, John and Hiram Nichols. Our subject was married in Benton county, Ark., Oct. 13, 1869, to Rebecca A. McClelland, born in Polk county, Tenn., May 1, 1845, a daughter of A. D. McClelland, living, and Rebecca, (Mainis), deceased. The issue of this marriage is as follows: Margaret Lorettie, deceased, Tilda Isabel, Sarah Ellen and John A. Logan. Mr. McPherson served five years in the Arkansas State Guards after the close of the late war. Comrade McPherson is a member of A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is New Knob Creek, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Caleb Robbertson

A native of Tennessee, was born in Harrisburg, Sevier county, March 20, 1836, and was married at Middle Creek, same county, in September, 1856, to Mary Butler, born in Middle Creek, July 7, 1839; he enlisted when 26 years old, at Harrisburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., November 8, 1862, as a private in Co. M, East Tenn. Cav., and took part in the battles of Murfreesborough, Stone River, Franklin, Tenn., and Okalona, Miss.; he was injured in 1863, at Murfreesborough, by a mule falling on him, and in 1864 was captured at same place and held three or four months; about half the time of his service was detailed as brigade teamster, and received his final and honorable discharge July 4, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. Both the parents of Mr. and Mrs. Robbertson are deceased. They have had issue ten children, born in the following order: Mordica, William T., Martha E., Henry M., Eliza E., U. S. Grant, Ida A., George W., James C. and Nancy Jane. Comrade Robbertson draws a pension from the Government, is a farmer, and his address is Pigeon Forge, Sevier Co., Tenn.

James M. Maples

A native of Sevier county, Tenn., was born March 24, 1831, and is a son of Abijah and Elizabeth (McMahan) Maples, both deceased; he enlisted from that county Sept. 22, 1862, when 28 years old, as private in Co. I, 2nd Tenn. Cav., and was afterward promoted Sergt.; he took active part in the battles of Nashville, Murfreesborough, Talahoma, Stone River, Chickamauga, Decatur, Franklin, Kingston, Okalona, West Point, Holly Springs, Sugar Creek, arid Sulphur Trussel, Ala. In spring of 1863, was in hospital thirty days, at Murfreesborough, with rheumatism, he was detailed on special duty for thirty days, in September or October, 1864, at Louisville, Ky., and was honorably discharged July 5, 1865, at Edgefield, Tenn. He was married in 1852, at Gatlinburg, Tenn., to Nancy King, born in Sevier county, in 1835; her parents, Nathaniel and Sarah (Ogle) King, are deceased. They have nine children, born as follows: Rosanna, George, Nathaniel, I. A., Isaac R., David A., Isey E. B., Wm. T. and Martha Ann. Comrade Maples draws a pension; belongs to G. A. R. Post, No. 58, Sevierville, Tenn., and is a farmer. Address, Emert's Cove, Tenn.

H. G. Graves

The subject of this sketch, is a native of Tennessee, born in Blount county, in January, 1842; his father, Joseph Latham Graves, is deceased, but his mother, Elizabeth, is still living; he has two brothers living, William Latham and James Palmer; his uncle, Riley, is deceased. In March, 1862, at Boston, Ky., Mr. Graves enlisted in Co. A, 6th Tenn. Inf., serving three years and six months, and taking active part in the battles of Resacca and Pumpkin Vine. Mr. Graves was united in marriage in Sevier county, Tenn., June 9,1867, to Mary A. Latham, a native of that county, born Aug. 7, 1850; she is a daughter of William Latham and Zylpha (Rogers), parents both deceased. The union of Mr. Graves and wife has been blessed with seven children, born in the order named: Zylpha Jane, deceased, William Anderson, John Martin, Mary Caroline, Viona Elizabeth, Ida Isabelle, deceased, and James Reese. Mr. Graves and wife, and their two children, William and Mary, are all members of the Baptist church. Mr. Graves settled in Sevier county Oct. 14, 1876.

Rev. J. W. Tuder

Minister of the Baptist church, settled in this county in 1861; he was born in Jefferson county, Sept. 21. 1839, and is a son of Landon R. and Mary M. (Fuller) Tuder, both deceased. He enlisted at the age of 21 years from Emert's Cove, Sevier Co., Tenn., as private in Co. I, Tenn. Mtd. Inf., and took active part in the battles of Wild Cat, Ky., Murfreesborough, Tenn., and Fishing Creek, Ky., in the summer of 1862 was detailed on special duty at Gauley Bridge, Va., for about two months; he was captured near Kingston, Tenn., and held at Belle Island, Richmond, Va., four months, and at Andersonville, Ga., over twelve months; in April, 1865, was furloughed for thirty days and then mustered out; he was discharged from the service in April, 1865. Rev. Tuder was married in Sevier county, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1865, to Miss Lydia E. Shultz, born in that county Jan. 16, 1844; she is a member of the Baptist church also. Her parents, Frederick J. and Hannah (Lindsey) Shultz, are both living. Comrade Tuder a member of A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A, R.; draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Emert's Cove, Sevier Co., Tenn.

