
Index prepared by James Breeden in 1997 and used here with his permission.  Additions and corrections to this list may be sent to the Webmistress using the Contacts link on the Menu.  You can also use that link to contact the Sevier County Archives for quotes on the cost of document copies.

Name Page
Allen, Samuel J. 259
Ball, Ausborn & Elizabeth 194
Ballard, William A. 120
Benson, Martha J. 266
Benson, Willis . M. 151
Bishop, Elwell A. 65
Blazer, George M. 348
Bowers, Mrs Elizabeth 302
Brown, McDonald 146
Butler, John 112
Cantrell, C. A. 336
Carns, James. L. 13
Carter, Hugh G. 100
Cates, James Marshall 290
Catlett, L. W. 67
Catlett, Samuel 4
Caton, Mrs. Bell 320
Chittum, Will A. 91
Clabo, James 191
Clabough, George 161
Clabough, Louisa 116
Clabough, Martin 131
Clark, B. T. 6
Cody, Emeline 15
Cole, W. A. 351
Conner, Ephriam E. 376
Cotter, W. R. 311
Covington, Jane 82
Crowson, Aaron 83
Cutshaw, W. M. 354
Davis, Martha E. 27
Delozier, Doctor J. B. 287
Dodgen, Marion 243
Duggan, W. L. 436
Dyer, Sarah 371
Emert, A. C. 125
Emert, Julia A. 322

Name Page
Fain, James M. 338
Finley, Sam R. 331
Flanagin, S. W. 236
Flannagin, T. G. 104
Flynn, J. A. 418
Flynn, C. C. 396
Flynn, Samuel 280
Fox, A. E. 217
Fox, Caswille 318
Fox, J. N. G. 233
Fox, Julia A. 292
Fox, N. G. T. 333
Fox, S. G. 328
Franklin, J. H. 222
Frazier, George Hiram 401
Frye, W. M. 369
Gibson, James M. 76
Gibson, S. V. 23
Gilreath, Thaney 325
Gooch, J. H. 25
Greene, Mrs. Jeanette S. 304
Grove, Stephen 98
Hardin, Mary 178
Hardin, Noah 153
Hatcher, M. F. 310
Headrick, John J. 442
Helton, Harrison & Wife (Polly) 128
Henderson, R. S. 156
Henderson, Rebecca A. 138
Henderson, Robert 16
Henderson, Sam 356
Henderson, W. A. & Rebecca A. 56
Henderson, W. A. & Rebecca 134
Hickman, John H. 250
Hickman, Mrs. J. H. 341
Hickman, T. L. 278
Holt, T. M. 78
Houk, Tilman A. 101
Housley, J. B. 197
Housley, J. B. 206
Howard, William 110
Huff, H. T. 64
Huff, Samuel 404
Huffaker, Katty 96
Hurst, Hezekiah 39 &42
Hurst, Matilda 89
Huskey, James 443
Huskey, Leonard R. 284
Huskey, Wesley 228
James, Dallas. W. 241
Justus, Martin 45
Kear, Nancy M. 326
Kelly, W. A. 51
Key, Samuel 165
King, J. T 256
Kirby, Mrs. W. M. 433

Name Page
Lafollett, Julia Ann 257
Lane, Dora 264
Langston, Catherine M. 5
Law, John Sr. 32
Lawson, A. J. 367
Lawson, Hettie E. 334
Lawson, William Jasper 230
Layman, J. L. 415
Ledbetter, M. M. 387
Loveday, A. L. 180
Loveday, Walter 365
Manning, Catherine 169
Marshall, Mary Jane 220
Marshall, R. H. 281
McCarter, R. E. 208
McCarter, W. M. 210
McClure, John W. 41 & 44
McCowan, John C. 34
McFall, Mary 223
McFall, Susan 87
McFalls, George. W. Sr. 24
McMahan, J. Walter 395
McMahan, James 19
McMahan, John M 71
McMahan, Maranda 352
McMahan, Mrs. N. M. 296
McMahan, Nora T. 320
McMahan, P. Witt 201
McMahan, P. M (?). 10
Meek, Mrs M. V. 276
Moore, J. R. 53
Murrell, Dicie 413
Myres, Martha J. 60
Newcomb, William B. 225
Nichols, Mary A. 272
Ogle, Andrew J. 375
Ogle, H. R. 11
Ogle, R. S. 73
Ownby, Isaac 171
Ownby, Pinkney 431
Paine, S. F. 314
Parrott, Jacob 8
Payne, Mary E. 1
Pitner, D. R. 212
Porter, Hettie J. 268
Price, Sarah M. 346
Proffitt, J. R. 17
Reagan, Abigail & Rachel 345
Reagan, D. W. S. 199
Reagan, Martha Jane 343
Rector, William R. 30
Roberts, Joseph B. 193
Robertson, Ida 312
Robertson, John 359
Robertson, W. T 337
Rogers, J. W. 14
Rogers, Shade 182

Name Page
Saffell, S. H. 85
Sarrett, Martha A. 294
Sarten, C. E. 339
Saults, A. J. 254
Saultz, Mrs. M. C. 189
Seaton, Mary Victoria 121
Sharp, G. C. 18
Sharp, J. R. 114
Sharp, John W. 384
Sharp, Margaret L. 363
Shepard, J. E. L. 113
Shular, J. A. 185
Shults, R. B. 227
Smith, Nan E. 416
Snapp, Joe Mack 21
Spurgeon, Rhoda E. 270
Swann, Louisa 130
Swann, Samuel 195
Swann, Samuel 205
Tipton, J. B. 62
Trentham, N. E. 262
Trotter, J. W. 428
Trotter, M. N. 47
Underwood, E. P. 144
Wade, Ella 149
Watson, Henry 28
Wayland, Mrs, Sarah 142
Webb, J. C. 407
Williams, Mary 107
Williams, Mary M. 271
Williams, Queeny 245