Notice – In obedience to a decree of the Hon. Thomas L Williams, Chancellor & c., made at the October term, 1844, of the Chancery Court, I will offer to sale to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door in Sevierville, on Monday, the 16th day of December, 1844, on a credit of six months (purchaser giving bond and approved security and a lien retained upon the land until the purchase money is paid) all the right, title, interest, and demand that Alexander Stockton has in and to a certain tract or parcel of land, containing twenty-two acres more or less, lying in Sevier county, Tennessee, in District No. 8., adjoining the lands of Allen S Bryan, and Allen Bryan sen’r’s heirs, also Alexander Stockton’s interest in the widow Stockton’s dower, adjoining the same. Wm S J Ford, C & M

Source: Knoxville Register, Wednesday, November 13, 1844

Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.