John W. Chittum

Is a native Tennessean, born in Knox county, in 1840, and is a son of the late Joseph L. and Nancy (Nines) Chittum; at the age of 22 years he enlisted at Flat Lick, Ky., as a private in Co. G, 3rd Tenn. Inf., and with his command took active part in the battles of Big Hill, Murfreesborough, Buzzard Roost, Chickamauga and Lookout Mountain; he was detailed in Pioneer corps at Nashville, in 1862; was in hospital at Barresville eight weeks with fever, and was honorably discharged at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 23,.1865. His brother, Thomas M., was in the service; and his eight cousins, Matt. Householder, Joseph and William Hines, Thomas, William and Loge Wilson, Harrison and Thomas Dearmond, were all soldiers in the late war. Mr. Chittum was united in marriage June 12, 1864, in Sevier county, Tenn., to Mary E. Ellis, a native of that county; her father, Ahaz Ellis, is deceased, but her mother, Eleathea A. (Trundle), is still living; the issue of the marriage is ten children, namely: Charley E., Thomas M., Joseph A., John C. William A., Albert, Benjamin, Truly, Eula, and Samuel, deceased. Mr. Chittum and wife are both members of the M. E. church. Comrade Chittum settled in this county in 1857; he is a bricklayer, and his address is Trundle's Cross Cross Roads, Sevier county, Tenn.

Abijar Blalock

Was born in Sevier county, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1837, and enlisted from that county, Oct. 22, 1862, at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., when 25 years old, as 1st Lieut. in Co. I, 2d Tenn. Cav., and participated in the battle of Murfreesborough, Big Creek and Cumberland Gap, the two latter taking place in August, 1862, before enlisted; was detailed as recruiting officer at Cumberland Gap in 1862, for thirty days; in February, 1863, was in hospital at Murfreesborough, Tenn., twenty or twenty-five days with catarrh fever, and in March, 1863, was finally discharged at that place. Mr. Blalock is a son of Jeremiah and Nancy (Maples) . Blalock, the former deceased, the latter still living. The following relatives of our subject were in the late war: D. C., J. M., Geo., Sam, Wm., Gilliert, David, Mitchell, Redman, Arch and Wils Maples. He was married to his first wife, Jane Proffett, May 14, 1865; she was born Aug. 22, 1842, and is a daughter of John and Mary (Williams) Proffett, both deceased. May 23, 1888, he married his second wife, L. R. Williams, born Aug. 28, 1859, and a daughter of Wm. and Mary (Ogle) Williams, both still living. Both marriages occurred in Sevier county, Tenn. Their children are named as follows: Joseph, Newarkey, Mary L., Wilson A., Shada M., Leroy A.; Charles A., Nancy A., Susie E. and David G. Mr. Blalock and wife are members of the Baptist church, as also are their children, Newarkey, Mary, Wilson and Leroy, and all are Republican in politics. Comrade Blalock settled in this county in 1837, was deputy sheriff of the county in 1881-2, draws a pension, and is a member of A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R.; he is a farmer and merchant, and his address is Poke Berry, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Capt. Wm. J. Trotter

Enlisted as Captain in Co. H, 9th Tenn. Cav., Army of Cumberland; was furloughed in January or February, 1864, for five days at Knoxville, Tenn., and rejoined his command at that place. He was born at Middle Creek, Tenn., in December, 1830, and died June 28, 1865, at Gallatin, Tenn., of abscess of bowels, and his widow now draws a pension. The following members of same family also served in the army during the late war: John M., Pleasant, James, Rev. John N. and James Trotter, sr., all living; the following named all died at Murfreesborough, Tenn., Geo. Ogle, Harrison, George, Ma, Lorenzo D. and James Trotter. Capt. Trotter married Mary R. Winn, at Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1850; she was born March 22, 1831, in Sevierville, Tenn., and is a daughter of Ashley and Nancy (Porter) Winn, both deceased. The parents of Mr. Trotter, John S. and Tabitha (Matix) Trotter, are both deceased. Both Mr. and Mrs. Trotter and the following eight children all belong to the M. E. church: Martha Eliza, Sara Virginia, Nancy Tabitha, Ashley Sevier, Melvin Newton, Samuel Hurstin, Mary Penelope and Wm. L. Cainer. A relative of Mrs. Trotter, Capt. Mitchell Winn, served in the army during the late war. Comrade Trotter was a merchant and farmer at Pigeon Forge, Sevier Co., Tenn., where held the office of postmaster for fifteen years.

