Died at the residence of Major Hodges, in Sevier county, on the 6th inst., of pneumonia, Dr. Ephraim Brabson, in the 36th year of his age. Dr. B., received his literary and classical education at the Maryville institution where he graduated with much honor. His medical course was pursued at the city of Philadelphia. He had been a most successful practitioner for the last nine years. He possessed a remarkably well balanced mind, an excellent disposition and by his merit as a man and skill as a physician had secured the confidence of all who knew him. No man ever died more lamented. He had not a enemy living. His death is a distressing event to his parents and other near relatives and is also felt to be a great public loss. He was away from home when taken sick and died at the house of Maj. Hodges, one mile from his father’s. He retained the possession of his mental facilities up to the last hour of his life.
Knoxville Register, Wednesday, February 24, 1847
Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.