From the minutes of Zion Hill Baptist Church -- transcribed by Patsy Galyon Bradford
Jas. L. Bales was born 1855 and died December 31, 1924, being at the time of his death near 70 years of age. He married Miss Nancy Conner and to this union were born 10 children, 9 of whom survive as follows: Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Jane, John, Titia, James, Ben, and Scytha.
Mr. Bales professed faith in Christ when a young man and joined the Baptist Church at Zion Hill where he remained a devoted member till his death. In Bro. Bales, we always found the true Christian spirit always doing his part for the master. In the home, he was a noble husband and father and in the community, a kind and obliging neighbor.
We regret that in the death of Bro. Bales we lose a valuable member of our church and citizen of our community but we are consoled because our loss is Heaven's gain.
To the wife and children we as a church extend our heartfelt sympathy in these sad hours in the loss of their dear husband and father. May they look to God for comfort and when they each shall pass through the valley of death may they all be prepared to meet God and all be reunited forever.
Resolved: That a copy of this obituary be spread of record in our church book and that a copy be furnished the family.
Oscar Shelley, Scott Galyean, Committee