David C. Watson

Enlisted from Sevier county, Tenn., at the age of 32 years, in 1862, as private in Co. H, 9th Tenn. Cav., and his battle list is as follows: Knoxville, Blue Springs, Morristown, two fights, Rutledge, Bulls Gap, two fights, Johnson City, Watauga and Pranter Spring, Tenn.; he was furloughed for five days in 1863; in 1864 was in hospital at Nashville with diarrhoea, and rejoined his command at Knoxville in that year; was wounded by gunshot in the neck, in 1864, at Greenville, Tenn., and Sept. 11, 1865, at Knoxville, Tenn., received his final discharge. John, Sam, George and Henry Watson, C. T. and Henry Ogle, all relatives of our subject, served in the late war. Mr. Watson was born in Swain county N. C., Nov. 11, 1825, and is a son of John and Susie (Conner) Watson, both deceased. He was married at Gatlinburg, in 1861, to Mary Williams, a daughter of Solomon and Lucinda (McMahan) Williams, the former living, the latter deceased. She was born in Cooke county, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1832. G. W., Sol., James and David Williams, relatives of Mrs. Watson, served in the army. To them have been born the following children, viz: Joel, John, Sars, Andrew, Birtten, Nancy Jane, Asa, Brit, George, Steve, Gin, Susan, Mary and Rachel. David and Mary Watson are both members of the Baptist church, and the children are all members of the same church. Comrade Watson settled in this county in 1849, and is a farmer; he draws a pension, and his address is Poke Berry, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Thomas J. McClure

Now residing in the 5th Dist., Sevier Co., Tenn., enlisted at Cumberland Gap, Aug. 16, 1862, at the age of 26 years, as private in Co. B, 2d E. Tenn. Cav., and was promoted Company saddler; he took part in the following battles: Murfreesborough, Franklin, Wartrace, McMinnville, Tullahoma, Shell Mouth, Chickamauga, Sugar Creek, Decatur, Kingston, Athens, Shoal Creek, Florence and Nashville; he received his honorable discharge July 6, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. Mr. McClure was born in Greene county, Tenn., March 28, 1836, and is a son of Robert and Rebecca (Mathes) McClure, both deceased. He married Matilda Jane Toones, born in Harrisburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., May 15, 1837, the marriage occurring in Polk county, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1856. She is a daughter of John and Nancy (Fox) Toones, both deceased. They have one child, Becky Ann, now married. Several relatives of our subject also served in the army, viz: John and Sherd McClure, and John and Mack Cullip; Wm. Toones, a relative of Mrs. McClure, was also in the war. Comrade McClure settled in this county in 1838, and has filled the following offices: constable, 1867-8, postmaster at Henderson Springs, Sevier Co., Tenn., 1872-6; belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R.; draws a pension, and his address is Henderson Springs, Sevier Co., Tenn.

D. C. Robbertson

Was born at Harrisburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., Jan. 20, 1840, and is a son of D. C. and Elizabeth (Carr) Robbertson, both deceased. He married Elizabeth J. Robberts, born in Pigeon Forge, church. Comrade Parker draws a Pension, is engaged in farming, and his address is Trundle's Cross Roads, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Elijah Thomas

Was born in Sevier county, Tenn., in 1842; his parents, Benjamin and Nancy (Shamblin) Thomas, are deceased; he enlisted in his native county, Sept. 23,1863, as a private in Co. E, 1st Tenn. Lt. Artillery, Stoneman's Brig., and with his command took part in the battles of Bull Gap, Blue Springs, Henderville, Salisbury and Asheville, N. C.; was slightly injured by a fall of his horse, and was in hospital at Knoxville, Tenn., with brain trouble; he was detailed to work on breastworks one week, and on detached duty three weeks; he was honorably discharged at Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1865. His brother, D. L. Thomas, died at Gallatin, Tenn., with smallpox; he also had several cousins in the service. Mr. Thomas was married in Sevier county, Tenn., in 1865, to N. M. Morfatt, her parents, Joseph Hodge and Susan (Wheeler), are still living; the children of this union are J. B., Minnie C., B. W., A. K., L. V., W. R., deceased, Susan and Luther, both-deceased. Henry, Hiram and Thomas Wheeler, all served in the late war. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are both members of the Baptist church. Comrade Thomas belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R.; draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Trundle's Cross Roads, Sevier Co., Tenn.

William M. Householder

Was born in Knox county, Tenn., in 1843; his father, Josephus Householder, is deceased, but his mother, Vina (Hines), is yet living; at the age of 18 years he enlisted at Barton, Ky., March 8, 1862, as corporal in Co. A, 6th Inf., and was promoted flag-bearer; his battle list includes Powell's Valley, Nashville, Cumberland Gap, Lookout Mountain, eight mile post near Nashville, Buzzard Roost, Resacca, Hickory Ridge, Pumpkin Vine Creek, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta; in 1863 he was wounded in left arm by spent ball; he was detailed six days in 1864 to look for deserters, and was given honorable discharge April 27, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. His brother-in-law, Harvey Hopper, served in 3d Tenn., and was lost on the ill-fated Sultana; Bart McMurray, in 3d Tenn., was also on same boat, but is still living; J. W. Hodge, who was also on the boat, died at home; his cousins, William, Josh and Joseph Hines, Loge and William Wilson, Thomas Cheatum, and Harrison and Thomas Darmon, were all in the service. Mr. Hausholder was married in 1867, to Rebecca P. Whittel, born in Sevier county, Tenn., in 1849; her parents, F. C. and Margaret M. (Fox) Whittel, are living; the issue of the marriage is eleven children, namely: T. A. Macroskey, born in 1868; M. J. Needham, 1870; F. 0., 1871; Vina, 1873; Josie, 1875; William, 1877; B. H., 1879; I. H., 1880; M. M., 1882; A. L., 1884; and H. H., 1888. James Whittel and William Smith, uncles of Mrs. Hausholder, were in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Hausholder and seven of their children belong to the Baptist church. Comrade Hausholder settled in this county in 1867; he belongs to Ed. Maynard Post, G. A. R., at Knoxville; draws a pension, is a farmer, and.his address is Trundle's Cross roads, Sevier Co., Tenn.

James M. Palmer

Enlisted from Sevier county, Tenn., on the 23d day of April, 1863, at the age of 21, in Co. E, 1st Tenn. Lt. Art., as private, and his battle list includes Knoxville, Bulls Gap, Morristown, Wautauga, Salt Work, and Greenville; he was in hospital four days with fever at Greenville, Tenn., and when able to be up waited on the sick for three weeks in same hospital; after a furlough of five days he rejoined his command at Knoxville, Tenn., while at Knoxville he was captured and held a few days, and was also transferred from Cav. to Co. 8th, 1st Tenn. Lt. Art. On the 1st day of August, 1865, he received his honorable discharge at Nashville, Tenn. The parents of Mr. Palmer, Jesse and Rebecca Palmer, are both deceased. Our subject was born Aug. 8, 1842, in Sevier county, Tenn., and was married in that county Oct. 15, 1865, to Eller) Thomas, born in Sevier county Aug. 10, 1848; her parents, Zacharias and Marura (Shamlin) Thomas, are both living. Their children are Z. B., M. A., John, Margaret, Armina and Hannah. All of the family are members of the Baptist church. Comrade Palmer died July 8, 1883, of heart and lung troubles, and his widow draws a pension of $12 a month. Address, Shiloh Church, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Robert Irwin

Was born in Knox county, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1847; his mother, Sarah Irwin, is living, aged 74 years; at the age of 14 years he enlisted at Stanford, Ky., in August, 1863, as a private in Co. A, 2d Tenn. Mtd. Inf., Cav. Corps, Army of Ohio, and with his command took active part in the battles of London, Carter's Station, Rogersville and Tazwell; he was captured at Rogersville Nov. 6, 1863, and held at Belle Isle and Libby prisons four months; was in hospital on Chesapeake Bay about six months, and rejoined his command at Knoxville, Tenn., in fall of 1864; he was never discharged as he was sent home by an oversight at the close of the war. Isaac Wright and John Irwin, uncles of our subject, served in the 2nd Tenn. Mtd. Inf.; Wright was killed in the service; David Irwin, another uncle, died in prison; William Irwin, his grandfather, served in same regiment, and died since the war. Mr. Irwin was married in Sevier county, Tenn., May 7, 1873, to Mollie L. Wayland, born in that county May 7, 1854; her father, Lewis Wayland, is deceased, but her mother, Rebecca A. (Burns), is still living, at the advanced age of 64 years; the children of this marriage are: Minnie M., born in 1875; Ada L., 1876; Fred C., 1878; Adora M., 1879; Daniel L., 1881; Newell, 1885, and Cora A., 1887. Willie Burns, uncle of Mrs. Irwin, served in a Tenn. Regt. Mr. Irwin's great-grandfather Hines served in the Mexican war. Mrs. Irwin is a member of the M. E. church. Comrade Irwin draws a pension; he settled in this county in 1865, is a farmer, and his address is Trundle's Cross Roads, Sevier Co., Tenn.

H. G. Graves

Mr. Graves was a resident of Blount county, Tenn., when he enlisted at the age of 18 years, March 8, 1862, at Boston, Ky., as a private in Co. A, 6th Tenn. Inf., 4th Brig., 6th Div. He was an active participant with his command in the battles of Resaca, Ga., Pumpkin Vine, Ga., near Murfreesborough, Tenn., and near Lookout Mountain, Ga.; he was in hospital in 1863, at Williamsburg, Ky., twenty-five days with fever, and was furloughed five days in 1864, rejoining his command at Knoxville, Tenn. About 1864 he was specially detailed at Nashville, Tenn., for two months as pioneer on roads, and April 2d, 1865, he received his honorable discharge at Nashville, Tenn. Comrade Graves is a member of A. C. Catlett Post No. 58, G. A. R., Sevierville, Tenn., he is engaged in farming, and his address is Cusick's Cross Roads, Sevier Co., Tenn.

W. A. Bowers

Was born in Sevier county, Tenn., in May, 1827, and died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 4, 1863; his parents, now deceased, were Anderson and Vina (Cown) Bowers; he was a soldier in the late war, having enlisted at the age of 35 years from Blount county, Tenn., in September, 1862, as a private in Co. B, 3rd Tenn. Cav., and was discharged from service by death from measles, at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 4, 1863. His two brothers, I. M. and Heuston, were in the service, the latter was killed at Chickamauga. Mr. Bowers was married in Sevier county, Tenn., Nov. 7, 1848, to Serana C. Tipton, born in Blount county, Tenn., April 6, 1827; her parents, Joseph and Mary (Maze) Tipton, are deceased; five children blessed the union, namely: J. D., Joseph E., Anderson S., deceased, Vina Ellen and William. Mrs. Bowers' two brothers, Andrew T. and Spencer D. Tipton, were in the service, the former was drowned on the ill-fated Sultana, and the latter died in service; her brother-in-law, William Delazier, died in service; she also had two cousins, Cad and Thomas Tipton, in the late war. Mr. Bowers was a Baptist, of which church his wife and all of their children are members. Comrade Bowers was a farmer; his widow draws a pension, and lives at Sevierville, Tenn.

John Cardwell

The subject of this sketch, was born in Granger county, Tenn. He is a son of Robert and Nancy (Maize) Cardwell, parents now deceased. He was a soldier in the late war, having served in Co. D, 2d Tenn. Cav., from which he was honorably discharged at Nashville, Tenn., in July, 1865. His two cousins, Elisha and William Cardwell, were in the late war. Mr. Cardwell was united in marriage in Sevier county, Tenn., June 20, 1878, to his second wife, Sarah C. (Bradley), a native of that county, born in 1865; this union was blessed by three children, namely: Phoebe E., Isabelle Cordelia and William Preston. His first wife, Margaret (Whagly), bore him three children, Robert H., John W. and Martha Ann. Mr. Cardwell was a member of the M. E. church and died Oct. 30, 1891, in Sevier county, Tenn., from spleen and liver trouble; his wife is also a member of the M. E. church. Mrs. Cardwell draws a widow's pension, and lives at Emert's Cove, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Sylvester S. Brown

Born in Union District, S. C., Sept. 29, 1837, is a son of Elias and Malissa (Archer) Brown, parents deceased. When 25 years old he enlisted Nov. 8, 1862, at Allensville, Sevier Co., Tenn., as a private in Co. M, 2nd Tenn. Cav., and was promoted corporal; he took active part with his command in the battles of Murfreesborough, Huntsville, Chickamauga, Nashville, Franklin, Okalona, West Point, Kingston and Bridgeport; he was wounded at Sugar Creek, Tenn., in the spring of 1865, by gunshot in right elbow; was in hospital from February to May, 1864, three months with fever, at Nashville, Tenn., was in general field hospital at Louisville, Ky., and in hospital at Vicksburg, Miss., from May to Aug. 11, 1865; he was detailed at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1863, as currier for two months; Aug. 11, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn., he received his honorable discharge. His brother, Madison M., died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn., with measles, and his cousin, Wm. Jeffries, was also in the service. Mr. Brown was married in Sevier county, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1861, to Mary Connatser, a native of that county, born Nov. 4, 1841; her parents, Henry and Delilah (Allen) Connatser, are deceased; the home of Mr. Brown and wife has been brightened by six children, namely: James E., deceased, Malissa E., Barbara A., Frances E., Martha A. and John M. C. Mrs. Brown's brother, James P. Connatser, died at Murfreesborough, Tenn., while in service; she also had two uncles and five cousins in the late war. Mr. Brown and wife, as well as all their children, are members of the Baptist church. Comrade Brown is a Republican, and settled in Sevier county in 1846; he was J. P. from 1874 to 1880; belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58; G. A. R.; draws a pension, is a blacksmith, and his address is Sevierville, Tenn.

William King

Is a native of Tennessee, born in Gatlinburgh, Sevier Co., Nov. 18, 1846; his parents, Nathaniel and Sarah (Ogle) King, are deceased; Oct. 6, 1862, he enlisted from his native place, as a private in Co. H, 9th Tenn. Cav., and was an active participant with his command in the battles of Blue Springs, Morristown, Bull's Gap, Greenville, Russelville, and Wautauga, Tenn.; he was furloughed from Knoxville, Tenn., in the spring of 1865, for thirty days and rejoined his command at Rogersville, Tenn., in May, same year; he was honorably discharged at Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1865. His brother, Isaac, was a soldier in the late war; he also had several uncles and cousins in the service. Mr. King was united in marriage in Sevier county, Tenn., Feb. 17, 1867, to Martha Ownby, a native of that county, born Feb. 22, 1852; the union has been blessed with nine children, namely: Sarah E., Louis M., Sophia E., Mary E., Isaac N., William R., John Lay I., Martha C. and James H. Mrs. King's father, James Ownby, is yet living, as also her mother, Sophia (Evans); her father was a soldier in the late war; her brother, John Ownby, and cousin, Thomas Ownby, were also in the service. Mrs. King and daughter are members of the Baptist church. Comrade King draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Brier, Sevier Co., Tenn.

John L. Brown

The subject of this sketch is a native of South Carolina, born in Spartanburg, Dec. 26,1847. He is a son of Elias H. and Malissa (Archer) Brown, parents both deceased. He had two brothers, Madison M. and Sylvester S., who were soldiers in the late war, the former died at Nashville Tenn., while in service. Mr. Brown was united in marriage at Harrisburg, Sevier county, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1866, to Susan Elizabeth Branum, a native of that county, born May 6, 1850; her parents, James and Catharine (Thomas) Branum, are deceased. The home of Mr. Brown and wife has been brightened by the following children, born in the order named: James McDaniel, deceased, William A., Oliver Perry, John Calvin, Julia Archer, Samuel, Martha Caroline and Mary Elizabeth. Mrs. Brown's father, James Branum, died in prison at Danville, Va., and her brother, Beverage Branum, was also a soldier; her uncle Wm. Branum, was in the service, as was her two cousins, Eli Branum, deceased, and Marion Branum, who was killed in battle at Franklin, Tenn. Mr. Brown and wife are both members of the Baptist church. Comrade Brown settled in Sevier county in 1848, and is a staunch Republican, having always voted that ticket; he was appointed United States claim agent in October, 1886.

John Huskey

Is a native of Tennessee, born in Sevier county Oct. 23, 1821; his parents, William and Dorothy (Trotter) Huskey, are deceased; at the age of 45 years he enlisted in July, 1863, at Stevenson, Ala., as private in Co. E, 2d Tenn. Cav., and with his command took active part in the battle of Kingston, Tenn.; in December, 1863, he was given sick furlough for thirty days, and was discharged, but did not receive his discharge papers until about 1876. Welcome and William, his two brothers, were in the service, and the former died in hospital at Murfreesborough, Tenn. Mr. Huskey was married in Blount county, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1843, to Barbara A. Emert, born at Emert's Cave, Sevier Co., Tenn., Oct. 13, 1817; her parents, Frederick S. and Celia Drusilla (Ragan) Emert are deceased; the union of Mr. Huskey and wife has been blessed with ten children, namely: F. E., J. W., deceased, Wm. T., deceased, Dorothy Tabitha, Drusilla C., deceased, Wm. Keen, Stars Melvin, deceased, Mary E., deceased, Sarah E., deceased, and George Sherman. Mrs. Huskey's two brother's Caleb S., and Frederick S. Emert, were in the service, and the former died at Murfreesborough, Tenn. Mr. Huskey and wife are both members of the M. E. church. Comrade Huskey has been school director; belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., Sevierville, Tenn.; draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Emert's Cave, Sevier Co., Tenn.

George L. Delozier

Was born in Sevier county, Tenn., Dec. 13, 1842; his father, Andrew Delozier, is deceased, but his mother, Clarinda (Davis), is yet living. 'At the age of 21 years he enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., as private in Co. H, 3d Tenn. Cav., and was promoted corporal; he took active part in the battle of Sulphur Trussle, Ala., at which place he was captured Sept. 25, 1864, taken to Cahaba, Ala., and held six months; in April, 1865, he was taken sick with fever, and was in hospital at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., sixty days; he was furloughed for thirty days in May, 1865, and rejoined his command at Nashville, Tenn.: in June, 1865, at which place he was honorably discharged same month. He had four uncles in the service, J. C. Delozier, deceased, Wm. Delozier died in service, James Delozier and James Davis; also four cousins in the late war, Sam and David Cusick died in service, and Hamp. and Andrew Delozier were killed at Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Delozier was married in Blount county, Tenn., Jan. 11, 1866, to Mary A. Norton, born in that county July 18, 1847; her father, John W. Norton, is yet living, but her mother, Nancy (Gamel), is deceased; the union has been blessed with eleven children, namely: J. H., T. C., S. C., M. J., I. N., M. A., S. H., B. E., 0. M., L. E. and W. T. Mrs. Delozier's brother, Nicholas Norton, died in prison at Cahaba, Ala., and her two uncles, Mose Gamel and Sam Kineman, were in the service. Mrs. Delozier and her daughter, Tennessee Cardely, are both members of the Baptist church. Comrade Delozier is a Republican and was school commissioner from 1880 to 1886, deputy sheriff from 1880 to 1884, and high sheriff in 1890-92 of Sevier county, Tenn.; he belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., is a farmer, and his address is Sevierville, Tenn.

James W. Keeler

Was born in Fairgarden, Sevier Co., Tenn., July 2, 1832, and his parents, Joseph and Catharine (Fox) Keeler are deceased. At the age of 30 years he enlisted Aug. 25, 1862, at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., as private in Co. B, 2d Tenn. Cav., and with his command took active part in the battles of Murfreesborough, Chickamauga, Decatur, Kingston, Sugar Creek and Franklin; he was in hospital with chills and fever at Decatur, Ala., about three weeks in 1864, and was honorably discharged from the service at St. Louis, Mo., June 12, 1865. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and his cousin, Gilbert Fox, served in the late war. Mr. Keeler was united in marriage in Pulaski county, Ky., in 1875, to Isia Theana Randalls, whose parents are now both deceased. Mr. Keeler is Republican in politics, and a member of the M. E. church. Comrade Keeler is a member of A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R, Sevierville, Tenn.; he draws a pension, is disabled, and his address is Harrisburg, Tenn.

A. M. McCown

The subject of this sketch, was born in Sevier county, Tenn., June 23, 1846, and is a son of George and Lollie M. (Runyan) McCown, parents both deceased. When about 18 years of age he enlisted Dec. 2, 1863, at Knoxville, Tenn., as private in Co. E., 1 st Tenn. Lt. Art., and during his term of service he was in hospital at Knoxville, Tenn., about two months with chills and fever, measles and mumps, rejoining his command at Laurens Station the last of April, 1865; he was honorably discharged from the service at Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1865. He had two brothers in the C. S. A., but the rest of his relatives served in the Federal army. Mr. McCown was united in marriage in Sevier county, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1865, to Jane E. Mullendore, a native of that county, and a daughter of John and Deotha P. (Rogers) Mullendore, parents now both deceased. Seven children have brightened the home of Mr. McCown and wife, namely: Olive B., Sallie D., Georgie A., Lula E., Helen C., Charlie A. and Roger M. Comrade McCown is S. V. C. in A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., draws a pension, and his address is Sevierville, Tenn.

Thomas M. Pickens

Is a native of Sevier county, Tenn., and a son of Samuel and Jane M. (McCown) Pickens, parents now both deceased. At the age of 26 he enlisted in 1862, in Kentucky, as a private in Co. B, 3d Tenn. Cav., and was afterward promoted 1st Lieut.; he took active part with his command in the battles of Murfreesboro, West Liberty, Yellow Creek, Cedar Creek and McMinnville, Tenn., and was honorably discharged from service in July, 1863. He had two uncles, S. W. and William Pickens, and four cousins, Samuel and William Pickens, and William and 0. P. McCamon, in the service. Mr. Pickens was united in marriage in Blount county, Tenn., in 1859, to Sarah Rogers, a native of that county; her father, Shadrick Rogers, is deceased, but her mother Sarah (Boling), is yet living. Mr. Pickens and wife have been blessed with six children, born in the order named: Samuel H., deceased, John M., James W., Sarah J., Shadrach W., and Margaret J., deceased. Mr. Pickens and James W. and Sarah J. Pickens, are all members of the Baptist church. Comrade Pickens' address is Cox, Sevier Co., Tenn.

J. S. Harden

Was born in Sevierville, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1843; his father, C. M. Harden, is deceased, but his mother, Mary (Davis), is yet living. At the age of 18 years he enlisted April 10, 1862, at Camp Pine Knot, Ky., as private in Co. G, 6t" Tenn. Inf., and took active part in the battles of Cumberland Gap, Murfreesboro, Resaca and Franklin; he was wounded in 1863 at Sparta, Tenn., by sabre cut, and was captured near Sparta, same year, by Wheeler's Cav., and held at Richmond, Va., thirty days, then sent to Annapolis, Md., where he remained three months; he was in St. John's hospital, Md., in 1863, three months with fever and lung trouble, and was honorably discharged from service at Nashville, Tenn., May 10, 1865. His brother, Robert, now deceased, was in the service, as was his uncle, Mat Davis. Mr. Harden was married in Catlettsburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., in September, 1867, to Elizabeth Serrett, born in that place in 1846; her father, James Serrett, died in Andersonville prison, but her mother, Frances (Waters), is yet living. Mr. Harden and wife have been blessed with two children, Dora and William. Mrs. Harden's two brothers, Samuel and William Serrett, were in the service, the former is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Harden and their son are members of the M. E. church, and their daughter is a Baptist. Comrade Harden was constable from 1881 to 1883, and school director in 1878-9, in Sevier county; was made a mason in 1878, Mountain Star Lodge, No. 157, and an Odd Fellow in 1882, Lodge No. 209, Sevierville, Tenn.; he belongs to A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R.; draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Sevierville, Tenn.

J. H. Carns

Born in Harrisburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., July 26, 1833, is a son of Hubard and Dicey (Robbertson) Carns, parents both deceased. When 29 years old he enlisted in October, 1862, at his native place, as a private in Co. , K, 2d Tenn. Cav., and with his command took active part in the battles of Murfreesboro, McMinnville, Franklin, and Chickamauga; he was on special duty at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1863, as provost guard for four months; in 1864 he was furloughed for thirty days, rejoining his command at Nashville, Tenn., at which place he was honorably discharged in July, 1865. His three brothers, Harvey, Perry and James were in the service, and the two first died at Murfreesboro; his uncle, John Robbertson, and two cousins, Calen and Cleason Robbertson, and two brothers-in-law, Amos Clark and Thomas Walker, were all in the service; next to the last named is deceased. Mr. Carns was married in Harrisburg, Sevier Co., Tenn., Oct. 5, 1858, to Mary Fox, a daughter of Manuel and Catharine (Bird), parents deceased. The union has been blessed by nine children, namely: Calvin, Dicey Jane, deceased, Catharine A., James Brownlow, John Leonro, Mary Malissa, Lavator J., Elbert Clark and Mattie. Mr. Carns' first wife was Catharine Mize; her father, Jonathan Mize, served in the late war as did her brothers, William A., John, Rufus; and Robert Mize. Mr. Carns and all his relatives are Republicans. Comrade Carns is a member of A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., Sevierville, Tenn., draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Kenderson's Springs, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Perry Webb

Born in Sevier county, Tenn., May 22, 1840, is a son of Joseph and Lydia (Breeden) Webb, parents deceased. When 21 years old he enlisted Sept. 26, 1863, from Cocke county, Tenn., as private in Co. K, 9th Tenn. Cav., and was promoted Sergt.; he took active in the battles of Greenville, siege of Knoxville, Watauga, Bull's Gap, two at Morristown, Russelville, Blue Springs, Marion, Salt Works and on to Wytheville; he was on special duty in 1864 guarding Drake Creek R. R. bridge three months, and was honorably discharged at Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1865. His two brothers, Abraham and Miles, and his four cousins, Louis, Matthew, Calvin and Moral Breeden, were all in the service. Mr. Webb was united in marriage in Sevier county, Tenn., March 24, 1858, to Mary Jane Williams, born in Cocke county, Tenn., March 4, 1840; her father, D. L. Williams, was killed by rebels, but her mother, Julia Ann (Bryant), is yet living. Twelve children have been born to Mr. Webb and wife, namely: C. W., C. C., W. A., S. A. E., Sydney J., Julia C., J. W., M. W., S. C., D. C., J. W. and J. M. Mrs. Webb's brother, William M. Williams, was in the service as was her cousins, Lieut. Sanders McMahan, Wm., James, J. M., and Reuben Williams, the latter died at Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Webb and family are all members of the Baptist church, and are all Republicans. Comrade Webb draws a pension, is a farmer, and his address is Rainbow, Sevier Co., Tenn.

William M. Roberts

Is a native of Sevier county, Tenn., and a son of Elisha and Grace (Reed) Roberts, parents both deceased. At the age of 33 years he enlisted at Sevierville, Tenn., as Come Sergt. in Co. M, 2d Tenn. Cav., and was subsequently promoted 1st Sergt.; he took an active part in the battles of Murfreesboro, Stone River, Chickamauga, Nashville, and Decatur, Ala.; he was furloughed for twenty days, rejoining his command at expiration of time at Mooresville, Ala., in July, 1863, and was honorably discharged from service at Nashville, Tenn., July 6, 1865. Mr. Roberts was united in marriage Jan. 2, 1868, to Sarah Kerr, a native of Sevier county, Tenn., and a daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Petty) Kerr, parents now both deceased. The home of Mr. Roberts and wife has been brightened by nine children, namely: Ulysses Sevier, Daniel Milton, Thornton Luther, Carrie Bell, Flora Ann, Ida Elizabeth, Bertha Angeline, Chloe Eveline and Vory Mahala. Comrade Roberts served as Justice of the Peace from 1875 to 1885; he is Q. M. in A. C. Catlett Post, No. 58, G. A. R., draws a pension, and his address is Trotter's Store, Sevier Co., Tenn.

Submitted by descendant, Linda Arnold, via e-mail

James Mitchell Duggan

From Sevier County, fought for the Union. Specifically commissioned an officer in Company B, Tennessee 2nd Cavalry Regiment. He was a 2nd Lieutenant and eventually a Captain.

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